HAWAIIBEVGUIDE.COM HAWAII BEVERAGE GUIDE'S 2021 GUIDE TO WINE 191 Sardinia, Italy AOC/DO/AVA Cannonau di Sardegna DOC Sub AOC/DO/AVA No Subregions but Notable areas include Oliena (also known as Nepente di Oliena), Jerzu and Capo Ferrato Climate Winkler Region V Mean Temperature Warmest Month High/Low • Jerzu: Daily maximum: 52° / 42° • Capo Ferrato: Daily maximum: 59° / 50° Mean Temperature Coldest Month High/ Low • Jerzu: 81° / 66° • Capo Ferrato: 88° / 79° Mean Rainfall Jerzu: 611mm 24.1 inches (Oliena) Capo Ferrato: 395mm 15.6mm Elevation Jerzu: 450m: 1476 ft Oliena: 1,112 ft Capo Ferrato: N/A Soil "The Sardinia series consists of very deep, moderately well drained soils formed in as much as 61 cm (24 inches) of loess and the underlying stratified silty and loamy outwash or old alluvium. These soils are on terraces and valley trains. Slope ranges from 0 to 12 percent." Insight from: soilseries.sc.egov.usda.gov/OSD_Docs/S/SARDINIA.html Wine Style Grapes • Rosato (Ro): Minimum 85% Cannonau • Rosso (Rd): Minimum 85% Cannonau • Classico (Rd): Minimum 90% Cannonau • Liquoroso (RdFo, RdFoSw): Minimum 85% Cannonau • Passito (RdSw): Minimum 85% Cannonau Aging • Rosato: Minimum approx. 2 months • Rosso: Minimum approx. 5 months • Liquoroso: Minimum approx. 1 year (6 months in barrel) • Passito: Minimum approx. 1 year • Riserva: Minimum approx. 2 years (6 months in barrel) • Classico: Minimum approx 2 years (12 months in barrel) Characteristics “Cannonau is the most famous red wine of Sardinia. From a red wine is a robust, vigorous, invigorating. Very pleasant is very common in Sardinia, as to be often called "the Sardinian wine, is produced during the grape of the same name which was probably introduced to the island from Spain.” Region website, soil and wine notes from Ctvsardegna.com Images by Consorzio di tutela Vini di Sardegna uploads/s3/ grenache-sardegna.pdf

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