Cleveland Wheels & Brakes 1 Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Technician’s Service Guid
Cleveland Wheels & Brakes 1 Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Technician’s Service Guide AWBTSG0001-11 Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Guide AWBTSG0001-11/USA i Reference Publication Number: AWBTSG0001-11/USA AWBTSG0001 Issue 11, Dated: July 15, 2015 IMPORTANT NOTE Use of other manufacturer’s components with original Cleveland wheel and brake assemblies will void the Cleveland Wheels & Brakes warranty. © 2015 Parker Hannifin Corporation CONTACT INFORMATION Cleveland Wheels & Brakes, 1160 Center Road • Avon, Ohio 44011 E-mail: Customer Support Fax: 440-937-5409 Technical Service Hotline: 1-800-BRAKING (1-800-272-5464) Literature Requests: 440-937-1213 SAFETY WARNING FAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application, including consequences of any failure, and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice. Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Guide AWBTSG0001-11/USA ii Reference USAGE The procedures in this technician’s guide are applicable to external design wheels and brakes and auxilliary wheels only. Many wheel and brake assemblies have a manual expressly written for their overhaul and maintenance type activities. Before using this guide, consult the Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Technical Support Team for availability of those manuals. This guide is intended as a condensed version of specific data found in AWBCMM0001, the generic Component Maintenance Manual (external design wheels & brakes). AWBCMM0001 contains detailed maintenance/overhaul procedures for external design wheels & brakes that do not have a manual. In addition to this guide and AWBCMM0001, refer to AWBPC0001, Product Catalog for illustrated parts breakdown. These documents are intended to supplement, not replace, the airframe manufacturer’s instructions when Cleveland products are used. Consult the Aircraft Maintenance Manual and Airframe Log Books (for optional installations) to confirm the approved part numbers for the particular aircraft application. If any inconsistencies are observed in this data, please notify Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Customer Support. UPDATES The technician’s guide publication number will reflect the latest issue in effect with a suffix “-X” (X being the latest issue), e.g. AWBTSG0001-6. The publication number will advance numerically with each update issued. Each page will reflect the latest issue in effect. Refer to the Revisions Highlights Page in this publication for details of each update. Consult the Parker Hannifin website,, for current service publications. For additional information regarding publications on CD-Rom, please contact the Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Technical Support Team. Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Guide AWBTSG0001-11/USA iii Revision Highlights Revision 11, dated July 15, 2015 Page Description of Change 6 Section C., Brake Disc Minimum Thickness (add) P/N 164-25700 and data. 10 Section E., Brake Lining Cross-Reference (add) P/N 30-233E and data. (add) P/N 30-233E RH and data. 15 Section F., Wheel Assembly Torque Values (add) 40-406C and data. 20 Section H., Back Plate Tie Bolt Torque (add) 30-233E and data. (add) 30-233E RH and data. Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Guide AWBTSG0001-11/USA 1 Table of Contents SECTION PAGE A. Conditioning Procedures ������������������������������������������������������������������2 B. Brake Lining Wear Limits�����������������������������������������������������������������3 C. Brake Disc Minimum Thickness �������������������������������������������������������4 D. Chrome Disc Maintenance��������������������������������������������������������������7 E. Brake Lining Cross-Reference ���������������������������������������������������������7 F. Wheel Assembly Torque Values�����������������������������������������������������11 G. Tire Inflation Valve Stem Torque����������������������������������������������������16 H. Back Plate Tie Bolt Torque �������������������������������������������������������������17 I. Special Tools�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������21 J. Elastomeric Compound Lubricants �������������������������������������������������21 K. Lubricants��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21 L. Repair Materials�����������������������������������������������������������������������������22 M. Primers and Paints������������������������������������������������������������������������22 N. Chemical Stripping Agents �������������������������������������������������������������22 Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Guide AWBTSG0001-11/USA 2 A. Conditioning Procedures When new linings have been installed, it is important to condition them properly to obtain the service life designed into them. The metallic and organic linings have different operating characteristics. Separate conditioning procedures are given for metallic and organic linings. ORGANIC LININGS METALLIC LININGS 1. Taxi aircraft for 1500 feet with engine at 1700 rpm applying brake pedal force as needed to develop a 5-10 mph taxi speed. 