1 Unit Guide EDF4121 Teaching: The power to change Semester 1, 2019 Table of co

1 Unit Guide EDF4121 Teaching: The power to change Semester 1, 2019 Table of contents EDF4121 Teaching: The power to change - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2019 2 Table of contents University information 4 Indigenous acknowledgement 4 Student Charter 4 Fieldwork risk assessment statement 4 Technological requirements 4 Your feedback to us 5 Extensions, penalties, resubmission and special consideration 5 Reference requirements 5 Learning resources 5 Required resources 5 Prescribed resources 5 Other Information 6 Academic Language, Literacy and Numeracy Development - Faculty of Education advice and support 6 English Connect 6 Policies 6 Student academic integrity policy 6 Special Consideration 6 eSolutions service desk (ICT services and help) 6 Graduate attributes policy 6 Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS) 7 Information for Singapore based students 7 Monash University Library 7 Student services 7 Disability support services 8 Unit information 9 Mode of delivery 9 Unit relationships 9 Prerequisites 9 Prohibitions 9 Corequisites 9 Synopsis 9 Learning outcomes 9 Workload requirements 9 Assessment requirements 10 EDF4121 Teaching: The power to change - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2019 3 Recommended resource(s) 10 Teaching team 11 Chief Examiner 11 Unit Coordinator(s) 11 Teaching approaches 12 Unit in a nutshell 12 Teaching approaches for this unit 12 Live streaming 12 Technological requirements 12 Student evaluations of this unit 12 Unit schedule 14 Assessment summary table 15 Assignment submission 15 Returning assignments 15 Assessment feedback to you 15 Assessment tasks 16 Unit guide prepared by 28 Last updated 28 EDF4121 Teaching: The power to change - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2019 4 University information Indigenous acknowledgement We acknowledge and pay respects to the Traditional Owners and Elders - past, present and emerging - of the lands and waters on which Monash University operates. http://www.monash.edu.au/about/indigenous/ Student Charter The Student Charter sets out the key expectations of all students as they foster and Monash contribute to Monash's learning community. https://www.monash.edu/students/academic/policies/student-charter Fieldwork risk assessment statement Staff members in charge of field activities and supervisors of students are responsible for ensuring that the risk assessment procedure has been completed before the commencement of the field activity. Students are responsible for following procedures and instructions given by staff whilst undertaking fieldwork and for reporting any risks and incidents that they encounter as part of their fieldwork to their fieldwork supervisor immediately. For more information on fieldwork in the Faculty of Education, see the following link: http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/handbooks/postgrad/edu-04.html Technological requirements It is assumed that students undertaking this unit will have the ability to word process, search and retrieve information from the internet and download readings and other learning documents. For further information, please see the handbook http://www.monash.edu.au/pubs/handbooks /undergrad/edu-02.html Students may also be required to access a range of information and communications technology (ICT) equipment and applications as part of their participation in the unit. Useful links: ●IT/e-Solutions Services: http://intranet.monash.edu.au/esolutions/students/student-it-brochure.pdf ●Library Services: ​http://www.monash.edu/library/services/users/students Your feedback to us EDF4121 Teaching: The power to change - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2019 5 Your feedback to us One of the formal ways students have to provide feedback on teaching and their learning experience is through the Student Evaluation of Teaching and Units (SETU) survey. The feedback is anonymous and provides the Faculty with evidence of aspects that students are satisfied with and areas for improvement. Extensions, penalties, resubmission and special consideration Please read Faculty Assessment procedures for information about extensions, penalties, resubmission of assignments and special consideration: http://monash.edu/education/current-students/academic-and-study-support/academic-progress/ Reference requirements American Psychological Association (APA) 6 edition is the standard referencing style used within th the Faculty of Education. Please see the following Monash University Library Guide on APA 6 th edition citing guidelines: http://guides.lib.monash.edu/citing-referencing/apa Learning resources Required resources Students generally must be able to complete the requirements of their course without the imposition of fees that are additional to the student contribution amount or tuition fees. However, students may be charged certain incidental fees or be expected to make certain purchases to support their study. For more information about this, refer to the Higher Education Administrative Information for Providers, Chapter 18, Incidental Fees at http://education.gov.au/help-resources- . providers Prescribed resources Monash Library Unit Reading List (if applicable to the unit): http://monash.rl.talis.com/index.html Research and Learning Online: www.monash.edu/rlo EDF4121 Teaching: The power to change - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2019 6 1. 