UNIVERSITAS ADVENT INDONESIA BACHELOR OF ACCOUNTING | 2015-2019 SEKOLAH LANJUTAN ADVENT PURWODADI SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL | 2012-2015 GPA : 3.44 A C A D E M I C H I S T O R Y Preparing monthly financial statements and tax compliance report. Reporting withholding tax monthly and annualy. PT GELORA PRIMA KONSULTAN Accountant & Tax Analyst | March 2019 - Present Supporting all activity of Finance & Accounting Department : Filing, Preparing support documents for annual tax report Supporting all activity of Finance & Accounting Department : Preparing support documents, input data, filling & bank reconciliation. PT KSB INDONESIA (INTERNSHIP) Accounting Staff | May - July 2017 PT KSB SALES INDONESIA (INTERNSHIP) Accounting Staff | May - July 2018 C A R E E R H I S T O R Y P E R S O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N Date of Birth :09 December 1996 Place of Birth :Tebing Tinggi, Sumatera Marital Status :Single Religion :Christian Adventist Hobby : Traveling Accurate System Microsoft Office E-Faktur 3.0 E-SPT Brevet A&B in IAI Bekasi Team management S K I L L S U M M A R Y O R G A N I Z A T I O N E X P E R I A N C E Deputy Chairman, Charity Program Leader of Master Guide UNAI (2015- 2019) Deputy Chairman of Adventist Youth UNAI (2018) R E A C H M E A T 0811-1091-296 limbong.patrick@gmail.com Cluster Permata Sakura A.24, Cimuning, Mustika Jaya,Kota Bekasi A C C O U N T A N T & T A X A N A L Y S T J O S H U A J O H N P A T R I C K uploads/s1/ cv-joshua-john-patrick.pdf
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- Publié le Oct 18, 2022
- Catégorie Administration
- Langue French
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