Ardrone developer guide Developer Guide SDK Prepared Title Stephane Piskorski Nicolas Brulez AR Drone Developer Guide Pierre Eline Frederic D'Haeyer Approved Date Revision File May SDK Notations used in this document This is a Linux shell command line the
Developer Guide SDK Prepared Title Stephane Piskorski Nicolas Brulez AR Drone Developer Guide Pierre Eline Frederic D'Haeyer Approved Date Revision File May SDK Notations used in this document This is a Linux shell command line the dollar sign represents the shell prompt and should not be typed This is a console output do not type this Here is a le name Here is a macro iPhone and iPod Touch are registered trademarks of Apple Inc Wi-Fi is a trademark of the Wi-Fi Alliance Visuals and technical speci cations subject to change without notice All Rights reserved The Parrot Trademarks appearing on this document are the sole and exclusive property of Parrot S A All the others Trademarks are the property of their respective owners Contents A R Drone Developer Guide Contents i I SDK documentation Introduction AR Drone Overview Introduction to quadrotor UAV Indoor and outdoor design con gurations Engines LiPo batteries Motion sensors Assisted control of basic manoeuvres Advanced manoeuvres using host tilt sensors Video streaming tags and roundel detection Wi network and connection Communication services between the AR Drone and a client device Differences between AR Drone and AR Drone AR Drone SDK Overview Layered architecture The AR Drone Library The AR Drone Tool The AR Drone Engine - only for Apple iOS devices ARDroneLIB andARDroneTool functions Drone control functions ardrone tool set ui pad start ardrone tool set ui pad select ardrone at set progress cmd ardrone at set progress cmd with magneto Creating an application with ARDroneTool Quick steps to create a custom AR Drone application Customizing the client initialization Using navigation data Command line parsing for a particular application i ii Thread management in the application Managing the video stream AT Commands AT Commands syntax Commands sequencing Floating-point parameters AT Commands summary Commands description AT REF AT PCMD AT PCMD MAG AT FTRIM AT CALIB AT CONFIG AT CONFIG IDS AT COMWDG Incoming data streams Navigation data Navigation data stream Initiating the reception of Navigation data Augmented reality data stream The AR Drone video stream Image structure UVLC codec overview P codec overview Speci c block entropy-encoding Transport layer End of sequence EOS bits Intiating the video stream The AR Drone video stream Video codecs Video encapsulation on network Network transmission of video stream Latency reduction mecanism Video record stream Drone Con guration Reading the drone con guration With ARDroneTool Without ARDroneTool Setting the drone con guration With ARDroneTool From the Control Engine for iPhone Without ARDroneTool Multicon guration With ARDroneTool Multicon guration with Control Engine iPhone only Without ARDroneTool Common category CAT COMMON Application category CAT APPLI User category CAT USER also called Pro le category iii Session category CAT SESSION Technical details on id generation and descriptions General con guration GENERAL num version con g GENERAL num version mb GENERAL num version soft GENERAL drone serial GENERAL soft build date GENERAL motor soft GENERAL motor hard GENERAL motor supplier GENERAL ardrone name GENERAL ying time GENERAL navdata demo GENERAL navdata options GENERAL com
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- Publié le Nov 22, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
- Taille du fichier 4.8MB