CCNY STYLE GUIDE 1 STYLE AND BRAND GUIDELINES 2020 UPDATED: 2/27/2020 Table of Contents Academic Degrees ...................................................... 24 Acronyms ........................... ....................................... 25 Captions ............................ ........................................ 25 College Names ......................................................... 25 Commas ........................... ......................................... 25 Departments, Offices, and Programs ........................... 26 Email Signatures .......................................................... 26 Headlines ............................ ....................................... 26 Numbers ........................... ........................................ 27 Percentages ............................................................... 27 Schools and Divisions .................................................. 27 State Names................................................................ 28 Subject and Verb Agreement ...................................... 28 Times and Dates ........................................................ 29 Titles ........................... ............................................... 29 Voice ........................ ................................................. 30 Word Usage ............................................................... 31 Brand Guideline ................... ..................................... 3 College Colors ...................... ..................................... 4 College Typefaces ...................................................... 5 College Logos ............................................................ 6 Co-branding with CUNY Logo .................................... 10 Other Type Treatments .............................................. 11 Program Type Treatments ........................................... 12 Departmental Nameplate .......................................... 13 Stationary .................................................................. 14 Campus Map ............................................................ 15 PowerPoint Slides ...................................................... 16 Logo on Merchandise ................................................ 17 Schools and Divisions ................................................. 18 Part Two: Content Part One: Design CCNY STYLE GUIDE 3 BRAND GUIDELINES City College’s brand is the unforgettable and lasting experience it offers to all who come in contact with the institution. Whether external audiences experience the institution in person or via the website, social media, email, telephone, or through printed or digital collateral, the engagement they have with CCNY through its many different communication vehicles is the brand. The continuous interactions that internal audiences, including faculty, staff, students and alumni, have with the college also are factored into the college’s brand. Whether good or bad, brand is the perceived truth projected about an institution by its audiences. Some of the most common words and phrases used to describe the City College brand among its internal and external audiences include historic, original, diverse, multicultural, access, excellence, student success, transformative, community, arts, research, scholarship and creativity. City College captures and communicates this content in visual ways using graphic treatments that include the college logo, color, typography and photography. This section offers guidelines on how to use properly the graphic treatments to effectively communicate and support City College’s brand. Color Treatment PMS 2665C and PMS 425C are the official college colors. The official college secondary colors are PMS 129C, PMS 298C, PMS 1807C and PMS 376C. The colors may be used as accents for the primary colors. See page 4 for color swatches. Logo Treatment The rectangular logo is one component of the brand. The logo should appear on the front and back of each publication. Photography Using quality photography of the City College campus is crucial to the college’s messaging and brand. Imagery of the campus is one of the college’s most valued visual assets. All photos should be current and relevant to the publication. Do not use stock photography. You may request official campus photos from the Office of Institutional Advancement and Communications at Typography The typefaces Arno Pro and Syntax LT Std are components of the brand and should be used on all materials. Both typefaces can be used in the same publication. See page 5 for typefaces. 