MASTERCAM ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE March 2016 MASTERCAM ADMINISTRATOR GUIDE March 2016 Copyright © 2016 CNC Software, Inc. – All rights reserved. Software: Mastercam 2017 Terms of Use Use of this document is subject to the Mastercam End User License Agreement. A copy of the Mastercam End User License Agreement is included with the Master- cam product package of which this document is part. The Mastercam End User License Agreement can also be found at: Be sure you have the latest information! Information might have changed or been added since this document was pub- lished. The latest version of the document is installed with Mastercam or can be obtained from your local Mastercam Reseller. A ReadMe file (ReadMe.PDF) – installed with each release – includes the latest information about Mastercam fea- tures and enhancements. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Updates 5 Entering SIM Update Codes 5 Before entering the update code 6 Updating HASP codes 6 SIM Not Found error 8 Repairing a Mastercam 2017 installation 9 Updating Mastercam 2017 9 Downloading and installing updates 10 Launching Mastercam 11 Mastercam Launcher 11 Starting Mastercam Launcher 12 Information displayed in the dialog box 13 Using Command-Line Switches 16 Setting Mastercam icon command-line switches 18 Command-line switches 19 Error messages 21 Mastercam Advanced Configuration 22 Network Administration 23 iii Network Administrator Qualifications 23 Installation 24 System Settings 25 Mastercam 2017 installation locations 25 Registry 25 Network 26 Group policies 26 Setting installation defaults 26 Installing the NetHASP Server 27 Maximum number of NetHASP licenses 29 Adding licenses 30 Updating NetHASP Codes 30 Using the NHaspX.exe Utility 32 Monitoring NetHASP Users 34 Using Aladdin Monitor 35 Registry settings 37 Additional NetHASP information 38 iv Mastercam Administrator Guide — 5 UPDATES This administrator's guide covers installation and configuration scenarios that are more complex than those covered in the Mastercam 2017 Installation Guide. Use this administrator's guide to learn about updating SIM codes, starting Mastercam 2017 with Mastercam Launcher or command-line switches, and administering an installation over a network. Entering SIM Update Codes When you install or upgrade Mastercam 2017, and you are not on Mastercam 2017 Maintenance, you must also update your HASP and NetHASP SIMs with an update code. The SIM must be activated with the update code before you can run the new or updated version of Mastercam 2017. See instructions for "Updating NetHASP Codes" on page 30. The update code is a file that is delivered to you by one of these methods: l Included with your Mastercam 2017 software kit l Mailed on electronic media l E-mailed as a file attachment Contact your local Mastercam Reseller if you cannot locate your update code. Update code files have a file extension that indicates the type of SIM license they update. The Mastercam installation program associates these file extensions with the program that you use to update the SIM codes. File Extension SIM License Type SIM License Type HCODE HASP HaspX.exe NHCODE NetHASP NHaspX.exe Mastercam Administrator Guide — Updates Note: If your computer has multiple HASP SIMs, remove all SIMs except the Mastercam SIM before entering the update code. Before entering the update code Use one of the following methods to prepare for the update, based on the format of the update code that you received and your personal preference: l E-mail attachment: Save the attachment as a file to an accessible loc- ation. (Do not change the file extension.) l Mastercam 2017 installation kit electronic media: Insert the media in the appropriate drive to access the file. Updating HASP codes CAUTION: Before this phase of the update process, be sure you have completed the steps in Installing a HASP (Single-User License) and Installing Mastercam in the Mastercam 2017 Installation Guide. Also, the following steps must be done on the computer to which the HASP is attached. Updates over a remote connection will fail. To enter a HASP update code: You can enter a HASP code automatically by double-clicking the update code file (*.HCODE). To update the code manually, perform the following procedure. 1. Choose one of the following methods to run HaspX.exe. The method you choose is based on the update code format and your preference: l From the Windows desktop, choose Start, All Programs, Mastercam 2017, Utilities, Hasp X. or Use Windows Explorer to navigate to the Mastercam 2017 installation location, and double-click HaspX.exe. Mastercam Administrator Guide — Updates 6 7 The HaspX utility analyzes the SIM and displays the SIM serial number and current Mastercam products. Verify that the displayed serial number matches the serial number provided with your Mastercam 2017 2017 soft- ware kit. Note: Keep a record of the serial number in the event that you need to con- tact Technical Support Services at CNC Software or your Reseller. 