Word Module You are required to define each of the definitions below each time
Word Module You are required to define each of the definitions below each time we study a new module. Thi Applet 1 Application 1 ASCII 1 binary 1 bit 1 browser 1 buffer 1 bus 1 byte 1 byte code 1 clock cycles 1 command prompt 1 compiled 1 component 1 CPU 1 cursor 1 garbage collection 1 Gigabyte 1 Gigahertz 1 hexadecimal 1 high-level language 1 Integrated Development Environment - IDE 1 Internet 1 interpreter 1 kilobyte 1 logic 1 low-level language 1 machine code 1 Megabyte 1 Megahertz 1 motherboard 1 multi-tasking 1 Operating System 1 RAM 1 registers 1 ROM 1 run 1 software 1 software engineering 1 software reusability 1 surf 1 Terabyte 1 Unicode 1 WYSIWYG 1 BlueJ - IDE 2 boolean 2 char 2 character 2 data type 2 double 2 escape character 2 execute 2 float 2 identifier 2 indentation 2 int 2 Java Virtual Machine 2 Jdk 2 line comment 2 long 2 main method 2 method 2 output 2 parsimonious 2 platform independent 2 primitive data type 2 project 2 public 2 reserved word 2 Robust 2 run-time system 2 short 2 source code 2 source file 2 static 2 String 2 strongly typed language 2 syntax 2 user 2 variable 2 algorithm 3 API 3 block comment 3 case sensitive 3 cast 3 Class 3 concatenation 3 documentation comment 3 flowchart 3 formula 3 initialize 3 order of operations 3 parse 3 Problem definition 3 pseudocode 3 Scanner 3 sequence 3 step-wise refinement 3 Structure Chart 3 stub program 3 style 3 type cast 3 wrapper class 3 argument 4 assignment statement 4 Errors 4 exception 4 expression 4 increment 4 input 4 IOException 4 literal 4 mathematical operator 4 modulo 4 operation 4 promotion 4 prompt 4 throws 4 try 4 try catch block 4 type cast 4 and 5 break 5 case 5 case structure 5 comparison operator 5 condition 5 conditional statement 5 control structure 5 decision 5 else 5 else if 5 equality operator 5 if 5 integer division 5 logic error 5 not 5 operator 5 or 5 relational operator 5 run-time error 5 switch 5 syntax error 5 do while loop 6 for loop 6 Iterate 6 loop 6 nested 6 scope 6 while loop 6 Checkbox 7 CheckboxGroup 7 TextField 7 Label 7 Button 7 field 7 GUI 7 HTML 7 pixel 7 Behavior 8 call 8 Class Method 8 Class Variable 8 constructor 8 dot notation 8 Encapsulation 8 event 8 handler 8 Inheritance 8 Instance 8 Instance Method 8 Instance Variable 8 instantiation 8 Message 8 modularization 8 modules 8 new 8 Object 8 Object Oriented Programming - OOP 8 Overide 8 package 8 polymorphism 8 precedence 8 private 8 protocol 8 Subclass 8 Superclass 8 trigger 8 Definition - Type in the definition of the word for each module as we study that module. Use the Internet a the definitions below each time we study a new module. This study guide will be turned in for a grade at the end of each mod A Java program that can be embedded into a web page, but cannot access system resources. (Ex - Modems, Printers, an A software program that runs on the computer. (Ex - Games, Word Processors, and Utilities.) It takes 8 bits to make a byte. A bit is the smallest unit to measure computer storage and is a single digit number in a 2bas Or Web Browser, is a program to view the World Wide Web, or www. A short amount of data stored in the computer's RAM to be held until right before use. A channel that consists of wires to allow data to be transferred back and forth. A compiled code that is a simpler code made up of instructions of a byte long. A single electronic pulse of the CPU (Central Processing Unit). Is often measure in Megahertz or Gigahertz. A texted-based interface that uses commands from the user to carry out tasks. A computer program that converts different programming languages into a machine code. Smaller pieces of bigger things such as a hard drive or computer. Central Processing Unit - The brain of the computer. A blinking point on the monitor where the user can interact with the current program. When the software returns previously used but now unused memory to the computer to be used again. A unit of measurement used to measure memory space on a computer. Made up of 1,000,000,000bytes and 1024megaby A unit of measurement used to measure computer processing speeds. Made up of 1000megahertz and 1,000,000,000hert A base-16 numerical system that is a method of representing numbers and binary code. Uses common spoken language terms that is easier for the novice programmer. A system of connected computer networks that uses IP addresses. Different from World Wide Webs. A computer program that translates instructions into machine language. A unit of measurement that measures memory taken up by items saved on the computer. A kilobyte is 1024bytes. The arrangement of computer circuits in order to compute. The step above machine code that uses symbols in order to represent binary code. Binary code that machines can read to carry out instructions. A unit of measurement that exceeds gigabytes that measures computer memory space. A unit of measurement that only measures the clock speed of the processor. The main circuitboard of the computer that houses the wires of the computer. When your computer completes more than one task at a time. The software that comunicates with the computer on a basic level of computer language. Random Access Memory - Temporary memory in the computer and data are received from the ROM. A part of the computer processor, a register is a small data holding place. Read Only Memory - Contains instructions for the computer uses to carry out certain commands. A term used to mean making the software start to carry out its function. Programs that are designed to work on computer systems, that you can't touch like Hardware. The profession of designing and modifying software. The ability to use the same software code or design in another program instead of having to rewrite the same code for a d To move rapidly through different pages on the internet at a time. A unit of measurement that exceeds gigabytes and petrabytes, that measures computer memory space. A Terabyte is 1,0 American Standard Code for Information Interchange - A universal standard for numerical codes computers used to repres and symbols. A Base2 (or two digit) numerical system that allows the computer to compute functions and to store data. Binary only cons and 1. Is used to measure hard drive space, computer memory, and file sizes. A byte is made up of 8bits and is a single characte memory. A program used by programmers to make writing code easier. It creates a virtual environment so that programmers can se programming. A way of uniformly representing the different characters of the many languages that exist. "What You See Is What You Get" pronounced wihzeewig, means the monitor shows the exact image of what could really b Syntax You are required to explain each of thesa syntax terms when the term arises in our stu (String[]args) boolean break case catch char class const do while double else extends false final finally float for if if else implements import int long main new null operator package private protected public return short static switch this throw throws true try void while Give a short explanation of what the syntax word stands for or what its purpose is. You are required to explain each of thesa syntax terms when the term arises in our study of Java. Study these operators and list next to them what there function You are required to explain each of these operators when the term arises in Compound operators ++ += -= *= /= == Comparison Operators == < > <= >= ! != Arithmetic Operators + - * / % Logic Operators && || ! Study these operators and list next to them what there functions are. You are required to explain each of these operators when the term arises in our study of Java. List below as many style concepts as you experience. These should be accepted conventions for good progra Add new style concepts whenever you learn a new point of accepted style in programming. Identifier names a never capitalized. Naming Convention - Names begin with lowercase letters and are made of compound words with successive words being Indent the code each time you start a new structure inside another structure. List below as many rules as you experience. These should be rules of the Java Language. Add new Java rules whenever you learn a new rule in Java programming. Class names are always to be capitalized. A line of code must end with a semi-colon, but if, while, for and other statements like these are not a complete line of uploads/S4/ study-guide 31 .pdf
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- Publié le Oct 08, 2021
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