Sawchuk chapman rc cjc Research-Creation Intervention Analysis and ??Family Resemblances ? Owen Chapman Kim Sawchuk Concordia University ABSTRACT ??Research- creation ? is an emergent category within the social sciences and humanities that speaks to conte
Research-Creation Intervention Analysis and ??Family Resemblances ? Owen Chapman Kim Sawchuk Concordia University ABSTRACT ??Research- creation ? is an emergent category within the social sciences and humanities that speaks to contemporary media experiences and modes of knowing Researchcreation projects typically integrate a creative process experimental aesthetic component or an artistic work as an integral part of a study The focus of this article is how this practice contributes to the research agenda of the digital humanities and social sciences We discuss how the term has been articulated in academic policy discourses and examine some prominent academic analyses that describe the practice of research-creation We then unravel enumerate and expand upon the concept of research-creation from the purview of Ludwig Wittgenstein ? s notion of ??family resemblances ? before moving to a discussion of four modes of research-creation ??research-for-creation ? ??research-from-creation ? ??creative presentations of research ? and ?nally ??creation-as-research ? KEYWORDS Research-creation Family resemblances Intervention RÉSUMÉ La recherche-création ? est un domaine naissant en sciences humaines o? l ? on s ? intéresse aux expériences médiatiques et aux manières de savoir contemporaines Les projets de recherche-création comportent typiquement un processus créatif une composante esthétique expérimentale ou une ?uvre artistique Notre article porte sur la manière dont cette pratique contribue à l ? agenda de recherche en digital humanities humanités numériques ? et en sciences humaines Nous relevons comment les discours académiques sur les politiques ont traité de la recherche-création et examinons des analyses académiques importantes qui dressent le portrait de celle-ci Ensuite nous évaluons et élargissons ce concept en ayant recours à l ? idée des ressemblances de famille ? telle que développée par Ludwig Wittgenstein puis pour terminer nous commentons quatre modes de recherche-création la recherche pour la création ? la recherche à partir de la création ? les présentations de recherche créatives ? et la création sous forme de recherche ? MOTS CLÉS Recherche-création Ressemblances de famille Intervention Introduction ??Research-creation ? is an emergent category within the social sciences and humanities in Canada In Britain and Australia this is typically framed as ??practice as re- Owen Chapman is Assistant Professor Sound Scholarship in the Department of Communication Studies Concordia University Sherbrooke Street West Montréal Quebec H B R Email o chapma alcor concordia ca Kim Sawchuk is Professor in the Department of Communication Studies Concordia University Sherbrooke Street West Montreal Québec H B R Email kim sawchuk sympatico ca Canadian Journal of Communication Vol - ? Canadian Journal of Communication Corporation C Canadian Journal of Communication Vol search ? see for example Barrett and Bolt whereas in the U S it is called ??artsbased research ? see for example Leavy and or rolled into discussions regarding ??creative arts PhDs ? Elkins Research-creation ??theses ? or projects typically integrate a creative process experimental aesthetic component or an artistic work as an integral part of the study Topics are selected and investigated that could not be addressed without engaging in some form of creative practice such as the production of
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- Publié le Jul 25, 2021
- Catégorie Science & technolo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 141kB