Citing sources LET ? S WARM UP C opy the guide questions below What is the video all about What will happen when you copy somebody else ? s work without permission What is the best thing that you can do when you want to use somebody else ? s work LET ? S

LET ? S WARM UP C opy the guide questions below What is the video all about What will happen when you copy somebody else ? s work without permission What is the best thing that you can do when you want to use somebody else ? s work LET ? S WARM UP What is the importance of citing sources in academic writing CITING SOURCES PURPOSE OF CITING SOURCES CITING SOURCES IN ACADEMIC WRITING IS ESSENTIAL FOR THREE REASONS to give credit to the original author of a work and avoid p Iagiarism to promote scholarly writing to help target readers identify the original sources Purpose of Citation To give credit to the original author of the work Plagiarism is a serious offense in which someone takes and uses the ideas information concepts arguments or information of someone else intentionally or unintentionally without proper citation Purpose of Citation To give credit to the original author of the work Various forms of p lagiarism not following the conventions for referencing and acknowledging sources changing the words used into synonyms or copying the exact sentence structure of a source without giving credit copying many words or ideas from a source without attribution Purpose of Citation To give credit to the original author of the work Various forms of plagiarism p araphrasing another person ? s work with minor changes but keeping the meaning form and or progression of ideas of the original citation p iecing together sections of the work of others into a new whole and claiming it as your own Purpose of Citation To promote scholarly writing Scholarly writing means that you are able to exhaustively use related and existing ideas information concepts or arguments of an expert and to properly attribute these to the original source Purpose of Citation To help your target audience identify your original source Your target audience want to either verify information or learn more about the information from the original source REMINDER Citing sources means borrowing from the following c oncepts figures images research results s tatistical tables d esigns c omputer programs s ounds ?? Give credit to where credit is due FORMS OF CITATION TWO FORMS OF CITATIONS In -text citation within Reference citation end TWO FORMS OF CITATIONS Forms of Citation In -text citation In -text citation requires the writer to cite the details of the reference used in a certain part of his her essay The formats of in -text citations vary per style Forms of Citation In -text citation Example APA style Two of three reviewed studies focusing on communication in non -Internet and Internet relationships mediated by FtF phone or email modalities found that the frequency of each modality ? s use was significantly linked to the strength of the particular relationship Cummings et al Forms of Citation Reference citation Reference citation refers to the complete bibliographic entries of all references used by the writer This appears in the reference list found at the last part of

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  • Publié le Jul 20, 2022
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 1.1MB