Achilles guide 1 Calf Achilles Tendon Strengthening Presented By Sports Medicine Institute International Sheridan Avenue Suite B Palo Alto CA - - FAX www smiweb org These exercises are speci ?cally designed to strengthen the calf achilles complex and prep
Calf Achilles Tendon Strengthening Presented By Sports Medicine Institute International Sheridan Avenue Suite B Palo Alto CA - - FAX www smiweb org These exercises are speci ?cally designed to strengthen the calf achilles complex and prepare it for the stresses it must withstand during running None of the exercises should irritate the achilles If irritation does occur then STOP that exercise immediately There are three levels of strengthening outlined in this guide If the achilles is still somewhat irritated with normal walking only use the beginning exercises As the achilles can handle more stress and is not irritated with normal walking progress to the intermediate exercises Incoporate the advanced exercises when you are actually able to run without pain It is important to do the exercies barefoot as well as with your actual running shoes on I recommened completing a set of exercises barefoot followed by a set with your running shoes If you wear orthodics make sure that your orthodics are in your shoes Beginning Exercises Knee Pointers Stand with your toes - inches away from a wall Keep your weight on your heels With your heels on the ground slowly bend your knees until they touch the wall Figure A Count for seconds on the way down Without resting your knees against the wall hold your knees in the bent position for two seconds and then return to the starting position Repeat but this time move your knees at a thirty degree angle to the right Figure B The movement should come from the ankles and not by rotating your feet or twisting your hips Repeat again moving your knees at a thirty degree angle to the left Figure C Reps Sets Figure A Figure B Figure C Figure Toe Walking Keep you upper body erect and hold your hands behind your low back as shown As your left foot lands let your left heel come as close to the ground as possible without touching and then come up onto your toes as high as possible before pushing o ? the ground Take very short steps and walk for meters with your toes pointed straight ahead and repeat for meters with your toes pointed in at a degree angle and again with your toes pointed out degrees Reps Sets CIntermediate Exercises Heel Drops Stand on your toes with both heels over the edge of a stair or ledge Figure A Your knees should be slightly bent for the entire exercise Lift your left foot o ? the stair and slowly drop the heel of your right foot down as far as you can Figure B This should take seconds Hold the position for seconds and then put both feet back on the stair and push up onto your toes again Repeat with your right foot pointed degrees to the right Figure C and reps with your left foot pointed degrees to the left Try to keep most of your weight on your feet and use your ?ngertips
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- Publié le Mar 10, 2022
- Catégorie Sports
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 35.6kB