INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 832 Second edition 1994-12-01 Information and docume
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 832 Second edition 1994-12-01 Information and documentation - Bibliographie description and references - Rules for the abbreviation of bibliographic terms Information et documen ta tion - Descrip tion et r&f&ences bibliographiques - Regles pour I’abrGviation des termes bibliographiques Reference numbea ISO 832:1994( E) Licensed to ISO Store order #: OP-9992/Downloaded: 2014-06-02 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited. ISO 832:1994(E) Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. International Standard ISO 832 was prepared by Technical Committee ISOnC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee SC 9, Presen ta tion, iden tifica tion and descrip tion o f documen ts. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 8321975). The rules for abbreviations have been revised and augmented. The lists of abbreviations in the first edition have been removed and will appear as a separate ISO Technical Report (lSO/TR 11015). Annex A of this International Standard is for information only. 0 ISO 1994 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and mrcrofilm, without Permission in writing from the publisher. International Case postale OW anization for Standardization 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland Printed in Switzerland ii Licensed to ISO Store order #: OP-9992/Downloaded: 2014-06-02 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited. 0 ISO ISO 832:1994(E) Introduction These rules for abbreviation are intended to guide and assist authors, editors, librarians, etc. in preparing abbreviations for words and word combinations that are commonly used in bibliographic description and references. The application of such abbreviations within references, catalogue records, etc. is subject to the particular rules being used to create a bibliographic description or other form of reference. Because of the large number of terms which are commonly used for document description and identification in many different languages and because these words and word combinations are used in a wide variety of applications and contexts, it is not possible to establish rules which tan guarantee in every instance that different users will construct the Same abbreviation for the same word or will reconstruct the same word from the same abbreviation. To facilitate the use and understanding of abbreviations in documentation, lists of the common abbreviations for bibliographic words and word combinations in many of the languages covered by this International Standard appear in a separate ISO Technical Report (lSO/TR 11015). ..” Ill Licensed to ISO Store order #: OP-9992/Downloaded: 2014-06-02 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited. This page intentionally left blank Licensed to ISO Store order #: OP-9992/Downloaded: 2014-06-02 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited. INTERNATIONAL STANDARD o ISO ISO 832: 1994(E) Information and documentation - Bibliographie description and references - Rules for the abbreviation of bibliographic terms 1 Scope This International Standard specifies rules for the abbreviation of words and word combinations that commonly appear in bibliographic descriptions and references in languages using the Latin, Cyrillic and Greek alphabets. Abbreviations of titles and title words are excluded from the scope of this International Standard and are covered by the provisions of ISO 4. 2 Definitions For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply. 2.1 affix: One or more letters attached to the beginning or end of a word or root, or inserted within a word or root and serving to produce a derivative word or an inflectional form. 2.2 compound word: Word whose component Parts are themselves words or combining forms. [Adapted from ISO 4:1984] 2.3 contraction: Shortening of a word, syllable, or word group by omission of internal letters. [ISO 4:1984] 2.4 derivative: Word formed from another word or root by the addition of affixes other than inflectional endings. 2.5 inflected form: Form undergone by words to mark such distinctions as those of case, gender, number, tense, person, mood or voice. 2.6 root: Simple element inferred as the basis from which a word is derived by phonetic Change or by extension, as composition or the addition of an affix. 2.7 truncation: Shortening of a word by the omis- sion of two or more continuous Ietters at the end. [ISO 4:1984] 3 Rules for abbreviation of words and word combinations 3.1 Methods of abbreviation Words and word combinations tan be abbreviated by truncation, contraction or by a combination of both methods. The recommended method of abbreviation for most words is truncation. Truncation, however, should not be used in those cases where it would result in ambiguity. Regardless of the method of abbreviation, at least two letters shall be omitted from the word to be abbreviated. Words from which only a Single letter would be dropped are not abbreviated. Words and word combinations should not be abbreviated if the text tan be interpreted in different ways. 3.1.1 Truncation a) The abbreviation is only the first letter followed by a full stop (.). EXAMPLE page = p. Abbreviation to a Single letter should be limited to common words that are very frequently used. b) The last part of the word, consisting of at least the last two letters, is omitted and replaced by a full stop (.). 1 Licensed to ISO Store order #: OP-9992/Downloaded: 2014-06-02 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited. 0 ISO EXAMPLES 1 document = doc. 2 pseudonym = pseud. 3 illustration = ill. 3.1.2 Contraction Certain letters in the middle of the word are omitted. In particular, the suppression of vowels is a common method. EXAMPLES 1 book = bk. 2 limited = Itd. The abbreviation is normally followed by a full stop (.). EXAMPLE Band = Bd. NOTES 1 In some languages and national practices, if a word is contracted and the abbreviated form ends in the same Ietter as the full word it is not normally followed by a full stop. EXAMPLES 1 numero = no 2 Compagnie = cie 2 In some languages, such as Byelorussian, Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, the omitted letters may be replaced by a dash (-) in certain cases. EXAMPLE M3flaTeJlbCTBO = M3fl-BO 3.1.3 Combined method The abbreviation is formed by a combination of contraction and truncation, in which certain letters in the middle and at the end of the word are simultaneously omitted. The abbreviation is normally followed by a full stop (.). EXAMPLE Herausgeber = Hrsg. EXAMPLES 1 manuskript = ms. 2 privately printed = priv.print. 3 Tt’lTyJlbHbtl J-WlCT = Tl4T.J-l. Usually all or several components of a compound word or word combination are abbreviated. For compound words, however, a part of the last word only may be omitted. EXAMPLE Buchhandlung = Buchh. 3.2.1 In a series of words, if not all the words have been abbreviated a space shall be left between the unabbreviated word and the next word in the series in Order to ensure clarity. EXAMPLES 1 et alii = et al. 2 bianco e nero = b.e n. 3.2.2 If the unabbreviated word combination is hy- phenated, the abbreviation should also be hyphenated. EXAMPLES 1 naukowo-badawczy = nauk.-bad. 2 avant-propos = av-pr. 3.2.3 Abbreviations of a series of words shall placed in the same Order as the words themselves. EXAMPLE be editio auctior et emendatior = emend. 3.2.4 A word that is not normally abbreviated may be abbreviated when it forms part of an expression or series of words. In an expression or a series of words, the abbreviation for an individual word may also be shorter than the abbreviation normally used for that word on its own. EXAMPLES 1 neue Reihe = N.R. 2 Government Printing Office = G.P.O. 3.2 Compound words and word combinations 3.3 Plurals and other inflected forms The components of a compound word or word combination should be abbreviated using the methods outlined in 3.1. The same abbreviation should be used for differ grammatical and inflected forms of t he same word. .ent 2 Licensed to ISO Store order #: OP-9992/Downloaded: 2014-06-02 Single user licence only, copying and networking prohibited. 0 ISO ISO 832:1994(E) 3.3.1 Plurals The abbrevia tion for the s ingular also be used for its Plural form. form of a word should EXAMPLES 1 fascicle, fascicles = fast. 2 Broschüre, Broschüren = Brosch. However, differentes between the Singular and Plural forms of a word may sometimes be reflected in their abbreviated forms in Order uploads/s1/ international-standard-832.pdf
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