Cd800 user guide 1 Datacard CD Card Printer User ? s Guide February Part No - Rev B ii Notice Please ?do ?not ?attempt ?to ?operate ?or ?repair ?this ?equipment ?without ?adequate ?training ? Any ?use ?operation ?or ?repair ?you ?perform ?that ?is ?not ?i

Datacard CD Card Printer User ? s Guide February Part No - Rev B ii Notice Please ?do ?not ?attempt ?to ?operate ?or ?repair ?this ?equipment ?without ?adequate ?training ? Any ?use ?operation ?or ?repair ?you ?perform ?that ?is ?not ?in ?accordance ?with ?the ?information ? contained ?in ?this ?documentation ?is ?at ?your ?own ?risk Trademark Acknowledgments Datacard ?is ?a ?registered ?trademark ?and ?service ?mark ?of ?Entrust ?Datacard ?Corporation ?in ? the ?United ?States ?and ?other ?countries MasterCard ?is ?a ?registered ?trademark ?of ?MasterCard ?International ?Incorporated Visa ?is ?a ?registered ?trademark ?of ?Visa ?International ?Service ?Association All ?other ?product ?names ?are ?the ?property ?of ?their ?respective ?owners Proprietary Notice The ?design ?and ?information ?contained ?in ?these ?materials ?are ?protected ?by ?US ?and ? international ?copyright ?laws All ?drawings ?and ?information ?herein ?are ?the ?property ?of ?Entrust ?Datacard ?Corporation ?All ? unauthorized ?use ?and ?reproduction ?is ?prohibited ? Entrust ?Datacard ?Park ?Place Shakopee ?MN ? Phone ? ? ? Fax ? ? ? www entrustdatacard com Copyright ? ? ? ? ?Entrust ?Datacard ?Corporation ?All ?rights ? reserved iii Compliance Statements Liability The ?WARNING ?and ?CAUTION ?labels ?have ?been ?placed ?on ?the ?equipment ?for ?your ?safety ?Please ?do ? not ?attempt ?to ?operate ?or ?repair ?this ?equipment ?without ?adequate ?training ?Any ?use ?operation ? or ?repair ?in ?contravention ?of ?this ?document ?is ?at ?your ?own ?risk ? Safety All ?Datacard ?products ?are ?built ?to ?strict ?safety ?specifications ?in ?accordance ?with ?CSA UL ? ? requirements ?and ?the ?Low ?Voltage ?Directive ? EC ? ? ? Therefore ?safety ?issues ?pertaining ?to ?operation ?and ?repair ?of ?Datacard ?equipment ?are ?primarily ? environmental ?and ?human ?interface The ?following ?basic ?safety ?tips ?are ?given ?to ?ensure ?safe ?installation ?operation ?and ? maintenance ? of ?Datacard ?equipment ? ? Connect ?equipment ?to ?a ?grounded ?power ?source ?Do ?not ?defeat ?or ?bypass ?the ?ground ?lead ? ? Place ?the ?equipment ?on ?a ?stable ?surface ? table ?and ?ensure ?floors ?in ?the ?work ?area ?are ?dry ?and ? non ? slip ? ? Know ?the ?location ?of ?equipment ?branch ?circuit ?interrupters ?or ?circuit ?breakers ?and ?how ?to ?turn ? them ?on ?and ?off ?in ?case ?of ?emergency ? ? Know ?the ?location ?of ?fire ?extinguishers ?and ?how ?to ?use ?them ?ABC ?type ?extinguishers ?may ?be ? used ?on ?electrical ?fires ? ? Know ?local ?procedures ?for ?first ?aid ?and ?emergency ?assistance ?at ?the ?customer ?facility ? ? Use ?adequate ?lighting ?at ?the ?equipment ?location ? ? Maintain ?the ?recommended ?temperature ?and ?humidity ?range ?in ?the ?equipment ?area ? iv Regulatory Compliance Notice for USA FCC notice This ?equipment ?has ?been ?tested ?and ?found ?to ?comply ?with ?the ?limits ?for ?Class ?A ?computing ? devices ?pursuant ?to ?Part ? ?of ?FCC ?rules ?These ?limits ?are ?designed ?to ?provide ?reasonable ? protection ?against ?harmful ?interference ?when ?the ?equipment ?is ?operated ?in ?a ?commercial ? environment ?This ?equipment ?generates ?uses ?and ?can ?radiate ?radio ?frequency ?energy ?If ?this ? equipment ?is ?not ?installed ?and ?used ?in ?accordance ?with ?this ?instruction ?manual

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  • Publié le Jul 22, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 1.6MB