Guide to Delegate Preparation for The Ninth Session Harvard Model United Nation

Guide to Delegate Preparation for The Ninth Session Harvard Model United Nations India August 15th-18th, 2019 Table of Contents Table of Contents. .....................................................................................................2 A Letter from the Secretary-General..........................................................................3 The United Nations as an International Forum.........................................................4 Research and Preparation..........................................................................................6 Position Papers..........................................................................................................7 Committee Dynamics...............................................................................................8 The Art of Communication. ....................................................................................10 Academic Integrity..................................................................................................12 Rules of Procedure..................................................................................................13 Committees and Directors......................................................................................18 Appendices. ................................................................................................................. Sample Position Paper.............................................................................................................19 Sample Working Paper............................................................................................................20 Sample Draft Resolution.........................................................................................................21 Preambulatory and Operative Clauses.....................................................................................22 A LETTER FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAL Dear Delegates, On behalf of the Harvard International Relations Council and Worldview Education Services, Ltd., it is my distinct pleasure to welcome you to Harvard Model United Nations India 2019. Th is Delegate Preparation Guide contains important information not only about preparing for conference, but also the history, structure, and philosophy of the conference itself. Whether you have attended HMUN conferences for years or have never participated in Model United Nations before, this guide has been written for delegates of all experience levels. While the Directors and full staff of Harvard Model United Nations India have been working tirelessly to ensure the most substantively excellent and seamlessly run conference, ultimately the success of your committee experience rests in your individual preparation. We hope that you will fi nd this to be a challenge you are excited to take on, for it is through raising your expectations for yourself and others that you may continually improve as a speaker, negotiator, thinker, leader, and global citizen. We encourage you to read this guide carefully, noting in particular where HMUN Rules of Procedure may diff er from other conferences you have attended and what our policy on academic integrity entails. Familiarity with the fl ow of committee, the process of writing and submitting your working papers and draft resolution, and the expectations of your chairs will enable you to dive in immediately at the beginning of the fi rst committee session. If you have any questions specifi c to your committee or your topic areas, do not hesitate to contact your Director. Th eir substantive excellence is a defi ning feature of the HMUN experience, and we urge you to take full advantage of their eagerness to share this knowledge with you. Above all, we hope this guide is but the fi rst step in your journey fraught with many challenges, but many more rewards. Perhaps you may be appalled at the injustices of the world or frustrated by the many impasses our true United Nations faces; perhaps you may be inspired by a question you are considering or captivated by a solution you think of. Whatever fl ame it lights, we hope you carry this passion with you to conference and beyond. Th e entire staff of Harvard Model United Nations India welcomes you and wishes you the best of luck in your preparations, and we look forward to seeing you in August! Until then, Jenna Wong Secretary-General Harvard Model United Nations India 2019 Harvard Model United Nations India Jenna Wong SECRETARY-GENERAL Kathryn Kuhar DIRECTOR-GENERAL Gabrielle Schultz Under-Secretary-General Administration Alec Fischthal Under-Secretary-General Operations Anirudh Suresh Under-Secretary-General Committees 59 Shepard Street, Box 205 Cambridge, MA 02138 Delegate Preparation Guide 4 THE UNITED NATIONS AS AN INTERNATIONAL FORUM An Introduction The United Nations (UN) was created in the aftermath of World War II in an effort to avert future world conflict. The victorious states hoped that they could continue to foster cooperation and find a new mechanism of collective security through the UN. Its charter was ratified on 24 October 1945. While the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union called into question the plausibility of these goals, its end and other recent developments have renewed the hope for international peace and cooperation. Indeed, with over three times as many members as at its inception, the United Nations is now closer than ever to fulfilling the principles on which it was founded. Its principal purposes, as found in Article I of its Charter, are as follows: 1) to maintain international peace and security; 2) to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples; 3) to cooperate in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all; and 4) to be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations in attaining these common ends. The UN believes that all nations are sovereign and equal, that members are to fulfill in good faith the obligations that they have assumed under the Charter, that international disputes are to be resolved by peaceful means, and that the organization is not to intervene in matters essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of any state. The UN is headquartered in New York and is composed of five organs (not including the Secretariat). At the center is the 193-member General Assembly that is composed of seven main committees and various subsidiary and related bodies. The GA serves primarily as a forum for discussing general issues including international peace and security; the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all; international collaboration in economic, social, cultural, educational, and health fields; the structure and function of the UN; and the UN budget. Able to establish committees and other bodies to study and report on specific issues, the GA receives and considers reports from all other UN organs. Although the decisions of the Assembly have no binding legal force upon members, they carry the weight of the moral authority of the world community. The Economic and Social Council is composed of 54 member states and consists of a large number of commissions, agencies, and other bodies. It serves as the central forum for the discussion of international economic and social issues. Charged with promoting respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms, ECOSOC can conduct studies, make policy recommendations, call international conferences, consult with non-governmental organizations, and prepare draft conventions for submission to the General Assembly. International disputes of pressing concern may be referred to the Security Council, the third organ of the UN, which is charged with maintaining international peace and security in accordance with the principles and purposes of the UN. Capable of directing the use of economic sanctions and military force, the Security Council is composed of fifteen members and is also responsible for recommending the appointment of the Secretary-General to the General Assembly. The Security Council has been in the news in recent years for its involvement in resolving long-term conflicts in Africa, peacekeeping efforts in East Timor, and the crisis in the Middle East. The International Court of Justice, the fourth UN organ, considers disputes of a purely legal nature. The Court is made up of fifteen members and usually hears cases concerning the interpretation of treaties and the UN Charter. In the past, the Court has made such important decisions as declaring in 2004 that the wall constructed by Israel in the West Bank was “contrary to international law.” The Trusteeship Council is the fifth organ of the UN. It was responsible for overseeing the administration of territories that were not yet self-governing before suspending its action in 1994. The Council is no longer active within the United Nations. Harvard Model United Nations (HMUN) is first and foremost a simulation of the United Nations. Harvard Model United Nations India is in its ninth session this year. For both logistical and educational reasons, HMUN India simulates only certain parts of the real UN. The 2019 conference consists of five General Assembly committees, seven Economic and Social Council committees, the Security Council, the Historical North American Treaty Organization, the Press Corps, and one continual crisis committee. In the General Assembly (GA) and the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), delegates role-play a diverse subset of real UN and regional committees. The five committees in the GA, with a membership of 193 states address issues ranging from international security concerns to world financial questions. The seven ECOSOC committees, with a limited membership, address an equally broad range of economic and social problems. The Specialized Agencies consist of four committees, one of which falls under the aegis of the real United Nations. Harvard Model United Nations India 2019 5 Each high school attending the Conference represents one or more countries, and each country is represented by one or two delegates in each committee. Attended by 1450 students from around the world, the conference takes place this year from August 15-18 at the Hyderabad International Convention Center in Hyderabad. HMUN India is more than simply a simulation of the UN. It is a unique opportunity for high school students to discover and cultivate interests in international diplomacy and negotiation. Delegates have the opportunity to learn first-hand about the strengths and weaknesses of the UN and gain an appreciation for the value of compromise. Intensive committee sessions challenge the delegates and hone skills of communication, all the while discovering the art of diplomacy. By providing an alternative to the multiple resolution uploads/s1/ guide-to-delegate-preparation.pdf

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  • Publié le Apv 01, 2021
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