GUIDE TO ASSESSMENT OF ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP (STAGE 1 COMPETENCY) FOR CANDIDATES NOT HOLDING AN ACCREDITED OR RECOGNISED QUALIFICATION and AUSTRALIAN ENGINEERING COMPETENCY STANDARDS Stage 1 PRODUCED: FEBRUARY 2004 Engineers Australia National Office: Engineering House 11 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600 Telephone: +61 2 6270 6555 Facsimile: +61 2 6273 1488 Website: Engineers Australia is the common name of the Institution of Engineers Australia 2 of 29 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 INTRODUCTION 3 2 ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP OF ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA 3 2.1 Recognised qualification 3 2.2 Direct demonstration of competency 4 2.3 Mutual Recognition Agreements 4 3 THE COMPETENCY STANDARDS 4 4 PREPARING A COMPETENCY DEMONSTRATION REPORT 5 4.1 Overall form of report 5 4.2 Self-assessment of occupational category 5 4.3 Qualification details 5 4.4 Curriculum vitae 6 4.5 Narratives demonstrating Stage 1 competency – nature and purpose 6 4.6 Narratives relating to an educational program 6 4.7 Narratives relating to engineering employment 7 4.8 Work-based learning 7 4.9 General – all narratives 8 4.10 Summary of competencies 8 4.11 English-language competency 8 4.12 Application for assessment 9 4.13 Assessment fee 9 5 CHECKLIST OF MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED 9 6 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE 9 7 REVIEW OF DECISION 10 APPENDICES Appendix A Qualifications accredited, recognised or approved by Engineers Australia 11 1 Professional engineers 11 2 Engineering technologists 11 3 Engineering Associates 12 Appendix B Stage 1 Competency Standard for Professional Engineers 13 Appendix C Stage 1 Competency Standard for Engineering Technologists 18 Appendix D Stage 1 Competency Standard for Engineering Associates 24 Appendix E Persons authorised to sign documents 29 ________________ GUIDE TO ASSESSMENT OF ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP (STAGE 1 COMPETENCY) FOR CANDIDATES NOT HOLDING AN ACCREDITED OR RECOGNISED QUALIFICATION (Draft 5 February 2004) 3 of 29 1 INTRODUCTION This guide is for persons seeking admission to Engineers Australia as a Graduate or Member, who do not hold engineering qualifications that are already accredited or recognised by Engineers Australia. Examples include: • Candidates holding Australian engineering qualifications that have not been accredited or approved by Engineers Australia; • Candidates holding engineering qualifications from overseas countries with which Engineers Australia does not have formal accreditation or mutual recognition agreements; • Candidates holding qualifications in fields related to engineering, not recognised by Engineers Australia, who have substantial experience in engineering work. Australian-resident candidates with other combinations of qualifications and experience should inquire whether they may be eligible for admission, before submitting an application. A separate guide is available for overseas residents seeking assessment of their engineering qualifications by Engineers Australia for the purpose of immigration to Australia under the Skilled Migration program. 2 ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP OF ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA Membership of Engineers Australia is open to persons in three occupational categories: professional engineers, engineering technologists, and engineering associates. To be eligible for admission as a Graduate or Member, you must demonstrate the competency needed to enter practice as a qualified member of the engineering team. This is known as Stage 1 Competency. Membership of Engineers Australia at Chartered level requires further assessment of competency (see Section 3), which is described in separate handbooks. You may demonstrate Stage 1 competency and eligibility for admission in one of the following ways: 2.1 Recognised qualification If you hold an engineering qualification which has been accredited, recognised or approved by Engineers Australia you are immediately eligible for admission as a Graduate. The basic qualifications are: Professional engineer: four-year Bachelor of Engineering degree Engineering technologist: three-year Bachelor of (Engineering) Technology degree Engineering associate: two-year Advanced Diploma of Engineering (Australian Qualifications Framework Level 6), or earlier equivalent such as Associate Diploma of Engineering (RATE), approved by Engineers Australia. If you are studying for such a qualification in Australia you are eligible for admission as a Student. For admission as a Member, as well as holding such a qualification, you must be able to show that have at least three years experience in engineering or engineering-related work appropriate to your occupational category. (You must also meet some other requirements, detailed on the application form.) Appendix A describes what is meant by qualifications accredited, recognised or approved by Engineers Australia. If you hold such a qualification, you may apply for directly for membership using the appropriate form available on the web at or through Engineers Australia offices, and providing documentation as indicated on that form. GUIDE TO ASSESSMENT