guide How to Use Insulin Pen ? Preparing the Insulin pen - Wash your hands with soap and water - Take the cover off the pen - Insulin is clear If it's cloudy roll the pen between your hands or turn it end on end about times to mix it up - Take alcohol swa

How to Use Insulin Pen ? Preparing the Insulin pen - Wash your hands with soap and water - Take the cover off the pen - Insulin is clear If it's cloudy roll the pen between your hands or turn it end on end about times to mix it up - Take alcohol swab and clean the rubber stopper where the needle twists on ? To clear the air out of the pen - Peel the cover on the needle Screw the needle into the pen -Turn the dose dial to U point the needle up in the air and tap the pen in the side - remove th e cover of the needle - press on the dose knob to see a drop of insulin ? Dial the dose prescribed and set the prescribed insulin dose ? Select the site of injection abdomen inches away from the navel upper back of the arms front of thigh or buttocks ? Do not use the previously used site of injection ? Wipe the injection area with alcohol swab ? Curl the fingers around upper end of pen placing thumb above dose knob ? Pinch the area of the skin with free hand ? Insert straight in at or degree angle with dose window facing you ? Release pinch and as you press down on dose knob wait until the dose window shows zero ? Pull straight up ? Untwist the needle from the pen and dispose it in an empty container with secured closure ? Put the cover back the pen SQ injection Holding the needle upwards tap the syringe gently to move any air bubbles towards the needle Push the plunger gently to remove the air bubble and squirt a small amount of the medicine into the air Lift the skin in the chosen injection area between your thumb and index finger Holding the needle at a ? or angle as shown by your nurse insert the needle into the skin fold Note If you are using a - mm needle you do not need to lift the skin into a skin fold as described above Continue to hold the skin and push the syringe plunger to inject the medicine while counting to slowly Remove the needle from the skin and let go of the skin fold Put a piece of cotton wool or gauze over the injection site for a few seconds Throw the syringe away in a ? sharps ? bin as you have been taught Mark the injection site on your site rotation chart Note If you are using an auto injector or pen device after you have given the injection remove the needle from the device as you have been shown and d ispose of it in the sharps bin

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  • Publié le Mar 25, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 338.2kB