9lst Congress, 1st Session House Document No. 91-134 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS HUNGAR

9lst Congress, 1st Session House Document No. 91-134 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS HUNGARIANS IN RUMANIA AND TRANSYLVANIA A Bibliographical List of Publications in Hungarian and West European Languages Compiled from the Holdings of the Library of Congress ELEMÉR BAKÓ AND WILLIAM SÓLYOM-FEKETE WITH A PEEPACE BY The Honorable EDWARD J. PATTEN United States Representative from New Jersey j£i wj V 9 1 s t C o n g r e s s , 1 s t S e s s i o n - - - - - - H o u s e D o c u m e n t N o . 9 1 - 1 3 4 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS HUNGARIANS IN RUMANIA AND TRANSYLVANIA A Bibliographical List of Publications in Hungarian and West European Languages Compiled from the Holdings of the Library of Congress BY ELEMER BAKO AND WILLIAM SÓLYOM-FEKETE WITH A PREFACE BY The Honorable EDWARD J. PATTEN United States Representative from New Jersey U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 31-417 WASHINGTON : 1969 H. Res. 497 IN THE HOUSE OF KEPRESENTATIVES, U.S., October 10, 1968. Resolved, That there shall be printed as a House document the bibliographical list entitled "Hungarians in Rumania and Tran­ sylvania," prepared by the Library of Congress. Attest: W. PAT JENNINGS, Clerk. Library of Congress card number-71-603017 TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Compilers' Notes I. General Reference Works A. Bibliographies B. Encyclopedias C. Directories, Gazetteers D. General Handbooks E. Statistical Publications (General) F. Periodicals (General) II. The Land (Geography, Geology, Description and Travel) A. Special Reference Works B. Periodicals and Serials C. Monographs D. Minor Publications III. The People (Demography, Ethnology, Folklore) A. Special Reference Books B. Periodicals and Serials C. Monographs D. Minor Publications IV. History A. Special Reference Works B. Periodicals and Serials C. Monographs D. Minor Publications V. Constitution and Law A. Special Reference Works B. Periodicals and Serials C. Monographs 1. National Law 2. International Law D. Minor Publications VI. Government and Politics A. Special Reference Works B. Periodicals and Serials C. Monographs D. Minor Publications VII. Hungarians as a Minority A. Special Reference Works B. Periodicals and Serials C. Monographs D. Minor Publications VIII. Economy and Communications A. Special Reference Works B. Periodicals and Serials C. Monographs D. Minor Publications IX. Religion A. Special Reference Works B. Periodicals and Serials C. Monographs D. Minor Publications X. Intellectual Life A. Special Reference Works B. Periodicals and Serials C. Monographs Pane — - V vn D. Minor Publications 1 1 5 6 7 10 12 13 13 14 14 17 18 18 18 19 25 27 27 29 31 44 45 45 46 47 47 58 61 63 63 64 65 79 82 82 82 82 88 92 92 93 93 101 104 104 105 106 111 112 112 117 119 132 IV Page XI. Language 134 A. Special Reference Works 134 B. Periodicals and Serials 136 C. Monographs 137 D. Minor Publications 142 XII. Literature 144 A. Special Reference Works 144 B. Periodicals and Serials 145 C. Monographs 147 1. Scholarly Works 147 2. Fiction and Poetry 153 D. Minor Publications 161 XIII. Press and Publishing 162 A. Special Reference Works 162 B. Periodicals and Serials 165 C. Monographs 166 D. Minor Publications 168 Name Index 171 PREFACE On Marcii 24, 1965, I submitted in the House of Kepresentatives a draft resolution "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to discriminatory practices by the Government of Rumania" (H. Res. 288). Several other members submitted similar resolutions. Subsequently I requested the Library of Congress to prepare a comprehensive bibliography of books, periodicals and documents published by Hungarian authors or by Western authors writing on the history, culture, economics and ethnology of the Hungarian population of Rumania, particularly in Transylvania. Pursuant to my request two staff members of the Library of Congress, Dr. Elemér Bakó, Finno-Ugrian Area Specialist in the Slavic and Central European Division, Reference Department, and Dr. William Sólyom-Fekete, Legal Specialist in the European Law Division, Law Library, prepared a bibliographical list based exclu­ sively on the holdings of the Library of Congress, to serve as material in support of H. Res. 288, and similar legislation. Although the size of the Library's collections which reflect the presence of Hungarians in Transylvania for over one thousand years, made it impossible to list all available materials, the reaction of experts and interested parties to the first version was that it filled a definite gap in the available bibliographical material for researchers and the interested public. In the absence of other possibilities of publication, but in full aware­ ness of the interests of the members of the United States Congress many of whom are closely observing the highly complex problems of this part