OF ELIGIBILITY FOR MEMBERSHIP (STAGE 1 COMPETENCY) FOR CANDIDATES NOT HOLDING AN ACCREDITED OR RECOGNISED QUALIFICATION (Draft 5 February 2004) 4 of 29 2.2 Direct demonstration of competency When Engineers Australia accredits a program leading to an engineering qualification, it does so against the Stage 1 Competency Standards (see Section 3). Accreditation means that after examining the program in depth, Engineers Australia is satisfied that it enables and requires all its graduates to achieve and demonstrate Stage 1 competency. Recognition of equivalent qualifications, under the agreements described above and in Appendix A, is based on similar in-depth examination. If you have not demonstrated Stage 1 competency through possession of an accredited or recognised qualification, then you may undertake a direct demonstration of competency on an individual basis. Section 3 introduces the Competency Standards. Section 4 explains how to prepare and submit a Competency Demonstration Report. 2.3 Mutual Recognition Agreements Engineers Australia has Mutual Recognition or Mutual Exemption Agreements with professional engineering bodies in a number of other countries. If you are a Graduate, Member or Fellow of an engineering body with which Engineers Australia has such an agreement you may be entitled to automatic acceptance for Engineers Australia membership. You should apply for admission using the Application Form for Admission through a Mutual Recognition Agreement, available at In case of doubt, please inquire from your own institution or from the Membership Team at Engineers Australia’s National Office. 3 THE COMPETENCY STANDARDS Engineers Australia publishes and maintains the Australian Engineering Competency Standards for Professional Engineers, Engineering Technologists and Engineering Associates. The Standards are available in full at The Standards recognise two Stages of competency: • Stage 1 is the level of competency needed for entry to practice as a qualified member of the engineering team, corresponding to completion of an accredited or recognised educational qualification. • Stage 2 is the level of competency expected of an experienced engineering practitioner, and is the requirement for Chartered membership of Engineers Australia. Stage 2 assessment is outside the scope of this Guide and is described in separate handbooks. Stage 1 competency means you have: • a thorough understanding of the body of engineering knowledge relevant to your occupational category (professional engineer, engineering technologist, or engineering associate); and • the ability to apply this knowledge to representative problems and situations, typical of the responsibilities of practitioners in your category. You must also have the attributes and skills necessary to function as a professional, and the intellectual skills to test and continually extend your knowledge through lifelong learning in formal and informal contexts. Stage 1 competency is in fact a combination of knowledge, competencies and professional attributes. Appendix B sets out in full the Stage 1 Competency Standard for professional engineers. Appendix C sets out in full the Stage 1 Competency Standard for engineering technologists. Appendix D sets out in full the Stage 1 Competency Standard for engineering associates. Each Standard comprises three Units of Competency: • Unit 1: Knowledge Base • Unit 2: Engineering Ability • Unit 3: Professional Attributes. Each Unit comprises a number of Elements - for example Knowledge of science and engineering fundamentals. Details of the Elements are different for the three categories. Within each Element are a number of Indicators describing ways in which the Element would typically be demonstrated. To be assessed as Stage 1 competent you must demonstrate each Element of Competency in an overall sense. Assessment is made on a holistic basis and it is not expected that every indicator will be met in detail. 5 of 29 4 PREPARING A COMPETENCY DEMONSTRATION REPORT 4.1 Overall form of report You may apply to have your engineering competency assessed by preparing and submitting a Competency Demonstration Report (CDR). The report should include: a) Documentation of your qualification/s including the degree or diploma testamur/s or certificate/s, and academic transcript/s listing the courses, subjects or units studied and the results you gained in each. b) A Curriculum Vitae including an outline of any engineering employment history. This may include employment or engineering experience undertaken before, during and since your formal qualification/s. c) Narratives describing major learning experiences through which you personally developed and demonstrated Stage 1 competency, as set out in the relevant Appendix. These narratives may relate to your educational program, and/or experience gained in engineering employment. d) A summary table, relating each Element of competency to one or more paragraphs in your narratives. e) Evidence of your English-language competency. f) A signed declaration that the report is your own work and that the information it contains is true and correct. The following sections explain these requirements more fully. 4.2 Self-assessment of occupational category You should uploads/s1/ iea-guide.pdf

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