Sahut2019 pdf DOI cjas SPECIAL ISSUE ARTICLE Digital innovations impacts on marketing value chain and business models An introduction Jean ? Michel Sahut Léo ? Paul Dana Michel Laroche IDRAC Business School France Université de Montpellier France Concordi

DOI cjas SPECIAL ISSUE ARTICLE Digital innovations impacts on marketing value chain and business models An introduction Jean ? Michel Sahut Léo ? Paul Dana Michel Laroche IDRAC Business School France Université de Montpellier France Concordia University Canada Correspondence Jean ? Michel Sahut IDRAC Business School France Email jmsahut gmail com Abstract Digital innovations are changing business models and industries and in today's world e ?ective mastery of digital innovations can be greatly advantageous yet digital innovation literature su ?ers from major lacunae We contribute to this literature by providing de ?nitions and analysing speci ?cities of this emerging research stream We then discuss the impact of digital innovation on marketing value chain and business models focusing on tensions and marketing challenges the value chain and the evolutions of business models We conclude with suggestions for further research KEYWORDS business models digital innovation marketing value chain JEL CLASSIFICATION M O Résumé Les innovations numériques modi ?ent les modèles commerciaux et les industries et dans le monde d'aujourd'hui même si une ma? trise e ?cace des innovations numériques peut être très avantageuse la littérature managériale sur l'innovation numérique sou ?re de graves lacunes Nous contribuons à cette littérature en fournissant des dé ?nitions et en analysant les spéci ?cités de ce courant de recherche émergent Nous discutons ensuite de l'impact de l'innovation numérique sur le marketing la cha? ne de valeur et les modèles économiques en nous concentrant sur les tensions et les dé ?s marketing la cha? ne de valeur et l'évolution des modèles économiques Nous concluons avec des suggestions pour des recherches futures MOTS CLÉS modèles commerciaux innovations numérique marketing cha? ne de valeur Can J Adm Sci ?? wileyonlinelibrary com journal cjas ? ASAC Published by John Wiley Sons Ltd C INTRODUCTION Around the world major corporations are embracing digital transformation and undergoing organizational change Digital innovations that is new combinations of digital and physical components to produce novel products Yoo Henfridsson Lyytinen allow ?rms to reinforce their competitive advantage by di ?erentiating themselves from their competitors Digitalization implies the implementation of digital technologies and innovative business models in order to create value and improve organizational performance thus digital transformations change business models as well as the value chain ??and positively in uence the company's reputation Anderson The e ?ective mastery of digital innovations can have three advantages better customer experience streamlined operations and new lines of businesses Fitzgerald Kruschwitz Bonnet Welch Through automation companies are having the most success in implementing digital technologies in the area of customer experience and in operations According to Fitzgerald et al digital change can start with customers and the improvement of the customer experience represents one the main drivers of a digital transformation The rise of the connected and tech ? savvy customer has changed the expectations that consumers have of companies From the consumer side digital innovations have radically transformed the way consumers look for information buy consume talk about and share their experience about products and services From a

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