of Europe, I requested that this bibliography be updated and be printed as a House Document. I wish to express my sincere appreciation to Dr. L. Quincy Mumford, Librarian of Congress, and the staff of the Legislative Reference Service, the European Law Division of the Law Library and the Slavic and Central European Division of the Reference Department of the Library for their helpful understanding, cooperation and assist­ ance, and to Dr. Elemér Bakó and Dr. William Sólyom-Fekete for the preparation of the present work. EDWARD J. PATTEN. (V) COMPILERS' NOTES The publications included in this bibliography were divided into thirteen subject chapters. Titles under each chapter, with the excep­ tion of Chapter I (General Works), are subdivided as follows: (A) Special Reference Works, (B) Periodicals and Serials, (C) Monographs, (D) Minor Publications (not exceeding 64 pages). Monographic works in Chapter V (Constitution and Law), and in Chapter XII (Literature) were further subdivided as subchapters V/C-l: "National Law" and V/C-2: "International Law", and, XII/C-1: "Scholarly Works", and XII/C-2: "Fiction, Poetry", respectively. Due to the size of the present work and the time available for its preparation, articles published in periodical literature (and not separately reprinted) have been largely omitted, regardless of their importance. Since the work includes only materials available at the Library of Congress, forms of bibliographical entries were kept in conformity with the main entries of the Library of Congress catalog cards. In order to further enhance the practical usability of the work and of the material listed in it, Library of Congress call numbers were indicated, including the so-called "Priority-4" numbers (call numbers beginning with the figure 4, such as 4 DB, 4K, etc.) which suggest a form of temporary, limited cataloging. Absence of LC call numbers is attributable to the circumstance that the cataloging of the work is still in progress. (In such cases, an asterisk was inserted in the place of the call number.) English versions of titles in Hungarian or Latin are given in paren­ theses; occasionally, when so advisable for reasons of clarity or brevity, an abbreviated version of the original title was translated. Translated versions of titles in English or in other well-known languages of Western Europe which appeared in the original publication have been usually accepted and repeated in the bibliographical description without parentheses. In general, an attempt has been made to simplify the bibliographical entries, both in content and form, without omitting details essential for the identification as well as for the description of the publications involved. Another principle which has been applied while editing the bibliographical entries was to follow current orthographical rules of the various languages as far as possible. Chapters I through IV and IX through XIII were compiled by Dr. Elemér Bakó and Chapters V through VIII by Dr. William Sólyom-Fekete. (VII) I . GENERAL REFERENCE WORKS A. BIBLIOGRAPHIES 1. Alba Iülia, Transylvania. Biblioteca Batthyáneum. Catalogus incunabulorum Bibliothecae Batthyánj^anae. (Catalog of the incunabula of the Batthyány Library.) Conscriptus a Petro Kulcsár. Edidit Unio Universitatis de Attila József nominatae ad investigaiidum veterem litteraturam Hungaricam. Curam gerebant Iosephus Szauder et Zoltán Havasi. Szeged, Hun­ gária, 1965. 167 p. * 2. Apponyi, Sándor. Hungarica. Magyar vonatkozású külföldi nyomtatványok. (Hungarica. Foreign publications relating to Hungary). Budapest, 1900-02. 2 v. Z2141.A64 3. . Hungarica. Ungarn betreffende, im Auslande gedruckte Bücher. München, J. Rosenthal; Budapest, Franklin, 1903­ 27. 4 v. Z2141.A65 4. Arnim, Max. Internationale Personalbibliographie, 1800-1943. 2., verb, und stark verm. Aufl. Leipzig, J. W. Hiersemann, 1944-52. 2 v. Z8001.A1A72 5. Beck, Erich. Bibliographie zur Landeskunde der Bukowina. Literatur bis zum Jahre 1965. München, Verlag des Südost­ deutschen Kulturwerkes, 1966. XXIII, 378 p. (Veröffentlich­ ungen des Südostdeutschen Kulturwerkes. Reihe B, Bd. 19) Z2927.B85B4 6. Besterman, Theodore. A world bibliography of bibliographies and of bibliographical catalogues, calendars, abstracts, digests, indexes and the like. 2d ed., rev. and greatly enl. London, 1947-49. 3 v. Vol. 3 :Index Z1002.B5683 3d and final ed. Geneve, Societas Bibliographica, 1955-56. 4 y. Z1002.B5684 7. Bibliographia Hungáriáé . . . Verzeichnis der 1861-1921 erschienenen, Ungarn betreffenden Schriften in nicht un­ garischer Sprache. Zusammengestellt vom Ungarischen Institut an der Universitát Berlin. Berlin und Leipzig, W. de Gruyter and Co., 1923-29. 4 v. in 1. (Ungarische Bibliothek, 3. Reihe, 1-4. Bd.) Z2141.B58 8. Bod, Péter, felső-csernátoni, 1712-1769. Magyar Athénás . . . (Hungarian Athenae). Nagyszeben, 1766. uploads/s1/ hungarians-in-rumania-and-transylvania-library-of-congress.pdf

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