The innovation development
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at www emeraldinsight com - htm IJCHM The innovation development process of Michelin-starred chefs Michael Ottenbacher San Diego State University San Diego California USA and Robert J Harrington University of Guelph Guelph Canada Abstract Purpose ?? This paper aims to compare and contrast the innovation process described by Michelin-starred chefs with existing theoretical innovation process models Design methodology approach ?? Semi structured interviews with Michelin-starred chefs in Germany were conducted to better understand the underlying factors and dimensions that describe process practices A sample of Michelin-starred chefs awarded one two or the maximum of three stars were interviewed about how they develop new food creations in their restaurants Findings ?? Research results indicated that the development process of Michelin-starred chefs has similarities and di ?erences to traditional concepts of new product development Michelin- starred chefs ? innovation processes do not include a business analysis stage and because of the simultaneity of production and consumption and the importance of human factors in service delivery employees play a more important role in ?ne dining innovation than in other product innovation situations Furthermore Michelin-starred chefs ? innovation processes do not implement an all-encompassing evaluation system Research limitations implications ?? The study was conducted in only one country and on a small sample Based on an analysis of the ?ndings the innovation development process of Michelin chefs can be broken down into seven main steps Originality value ?? The present study expands the scope of hospitality innovation research and the ?ndings have not only important implications for high-end restaurant settings but also other restaurant segments and other hospitality service endeavors Keywords Innovation Product development Restaurants Paper type Research paper There are several bene ?ts of innovation but in the context of hospitality and restaurants the major bene ?t of successful innovation is to be or become more competitive Ottenbacher and Gnoth Because innovations in the food and hospitality industries can generally be quickly copied or imitated a continuous innovation process has been theorized to heighten ??barriers to imitation ? to the competition Harrington Thus innovation helps restaurants keep their portfolio competitive and thereby achieve long-term competitive advantages Although many restaurants recognize the importance of innovation it is not always clear how to successfully create and design new dishes and menus This article will seek to address this challenge by providing insight about the development process for ?ne dining food International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management Vol No pp - innovations Because new restaurants constantly come to the market with new food creations that change the basis of competition ?ne dining restaurants operate in a highly q Emerald Group Publishing Limited competitive environment Successful chefs must be able to adapt and evolve if they - DOI want to be successful in the short- and long- term Thus to succeed in this competitive Cenvironment ?ne dining restaurants must systematically develop innovations While many ?ne dining restaurants recognize the importance of innovation the authors found
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- Publié le Nov 28, 2021
- Catégorie Science & technolo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 91kB