eLearning T emplate Standards/Style Guide eLearning Standards and Style Guide P

eLearning T emplate Standards/Style Guide eLearning Standards and Style Guide Project Month 20YY Version X.XX Company Information eLearning Standards/Styles T emplate Contents 1. Introduction...........................................................................................................3 2. Document History and Revisions...........................................................................3 3. Courses.................................................................................................................3 4. Development Timeline and Delivery Dates...........................................................3 5. Roles and Responsibilities.....................................................................................3 Instructional Designer...........................................................................................3 Subject Matter Expert...........................................................................................4 6. File Naming Conventions.......................................................................................4 7. Properties..............................................................................................................4 8. Review and Delivery Process.................................................................................5 9. Stencils/Page Layouts............................................................................................5 10.Writing Style..........................................................................................................8 11.T erminology and Acronyms....................................................................................9 T emplate provided at no charge by ForWord Consulting, LLC for T echWhirl.com. P a g e | 2 You are free to use and customize as needed. eLearning Standards/Styles T emplate 1.Introduction [Introduce the purpose and scope of the guide, such as all courses for a particular curriculum. You can also include names and links to any additional templates used in the project. Examples throughout this template, such as use of U Perform software tools should be modified according to the tools and conventions applicable to your team] This document is for online course developers working on the [project name] courses. The document includes standards and best practices to ensure consistency among all modules and courses. All module and/recording files are created using the [name of templates] and the UPerform software. 2.Document History and Revisions [Use this section to list version numbers and changes to make it easy for team members to find new material. You can remove or add columns based on your content needs.] Date Version Number Changes Made By Reviewed/Appro ved By 3.8.2015 v1.0 Initial Draft 3.10.201 5 V2.0 New terms and acronyms added 3.Courses [If you know the number of courses within your project and their names, list them here, along with any specifications that might help developers. You can also list details about the audience profiles, purchasing or download options, etc.] This program consists of three courses, Introduction, Deep Dive, and Practice. Each course contains three modules and a final assessment. 4.Development Timeline and Delivery Dates [List any pertinent details about the timelines for development, milestone dates that require submission, etc.] The development timeline is March-August 2015. Milestone delivery dates will be determined, and will be broken into storyboard, module, and final deliverable. T emplate provided at no charge by ForWord Consulting, LLC for T echWhirl.com. P a g e | 3 You are free to use and customize as needed. eLearning Standards/Styles T emplate 5.Roles and Responsibilities [List the roles and responsibilities for all team members, which may include instructional designers, developers, and subject matter experts (SMEs).] Instructional Designer  Meet with SME to help validate objectives and map previous content to new instructional model.  Create module in uPerform using the Instruction Model as your guide.  Create, test, and publish recordings.  Publish and review course.  Work with SME through the review cycle making the appropriate edits.  Create zip package of recordings and course file as the final deliverable.  Check-in final course files to uPerform server. (Files should also be checked-in nightly.)  Create course syllabus. Subject Matter Expert  Validate objectives for each module.  Review content to ensure accuracy.  Supply application images for conceptual pages as requested by course developer.  Review course and simulations. Use the annotations feature in uPerform to indicate required edits. 6.File Naming Conventions [Use this section to list the file naming structure for each type of file you are using in the course development.] File Type Style Example PowerPoint storyboard courseinitials_version_mod #_title_storyboard intro_8- 0_mod1_introduction_storyboard Module file name courseinitials_version_mod #_title intro_8-0_mod1_introduction Simulation file name courseinitials_mod#_title intro_mod2_using_chat_feature 7.Properties [Use this section to list the standard properties you are using in the course development.] T emplate provided at no charge by ForWord Consulting, LLC for T echWhirl.com. P a g e | 4 You are free to use and customize as needed. eLearning Standards/Styles T emplate Property Style Example Title [Course Title and Release Number]: Title Introduction to Service Desk Course Code [List code with capital letters and no space before the number] SD100 Description [Provide a sentence or two to describe the course] This course introduces the Service Desk application and provides steps for logging into the system. Release/Versi on Number [List release and/or version number] Release 8.0.0, Version 1.0 User Roles Copyright 8.Review and Delivery Process [List job titles and/or names as appropriate when you need to send storyboards, modules, and finished products to a product manager, project manager, team members, and more.] When a module is ready for review, upload the file to the SharePoint site and inform [name/title]. 