Making an Android App with no prior experience A tutorial, a guide and a resour

Making an Android App with no prior experience A tutorial, a guide and a resource document Xavier Tobin There are two ways to approach this document: 1. Be at a computer, follow the explanations and instructions and you’ll have an app and some basic skills to branch off by the end of it. 2. Simply read the document and pick up some skills along the way. Before I begin, a personal message: If at first it seems too hard, google it, then try again. I started making my first app at 15 years old with literally zero prior experience, I just had interest and an idea. My first and only app currently sits at just below 70,000 downloads. There will be times when you are completely stumped: I recall spending several days trying to fix some bugs I came across, but if you are persistent enough you will be able to work it out. Let’s begin. What is Java? Java is a programming language like C++, Python and Ruby. Most apps on the Android platform are written in Java, although games and some other apps are written in other languages. Java is an OOP or Objected Oriented-Programming Language This means that Java is a programming language based on the concept of objects, which are essentially fields of data that can run code and store variables. For example, a String object is an object that contains any combination of letters, numbers and other characters. A String is formatted in quotation marks, here is an example use String name = "Dennis"; String surname = "Cometti"; String FullName = name + " " + surname; Making an Android App Xavier Tobin After this runs, the variable FullName will equal “Dennis Cometti”. A String is an example of a basic object, other basic Objects in Java include Integers (any whole number), Textviews and ArrayLists. Booleans (a true or false value) and floating points (decimal values like 3.0) are examples of primitive variables. Objects can also contain other objects and variables, for example you could define a ‘Quote’ Object that contains two values: The actual quote and the name of the quoted person. A lot of the fundamentals in Java are essentially plain English All of Java is written in English, the structure of the words change but if enough attention is given to it can actually be very easy to understand. For example: It couldn’t be any clearer, this will assign the lower case converted “DENNIS” ("dennis") to the 'name' variable. After you have typed ‘name.’ Android Studio will give you a list of possible methods (like toLowerCase() or toUpperCase()) that can be used, so you get some guidance. Classes, methods and objects in Java • A variable holds a field of data. A variable might be a surname, your weight or the distance travelled by your car. A String is a variable that could contain “Dennis” and an int is a primitive variable that could contain the number 89. • A method is a function (like name.toLowerCase()). Basically a method does things using variables or any number of lines of code. You can write your own methods, for example in the app we will be making soon we will be making a method called getQuote(). A method might display a quote on a screen or change the text in a TextView. • An object holds both variables and methods; one object might be the details of your car, a second object might represent my car. • A class is a template that holds variables, methods and other objects. What is the difference between classes and objects? A class would be a Car (containing no details but rather a template). An object would be your Car (containing all the details about the car). A class would be a String (containing no details but rather a template). An object would be a ‘name’ (containing the String “Dennis”). String name = "DENNIS"; name = name.toLowerCase(); Making an Android App Xavier Tobin If you are confused, don’t worry, once you have followed the instructions you’ll understand it much clearer. Here is a Java website which I highly recommend, explaining it in more depth Some more Java related resources The syntax of Java: Let’s make an app Android Studio Android Studio is the new Android Integrated Development Environment, don’t let the words confuse you – it’s essentially a program that has all the tools you need to make an app. Some people come across some issues installing Android Studio, so make sure you are Googling any issues that you come across in this stage, but you should be fine. You’ll come across many things you don’t understand when making apps but I guarantee you 1000 people have had the same problem before and there will be help or tutorials online (you shouldn’t need them for this exercise). Instruction #1: Download and install the Java JDK Instruction #2: Download and install Android Studio, but don’t open it yet Strings in Android Strings as mentioned earlier, are used everywhere: App Dialogs, Titles, Messages, Error Logs and literally wherever you see characters. The problem is, when you are making an app with a lot of strings it can get hard to make changes to them all. So Google created a solution: a single file that stores all of your strings in one place, so you can get that one file translated and refer to those strings in tons of different parts of the code. Here’s a link from Google that can explain it in more detail: Making an Android App Xavier Tobin How Android Studio works Android Studio contains all the tools you need to make an app: for this tutorial you won’t be using many. When you create a new ‘Project’ (App) Android Studio will generate all the files and folders necessary to begin a project. I’m going to walk through creating a simple Quote app! What will the app do? It will show a quote plus the name of the person who made the quote and loop through as many quotes as you like when you tap the screen. I’ll be explaining everything along the way. Instruction #3: Open Android Studio and click the ‘create new project’ button, then follow exactly the screenshots over the next few pages to set up the new project. Making an Android App Xavier Tobin Making an Android App Xavier Tobin After clicking finish, Android Studio will do its thing, creating all the necessary folders and files: The ‘java’ folder is where all the code will be stored, while the ‘res’ folder is for all the visual elements (icons, images, strings, colours) which you can reference and use in your code. The layout folder contains the file for the first step in making the app. You should already see this layout file open but double click ‘activity_quotebook.xml’ just in case. This is actually a drag and drop editor, but for this example we’ll be copying and pasting the layout configuration. Feel free to change sizes, colours and some elements yourself, this part is quite simple to use. Making an Android App Xavier Tobin Instruction #4: Just to the bottom left of the phone and a little further are two tabs – ‘Design’ and ‘Text’ – the design tab is a drag and drop interface, while the Text tab is the actual UI XML data. For now, click on the text tab and replace all of the text inside with the following: <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:paddingLeft="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" android:paddingRight="@dimen/activity_horizontal_margin" android:paddingTop="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" android:paddingBottom="@dimen/activity_vertical_margin" android:id="@+id/touch"> <TextView android:text="Tap the screen to begin" android:id="@+id/quote" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:fontFamily="sans-serif-medium" android:textSize="26sp" android:layout_gravity="center" android:layout_above="@+id/person" android:textColor="#ff656565" android:layout_alignParentLeft="true" android:layout_alignParentStart="true" /> <TextView android:text="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:fontFamily="sans-serif-medium" android:textSize="26sp" android:gravity="end" android:textColor="#ff767676" android:layout_gravity="center" android:id="@+id/person" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:layout_alignLeft="@+id/quote" android:layout_alignStart="@+id/quote" /> </RelativeLayout> Making an Android App Xavier Tobin This has formatted the layout of the main app Activity, but you can change some things around. Try changing the text from “Tap the screen to begin” to something else. Extra points if who can change the font colour. Instruction #5: This is where things get a bit trickier, now we have to make a new class and the Quote Object we spoke about earlier. These screenshots show how to make a new class: Making an Android App Xavier Tobin After creating the Quote class Android Studio should open it, and we’ll be filling it with some code now. This is what should be in your quote class: You should see ‘public class Quote{ }’, in between these two squiggly brackets paste this code: Click OK to any pop up boxes, and if you ever see something like this just click ‘Alt+Enter’: What this class does is allows the app to create a Quote object that we can use, you ‘instantiate’ the class and pass through a quote and name (where it says public Quote(String mQuote, String mPerson)) and then you can retrieve the quote or person name later. More on this soon. package; public class Quote { uploads/S4/ android-development-guide.pdf

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