4 CCNY STYLE GUIDE COLLEGE COLORS City College’s marketing color palette supports the college’s long-standing purple and gray. In Pantone numbers, “C” stands for coated paper and “U” stands for uncoated paper. The primary colors for City College are purple, gray and white. The first use of purple by the college dates back to the late 19th century. Called lavender during that time, the color has evolved through many hues during the centuries to the purple and gray used today. The values for the colors are taken from Pantone’s Formula Guide and not Pantone’s Color Bridge. Primary Colors PMS 425C C38 M51 Y45 K3 R84 G88 B89 HTML 545859 PMS 2665C C65 M73 Y0 K0 R125 G85 B199 HTML 7D55C7 Primary Colors for uncoated paper 65% BLACK PMS 266U C62 M75 Y0 K0 R131 G99 B192 HTML 8A65C4 PMS 271C C44 M38 Y0 K0 R149 G149 B210 HTML 9595D2 Secondary Colors The secondary colors are PMS 271C, PMS 192, PMS 298C, PMS 376C and PMS 1807C. These colors may be used as accents along with the primary colors. Secondary colors have been established to add variety and flexibility to the primary colors. Additionally, secondary colors allow the college’s schools and divisions as well as programs to become sub brands of the college’s brand. PMS 129C C0 M10 Y80 K0 R243 G208 B62 HTML F3D03E PMS 298C C68 M3 Y0 K0 R65 G182 B230 HTML 41B6E6 PMS 376C C48 M0 Y100 K1 R132 G189 B0 HTML 84BD00 PMS 1807C C3 M90 Y65 K28 R164 G52 B58 HTML A4343A NOTE: Colors on ­ computer monitors are not accurate. Specify Pantone numbers to ensure color reproduction is correct. The color names provided above are for quick reference only. It is important to print the purple as a spot color whenever possible, as its CMYK translation is very dull. The Pantone 425 grey should be replaced with 65% black when working in CMYK. The other colors translate well to CMYK. CCNY STYLE GUIDE 5 COLLEGE TYPEFACES The official typefaces for the college are Arno Pro and Syntax LT Std. They should be used in all college documents. Both typefaces are available in a number of weights and styles. Arno Pro is the official serif typeface of the college. It is the preferred typeface for headlines. It may also be used for body and legal copy. Serif Typeface Arno Pro Light Display ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Arno Pro Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Arno Pro Italic Caption ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Arno Pro Semibold Subhead ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Arno Pro Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Arno Pro Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY Z abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Syntax LT Std is the official sans-serif typeface of the college. This typeface may be used for body, legal, headlines, special sections and call-out text. Sans-Serif Typeface Syntax LT Std Roman ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Syntax LT Std Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Syntax LT Std Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 Syntax LT Std Black ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890 6 CCNY STYLE GUIDE COLLEGE LOGO City College’s logo, based on the font Arno, is custom-kerned and positioned in its box for optimum visual appeal. The letters are white type in a box of 65% black or 100% pantone 425C. The type may be aligned on the left or right, depending on the design of the piece where it is being used. The City College name and logo are trademarked symbols and cannot be used without following the college’s style guide. For logo files, please visit Flush right Whenever possible, one or both sides of the box should bleed off the edge of the paper. On dark backgrounds, the nameplate box is 85% black rather than 65% black. You may use 100% of PMS 425C instead of using a Pantone spot color ink. Grey box touches edge of paper. Make sure to extend the grey box 0.125 inches off of page for bleed. CCNY STYLE GUIDE 7 When circumstances will not allow the usage of the gray box logo, use the full name of the college in gray or purple, in one line. The trademark initials must be right next to the name. These logos should not be incorporated into other logo designs. Appropriate use of the college name in one line Text-only In very limited cases (Social Media), the college acronym may be used. Due to certain limitations in logo space in digital media, the college’s acronym is used in place of the college’s gray logo. In the instance of social media, the white CCNY letters are placed in a circle or square purple shape. These stylized acronym cannot be combined with other logo designs. For logo files, please visit Logo Acronym College acronym in black and white College acronym used as social media icons 8 CCNY STYLE GUIDE For use in certain circrumstance where the logo needs to be printed in one-color print applications. Logo in black and white The City College of New York logos and acronyms are trademarked. They should be used only in the form provided; do not modify or re-type logos. Usage Do not outline any part of the logo. Do not use colors other than the official college logo colors, or black and white. CCNY STYLE GUIDE 9 The college seal is used on official documents from the president and Board of Trustees. Examples include commencement materials, diplomas and official CCNY documents. College Seal Simplified version of the seal 10 CCNY STYLE GUIDE 0.25” CO-BRANDING WITH CUNY LOGO The CUNY logo should be used on all official materials. The logo should appear as PMS 286C, 100% black or in 100% white (on a dark or busy background). For complete a list of CUNY logo files, please visit communications-marketing/services/marketing/downloads Preferably on the back or lower bottom right corner of a publication. On CCNY stationary, the CUNY block logo is preferred. It should appeared as 0.25 inches, in 100% black or in PMS 286C if possible. PMS 286C 100% Black 100% White OTHER TYPE TREATMENT In addition to the official college logo, the following type treatments have been approved for use as specified below. This is for uploads/s3/ ccny-style-guide.pdf

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