9.Stencils/Page Layouts [Based on the software application you are using to develop and publish your eLearning courses, you can modify this section to include screen designs, images, and more.] Page Type & Stencil Format and Writing Style Example Title Standard-Half- Bottom, 65% split, centered In Course pane, list the module number: Module ## Use module number and name style from source content as the image (see title image to the right). Nothing in the heading area. Module 01 m odule_num ber.png T emplate provided at no charge by ForWord Consulting, LLC for T echWhirl.com. P a g e | 5 You are free to use and customize as needed. eLearning Standards/Styles T emplate List the module objectives in text area. Use the corresponding audio file. title.jpg T emplate provided at no charge by ForWord Consulting, LLC for T echWhirl.com. P a g e | 6 You are free to use and customize as needed. eLearning Standards/Styles T emplate Page Type & Stencil Format and Writing Style Example Welcome Standard-Half- Bottom, 80% split, centered The "Welcome" page is only included in the first module of each course. In the heading area, the text is "Navigating this course." The body text is attached in the Welcome page text document to the right. Navigating this course This course introduces you to the system functionality. You will learn how to perform various tasks from the perspectives of a change coordinator, change manager, release manager, approver, and various support staff roles. This course includes an end-of-course assessment. While you can take the assessment at any time, we recommend that you complete the entire course prior to taking the Course Assessment. Note: There is no audio for this screen. Lesson Create a lesson folder with Standard-Half- Bottom stencil, 65%, centered Use lesson style from source content as the image (see lesson1 image to the right). Nothing in the heading area. Copy/paste the objectives into notepad to remove formatting or set to normal in uPerform. Use the corresponding audio file. Content pages Standard-Half- Left, Standard- Half-Bottom, Standard-Image T ry not to use the same text in the Course pane and the content heading area because the published output will show it twice. Also avoid using multiple colons (:) in the Course pane area. If there is no audio, include text to say "Note: There is no audio for this screen." Images should be left aligned unless otherwise specified. Course pane: Requester role example (sentence case) Content heading area: Requesting an application upgrade T emplate provided at no charge by ForWord Consulting, LLC for T echWhirl.com. P a g e | 7 You are free to use and customize as needed. eLearning Standards/Styles T emplate T emplate provided at no charge by ForWord Consulting, LLC for T echWhirl.com. P a g e | 8 You are free to use and customize as needed. eLearning Standards/Styles T emplate Page Type & Stencil Format and Writing Style Example Simulation Simulation-Half- Right Grab text from source materials to explain what the simulation is about. Then follow with this text: The simulation will open in a new browser window. Click the button below to launch the simulation. Note: There is no audio during the simulation. Use the begin_simulation image to the right. Course pane: Changing profile and preferences simulation (sentence case) Content heading area: Using supplemental features (sentence case) Knowledge Check Introduction Standard-Half- Right stencil, 35% split In the Course pane area, the text is "Knowledge Check." In the heading area, the text is "Introduction." Some lessons contain more than one knowledge check, so the launch page text can vary. See document to the right. Use the question mark image to the right. Welcome to the final assessment. The assessment contains 50 questions that will test your understanding of the concepts and processes discussed in this course. Note: There is no audio during the final assessment. Click Continue start. Knowledge Check Questions Page type depends on the question type In the Course pane area, the text is "Knowledge Check #.#" The first number corresponds to the lesson and the second number corresponds to its order within the knowledge check (i.e., question 1, question 2). The question text can be copied/pasted from Word files. Use the custom feedback from Word files but start with "Correct." or "Incorrect." If there is more than one knowledge check in a lesson, the numbering varies (second example to the right. Knowledge Check 2.1 Knowledge Check 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.2.1, 1.2.2, 1.2.3 Hotspot question stems need ", then, click Continue." T emplate provided uploads/s3/ elearning-standards-and-style-guide-template.pdf

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