Curriculum Guide UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BLUE RIBBON SCHOOLS OF EXCELLENCE James B. Conant High School William Fremd High School Hoffman Estates High School Palatine High School Schaumburg High School Township High School District 211 2012-2013 ® I the possibilities ALTERNATIVE SCHOOLS District 211 Academy-North District 211 Academy-South Township High School District 211 Mission Statement adopted by the Board of Education February, 1999 The Mission of Township High School District 211 is to serve the educational needs of the community by developing and implementing quality programs which challenge students to achieve their potential to become contributing, informed citizens capable of meeting the demands of a changing world. If you require assistance while using a District 211 school, please contact the principal's office. For individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, please access the following TTD/ TTY telephone number: (847) 755-6654. Township High School District 211 Board of Education Robert LeFevre, Jr., President George Brandt, Vice President Edward Yung, Secretary Mucia Burke Richard Gerber Anna Klimkowicz Bill Robertson Nancy N. Robb, Superintendent Superintendent’s Message Imagine the Possibilities Dr. Nancy Robb eeing all possibilities, seeing all that can be done, and how it can be done, marks the power of imagination. Your imagination stands as your own personal laboratory. Here you can rehearse the possibilities, map out plans, and visualize overcoming obstacles. Imagination turns possibilities into reality. - Author unknown S Township High School District 211 offers many curricular opportunities to students and we encourage students to take advantage of these opportunities during their high school career. We value the uniqueness of every student. That is why we offer an array of curricular choices that help students discover and develop their talents, skills, and interests. The Curriculum Guide assists students in planning their high school course of study by highlighting a wide variety of course offerings and unique learning experiences. The choices students make in high school will help fulfill their college and career ambitions. This Curriculum Guide outlines programs of study, course offerings, graduation requirements, and other important high school information. Township High School District 211 is proud of its high schools. They provide academic rigor, personal growth, and leadership arenas for students. Our high schools also create showcases for student talent, leadership activities and educational development. They are dedicated to helping students make informed choices whether they plan to pursue a college degree, attend a technical school, join the military, enter an apprenticeship program, or join the work force immediately after high school. The choices students make in high school will have a definite impact upon their success once they graduate. I encourage our students to challenge themselves and cultivate the added attributes of self-discipline, realistic goals, meaningful values, and a hunger for knowledge. Most importantly, I encourage our students to always focus on learning; doing so will begin their journey to a successful future filled with many opportunities. The possibilities are endless. Nancy N. Robb Superintendent 2 Introduction T able of Contents This Curriculum Guide is designed to help students plan their programs of study from the variety of courses offered in Township High School District 211. Students should plan their high school programs with the help of their parents, counselors, and teachers. In this guide, each course is described by level of instruction, length of course, specific prerequisite, and credit value. Courses offered off-campus are so noted. In addition to the course descriptions, this guide provides information about graduation requirements, grading, student services, summer school, and other areas of interest. This Curriculum Guide is intended to assist students and parents in making educational decisions about high school programs. Course offerings are subject to enrollment and slight variations may occur from school to school. Some courses are listed as “pilots.” This indicates a new course in the curriculum that is under initial offering in a given school. A student’s counselor is always the best source for the most up-to-date information regarding course selection. Page Student Services...................................................... 4 Course Selection and Registration........................... 4 Student Course Acceleration................................... 4 Grading and Reporting........................................... 5 General Grading Information. ................................. 5 Requirements for Graduation. ................................. 6 Special Policies Regarding Credits........................... 6 Requirements for College Entrance......................... 7 NCAA Eligibility for Student-Athletes.................... 8 Elective Courses...................................................... 9 College Now Credit Program.................................. 9 Course Placement................................................... 9 Coding of Courses.................................................. 9 Summer School. .................................................... 10 Alternative High School........................................ 10 Evening Make-Up Courses. ................................... 10 Page Applied Technology. .............................................. 11 Art........................................................................ 16 Business Education. ............................................... 20 English.................................................................. 24 Family and Consumer Sciences............................. 32 Mathematics......................................................... 36 Music.................................................................... 42 Driver Education. .................................................. 45 Health Education.................................................. 45 Physical Education................................................ 46 Science.................................................................. 47 Social Studies........................................................ 52 World Language.................................................... 57 Non-Departmental Courses.................................. 62 Cooperative Education. ......................................... 64 Off-Campus Courses. ............................................ 66 Career Clusters. ..................................................... 70 3 4 Each school has a Student Services Department consisting of counselors, psychologists, social workers, speech and language therapists, a school nurse, and special education teachers. Staff members give students individual and group help in adjusting to their lives. Each student is assigned a counselor upon entering high school. The counselor meets with each student at least twice a year, although students may see their counselor more often. Parents may meet with their student’s counselor by appointment during school hours. A comprehensive testing program is in place to assist students in understanding their aptitudes, interests, and special abilities. Major test dates are provided in each school’s Calendar/Handbook. Counselors interpret test results to students and parents. A college and career resource center, which is available to students and parents, provides information on college programs, scholarships, employment opportunities, trade and technical school programs, military services, occupational opportunities, and specialized educational and vocational programs. A computer software system which contains occupational, college, and financial Beginning in January, counselors and teachers assist students in the selection of courses for the following year. Parents are encouraged to contact their student’s counselor to assist in this process. A list of courses selected by the student is made available for review and approval in late February. Changes in courses selected may be made up to the date indicated on this list. Courses will only run if minimum enrollment guidelines are met. Subject level placement of incoming freshmen is based Most courses listed in this Guide have prerequisites for enrollment. Prerequisites are designed to inform students and parents of the background knowledge and skills important for successful completion of a course and should be reviewed before registering. District 211 encourages every student to strive to reach his/ her maximum educational potential. In some cases, a student may wish to register in a course for which prerequisites have not been met in order to accelerate that student’s academic progress. Success in this situation is dependent upon the degree of student motivation; a clear understanding of the challenges that will be presented in the course; and a collaborative approach by the student, parents, and teacher. aid information is available to all students. A career counselor coordinates activities to help students develop appropriate career goals. A counselor who has received special training as a college consultant is available to provide families with specific college and financial aid information. Psychologists and social workers provide services to students and/or their families and serve as liaisons between school and community agencies. In addition, the psychologist conducts individual psychological evaluations and interprets results to students, parents, and school staff. A speech and language therapist and school nurse are available in each school to provide appropriate services to students. Special education programs, designed to meet all state and federal mandates, are available for students with special needs. Special education teachers are trained to work with physically, mentally, and behaviorally challenged students. These teachers provide supplemental instruction to students in the regular classroom and special instruction to students whose educational needs require a modified program. Teaching assistants work with classroom teachers to extend additional assistance to students. on the results of placement tests and the recommendations of junior high school teachers. Placement of students already enrolled in high school is based upon previous performance and the recommendations of their teachers. Students must register for the equivalent of four full- credit subjects plus physical education. However, most students register for five full-credit courses plus physical education. Any student who wishes to register for a course without meeting the prerequisites is encouraged to discuss course requirements and content with the student’s counselor and the department chair or teacher. The student also should discuss the matter with his/her parents. The student, parents, and department chair/teacher then should review and sign the Student Course Acceleration – Statement of Understanding, which is available through the Student Services Department at each school, or which may be downloaded from the District 211 web site at http://www. pdf. Completed forms should be submitted to the student’s counselor. Student Services Course Selection & Registration Student Course Acceleration 5 Student grades are reported on a nine-week basis and by semesters. Each semester is made up of two, nine- week periods. Parents may be informed of their student’s progress at the midterm of a nine-week period. uploads/s3/ curriculum-guide 5 .pdf
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