2. In the HaspX dialog box, choose Update code to open the code file that you received. The HaspX utility extracts the update code from the file. 3. Choose Update at the top of the HaspX dialog box. The program updates the SIM and displays the products for which the SIM has been activated. 4. Choose OK to exit the HaspX utility. Mastercam Administrator Guide — Updates Note: l Start date/End date: Displays the start date and end date for the SIM. l Maintenance Expiration date: Shows the date your Maintenance plan expires, based on your annual renewal date. l HASP Status: Shows whether the utility found the HASP SIM on your computer. SIM Not Found error On rare occasions, Mastercam might not find your SIM. Try the following sug- gestions to fix the problem: l Run NHaspX.exe, and ensure that the correct type of SIM, either HASP or NetHASP, is selected: l Remove and reconnect the SIM. l Try a different USB port. Mastercam Administrator Guide — Updates 8 9 l Check that the SIM is lighted. An unlighted SIM is either broken or not receiving power from the USB port. l Reinstall the SIM drivers (see the "Manually installing SIM drivers" below). If the problem persists, contact CNC Software Technical Support Services for assist- ance. Manually installing SIM drivers The Mastercam 2017 installation program automatically installs the software needed to use the HASP SIM with Mastercam. In the event that the SIM drivers need to be reinstalled, choose Start, All Programs, Mastercam 2017, Utilities, Hasp Setup, and then follow the instructions on screen to install the SIM drivers. Repairing a Mastercam 2017 installation If you encounter a problem after an installation and have not been notified of a SIM or HASP driver problem, attempt to repair your Mastercam 2017 installation as described next. To repair an installation: 1. Insert the Mastercam 2017 USB drive. 2. Choose Mastercam Installation. 3. Choose Repair, and then follow the prompts. Updating Mastercam 2017 When a new Mastercam maintenance update is released, you can download it from the Mastercam website ( The maintenance upgrade is an executable file (.EXE) that you run to update your installation. Before you do an update, you must exit Mastercam. If you start an update with Mastercam 2017 open, you are asked to close all sessions running Mastercam 2017 on the PC before continuing with the update installation. Mastercam Administrator Guide — Updates CAUTION: The following instructions apply only to English-based Mastercam installations with updates received from CNC Software, Inc. For information on downloading non-English Mastercam updates from other locations, contact your local Mastercam Reseller. Downloading and installing updates To download and install Mastercam updates: 1. Download the latest update from the Mastercam website, or get the update from your local Mastercam Reseller. 2. Copy the downloaded file to the PC on which you want to do the update. 3. If Mastercam is running, close it. 4. Double-click the update file, and follow the prompts. 5. When the installation is complete, click Finish. You can also update Mastercam through the Help menu, via the Automatic Update Service: 1. Select File, Help, Check for Updates. The Mastercam Updates dialog box dis- plays. Note: Your computer must be connected to the Internet to check for updates. 2. The dialog box will display the date of the most recent check for updates. Select or deselect the checkboxes to Automatically check for updates or to Show new update alerts. 3. Click Check Now to check for the latest Mastercam update. Mastercam Administrator Guide — Updates 10 11 LAUNCHING MASTERCAM This chapter describes alternative ways to start Mastercam. Specifically, you can use Mastercam Launcher or command-line switches. Mastercam Launcher Use Mastercam Launcher to control the startup options for a particular seat (license) of Mastercam. With Mastercam Launcher, you can do the following: l Assign product (platform) levels and availability, such as Mill or Mill 3D. l Edit the availability of Mastercam add-on products and their usage status. l Start Mastercam with either a HASP or NetHASP. l Use Dealer, Industrial, or Educational functionality (editing capabilities for Mastercam Resellers only). l Run Mastercam with or without Maintenance (editing capabilities for Mastercam Resellers only). l Create a customized Mastercam shortcut on the desktop based on uploads/S4/ administrator-guide 2 .pdf

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