2. Other Information Academic Language, Literacy and Numeracy Development - Faculty of Education advice and support https://www.monash.edu/education/current-students/academic-language-literacy-numeracy-support English Connect Join English Connect to enhance your English language skills and cross-cultural communication. Programs are a fun, free way to meet and talk with other students, ask questions and share your time at Monash. https://www.monash.edu/English-connect Policies Monash has educational policies, procedures and guidelines, which are designed to ensure that staff and students are aware of the University's academic standards, and to provide advice on how they might uphold them. You can find Monash's Education Policies at: http://www.monash.edu /policy-bank/academic/education Student academic integrity policy www.monash.edu/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/801841/Student-Academic-Integrity-Policy.pdf Special Consideration For information on applying for special consideration, please visit: www.monash.edu/exams /changes/special-consideration eSolutions service desk (ICT services and help) http://www.monash.edu/esolutions/students Graduate attributes policy Monash courses are underpinned by Graduate Attributes that reflect the philosophy of Sir John Monash to "...equip yourself for life, not solely for your own benefit but for the benefit of the whole community." [1923]. All Monash courses are designed to prepare Monash graduates to be: responsible and effective global citizens who: ●engage in an internationalised world ●exhibit cross-cultural competence ●demonstrate ethical values critical and creative scholars who: ●produce innovative solutions to problems ●apply research skills to a range of challenges EDF4121 Teaching: The power to change - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2019 7 2. ●apply research skills to a range of challenges ●communicate perceptively and effectively http://www.monash.edu/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/786969/Course-Design-Policy.pdf Indigenous Tutorial Assistance Scheme (ITAS) http://www.monash.edu/about/indigenous/students/scheme Information for Singapore based students Attendance rolls are taken to meet Ministry of Education requirements in Singapore and are not used by Monash University in marking students. Monash University Library http://www.monash.edu/library Student services Faculty of Education - The Learning Spaces (TLS): http://monash.edu/education/current-students /academic-and-study-support/teaching-technology-learning-centre/ Student information: University: http://www.monash.edu/students Faculty of Education: http://www.monash.edu/education/current-students Disability support services EDF4121 Teaching: The power to change - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2019 8 Disability support services Students who have a disability, ongoing medical or mental health condition are welcome to contact Disability Support Services. Disability Support Services also support students who are carers of a person who is aged and frail or has a disability, medical condition or mental health condition. Disability Advisers visit all Victorian campuses on a regular basis. ●Website: www.monash.edu/disability ●Telephone: 03 9905 5704 to book an appointment with an Adviser ●Email: disabilitysupportservices@monash.edu EDF4121 Teaching: The power to change - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2019 9 Unit information Mode of delivery Peninsula (Online) Clayton (On-campus) Peninsula (On-campus) Unit relationships Prerequisites None Prohibitions None Corequisites None Synopsis In this unit students investigate and reflect on the multiple dimensions of being a teacher, with a focus on their own specialisation and its educational context. They consider the kinds of 'power' they have as an individual teacher and the teaching profession as a whole to influence young people's learning and development in a complex world. As part of that investigation students examine, critically analyse and evaluate different theories of teaching and lesson design, with a particular focus on inquiry teaching practices as a prerequisite for effective inquiry learning. In the course of deepening understanding about the role of a teacher, students research a number of policy documents (at local, national and global levels) and consider the ways these policies influence teachers' practices and sense of who they are as professionals. Learning outcomes Upon successful completion of this unit students should be able to: 1. investigate the complex, multi-faceted and changing nature of teachers' work 2. examine, critically analyse and evaluate different theories of teaching practice, including the process of lesson planning 3. develop a theoretical and practical knowledge and understanding of inquiry teaching practice as a foundation for inquiry learning, especially in their particular specialisation 4. develop critical awareness of the ways policy documents (at local, national and global levels) have an impact on teachers' professional practice in diverse educational settings. Workload requirements Minimum total expected workload equals 144 hours per semester comprising: EDF4121 Teaching: The power to change - Semester 1 (S1-01) - 2019 10 (a.) Contact hours for on-campus students: ●equivalent to 24 hours engagement in online, face-to-face or blended platforms (b.) Contact hours for off-campus students: ●equivalent to 24 hours engagement in online or blended platforms (c.) Additional requirements (all students) ●independent study to make up the minimum required hours per semester Assessment requirements Research essay: Teacher inquiry literacy in my specialisation (1600 words, 40%) Online test (800 words or equivalent, 20%) Teaching inquiry: Designing an inquiry-based learning experience (1600 words, 40%) Recommended resource(s) Churchill, Rick, Peter Ferguson, Sally Godinho\Nicola F Johnson, Amanda Keddie, Will Letts, Jenny Mackay, Michele McGill, et al. (Hard copy version 2016+ or online version accessible through Monash library). . Edited by Rick Churchill. Milton, QLD: Teaching: making a difference John Wiley and Sons. Kidman,G. & Casinader, N. (2017) Inquiry-based Teaching and Learning across disciplines: comparative theories uploads/s1/ edf4121-teaching-the-power-to-change-semester-1-2019-unit-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Aoû 06, 2021
  • Catégorie Administration
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 1.3120MB