1. Perform two (2) consecutive full stop braking applications from 30 to 35 knots. Do not allow the brake discs to cool substantially between the stops. 2. Allow the brakes to cool for 10 to 15 minutes. 2. Allow the brakes to cool for 10 to 15 minutes. 3. Apply brakes and check for restraint at high static throttle. If brakes hold, conditioning is complete. 3. Apply brakes and check for restraint at high static throttle. If brakes hold, conditioning is complete. 4. If brakes cannot hold aircraft during static run-up, allow brakes to completely cool and repeat steps 1 through 3. 4. If brakes cannot hold aircraft during static run-up, allow brakes to cool completely and repeat steps 1 through 3. These conditioning procedures will wear off high spots and generate sufficient heat to create a thin layer of glazed material at the lining friction surface. Normal brake usage should generate enough heat to maintain the glaze throughout the life of the lining. Properly conditioned linings will provide many hours of maintenance free service. A visual inspection of the brake disc will indicate the lining condition. A smooth surface, one without grooves, indicates the linings are properly glazed. If the disc is rough (grooved), the linings must be reglazed. The conditioning procedure should be performed whenever the rough disc condition is observed. Light use, such as in taxiing, will cause the glaze to be worn rapidly and reduce the designed service life of the linings and discs. CAUTION: DUE TO THE EFFICIENCY OF THESE BRAKES, EXTREMELY HARD BRAKING ON AIRCRAFT WITH TAIL WHEELS COULD RESULT IN LIFTING THE TAIL FROM THE GROUND. Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Guide AWBTSG0001-11/USA 3 B. Brake Lining Wear Limits For equipment used on Piper Aztec (using either 164-00206 or 164-03206 disc), see PRM19 or follow the procedure below: • First, measure linings as shown in Figure A1. Linings worn below .100 inch are cause for replacement. • If linings are still usable or are replaced, measure the cumulative thickness of two linings, disc and pressure plate as shown in Figure A1-1. If the stack measures less than 1.00 (1 inch) with good linings (linings above .100 inch) the brake disc is considered below minimum wear thickness and should be replaced. NOTE: On some designs the metallic lining is bonded directly to the pressure plate and back plate. In these cases, the part should be replaced when the lining material is worn to 0.030 inch (0.76 mm) thick. The minimum replacement thickness on metallic and organic linings is 0.100 inch (2.54 mm) except as noted below. Refer to Figure A1. Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Guide AWBTSG0001-11/USA 4 C. Brake Disc Minimum Thickness Figure A2 – Disc Thickness Measurement Under average field conditions, a brake disc should give years of trouble free service. However, unimproved fields, standing water, heavy industrial pollution or infrequent use of the aircraft may necessitate more frequent inspection of discs to prolong the life of the brake lining. Generally, the disc faces should be checked for wear (Figure A2 Dim. “A”), grooves, deep scratches, excessive general pitting or coning of the brake disc. Coning beyond 0.015 inch (0.381 mm) in either direction would be cause for replacement. Single or isolated grooves up to 0.030 inch (0.76 mm) deep should not be cause for replacement, although general grooving of the disc faces will reduce lining life. Discs are plated for special applications only; therefore, rust in varying degrees can occur. If a powder rust appears, one or two braking applications during taxi should wipe the disc clear. Rust allowed to progress beyond this point may require removal of the disc from wheel assembly to properly clean both faces. Wire brushing followed by sanding with 220 grit sandpaper can restore the braking surface for continued use. Note: 164-1XXXX part numbers designate chrome plated discs. 464-XXXXX part numbers designate performace gold discs which are no longer manufactured. Cleveland Wheels & Brakes Guide AWBTSG0001-11/USA 5 C. Brake Disc Minimum Thickness Part Number “A” in/mm 159-00104 0.225/5.715 159-00204 0.475/12.065 164-00206 See Page 3 164-00300 0.205/5.207 164-00400 0.162/4.115 164-00500 0.157/3.988 164-00700 0.345/8.763 164-00806 0.334/8.484 164-00900 0.227/5.766 164-01000 0.345/8.763 164-01100 0.345/8.763 164-01300 0.227/5.764 164-01406 0.334/8.484 164-01501 0.327/8.306 164-01506 0.327/8.306 164-01600 0.157/3.988 164-01700 0.167/4.242 164-01900 0.227/5.766 164-02000 0.205/5.207 164-02201 0.345/8.763 164-02300 0.345/8.763 164-02501 0.445/11.303 164-02502 0.445/11.303 164-02503 0.445/11.303 164-02504 0.445/11.303 164-02505 0.445/11.303 164-02601 0.205/5.207 164-02700 0.330/8.382 164-02701 0.340/8.636 164-02706 0.330/8.382 164-02707 0.330/8.382 164-02800 0.227/5.766 164-02900 0.580/14.732 164-03006 0.282/7.163 164-03106 0.163/4.140 164-03206 See Page 3 164-03300 0.235/5.969 164-03506 0.260/6.604 164-03600 0.327/8.306 164-03601 0.327/8.306 164-03700 0.345/8.763 164-03906 0.600/15.240 164-04000 0.205/5.207 Part Number “A” uploads/s1/ cleveland-technicians-service-guide.pdf
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