Women and gis Women and GIS Geospatial Technologies and Feminist Geographies Sara McLa ?erty Department of Geography University of Illinois Urbana IL USA Abstract This article explores the emerging intersections between feminism and GIS in relation to cha
Women and GIS Geospatial Technologies and Feminist Geographies Sara McLa ?erty Department of Geography University of Illinois Urbana IL USA Abstract This article explores the emerging intersections between feminism and GIS in relation to changes in GIS technologies and the impacts of such technologies on women ? s lives I argue that the past decade has seen an increasing ? ? feminization ? ? of GIS that involves innovations in GIS technologies and research practices growing critical self-awareness among GIS researchers and the development of feminist visualization as a research tool At the same time GIS and related geospatial technologies have become more embedded and pervasive in everyday life The e ?ects of new geospatial technologies on the gendered spaces of social and political life at a variety of spatial scales are discussed with particular attention to gendered identities geographical dimensions of everyday life and women ? s activism Keywords GIS feminism geospatial technologies Re ? sume ? L ? article porte sur les croisements entre le fe ?minisme et les systemes d ? information ge ?ographique SIG les modifications apporte ?es aux technologies lie ?es aux SIG et les effets de ces technologies sur la vie des femmes L ? auteur affirme que depuis une dizaine d ? anne ?es les SIG se sont fe ?minise ?es ? Par exemple il y a eu des innovations en matiere de technologies et de pratiques de recherche de me me qu ? une prise de conscience de soi accrue parmi les chercheurs et la visualisation fe ?minine est devenue un outil de recherche Au me me moment les SIG et les technologies ge ?ospatiales associe ?es se sont taille ? une place dans la vie quotidienne L ? auteur parle aussi des e ?ets des nouvelles technologies ge ?ospatiales sur les aspects de la vie sociale et politique divise ?s selon le sexe qui sont de ? ?nis par une varie ?te ? d ? e ?chelles spatiales Une attention particuliere est accorde ?e aux identite ?s selon le sexe aux dimensions ge ?ographiques de la vie quotidienne et a l ? activisme des femmes Mots cle ?s SIG fe ?minisme technologies ge ?ospatiales Innovation often takes place when divergent schools of thought are connected ?? areas of endeavour that on the surface have little in common A new lens shifts our worldview bringing new areas into focus and opening up new avenues of dialogue This is beginning to happen between GIS and feminist geography ?? two of the most dynamic research areas in geography during the past decade Once separated by a wide epistemological chasm the two ?elds are moving closer together GIS researchers and feminist geographers are starting to talk and collaborate and a small but growing group of researchers have their feet ?rmly planted in both ?elds The result is an emerging ? ? feminization ? ? of GIS This trend is tied to important innovations in GIS technologies and research practices including the incorporation of new types
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- Publié le Jui 23, 2021
- Catégorie Science & technolo...
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 89.6kB