TRACES OF TRUTH SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION (TRC) Select TRC bibliography compiled by Historical Papers (University of Witwatersrand) and South African History Archive (November 2006) 2 CONTENTS 1. PREHISTORY OF THE TRC 3 1.1 ARTICLES 3 1.2 BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS 5 1.3 THESES 6 2. HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS 7 2.1 ARTICLES 7 2.2 BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS 10 2.3 THESES 12 3. AMNESTY 13 3.1 ARTICLES 13 3.2 BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS 14 3.3 THESES 16 4. REPARATIONS AND REHABILITATION 17 4.1 ARTICLES 17 4.2 BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS 18 4.3 THESES 19 5. AFTERMATH 20 5.1 ARTICLES 20 5.2 BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS 33 5.3 THESES 40 6. ONLINE RESOURCES 44 7. AUDIOVISUAL COLLECTIONS 45 Select TRC bibliography compiled by Historical Papers (University of Witwatersrand) and South African History Archive (November 2006) 3 1. PREHISTORY OF THE TRC Includes: • Prehistory • Establishment of the TRC • Early perceptions and challenges 1.1 ARTICLES Abraham, L. Vision, truth and rationality, New Contrast 23, no. 1 (1995). Adelman, S. Accountability and administrative law in South Africa's transition to democracy, Journal of Law and Society 21, no. 3 (1994):317-328. Africa Watch. South Africa: Accounting for the past. The lessons for South Africa from Latin America, Human Rights Watch (23 October 1992). Barcroft, P.A. The presidential pardon - a flawed solution, Human Rights Law Journal 14 (1993). Berat, L. Prosecuting human rights violations from a predecessor regime. Guidelines for a transformed South Africa, Boston College Third World Law Journal 13, no. 2 (1993):199-231. Berat, L. & Shain, Y. Retribution or truth telling in South Africa? Legacies of the transitional phase, Law and Society Inquiry 20, no. 1 (1995):163-190. Bonner, P. New nation, new history. The History Workshop in South Africa, 1977-1994, Journal of American History 81, no. 3 (1994):977-985. Boraine, A. Truth and reconciliation, South African Outlook 55 (1995):55-56. Coetzee, J.K. South Africa's transition in a broader context, South African Journal of Sociology 25, no. 1 (1994):10-15. De Gruchy, J. Guilt, amnesty and national reconstruction, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa 83 (June 1993):3-13. De Gruchy, J. Forgetting or exorcising the past, South African Outlook 124, no. 6 (1994):63-65. Douglas, C. Setting up the truth factory, Frontiers of Freedom Second Quarter (1995). Du Toit, A. Justice and/or truth, South African Outlook 11, no. 4 (1995):52-55. Du Toit, A. Laying the past to rest, Indicator South Africa 11, no. 4 (1994):63-69. Select TRC bibliography compiled by Historical Papers (University of Witwatersrand) and South African History Archive (November 2006) 4 Freedom of Expression Institute of South Africa. The Truth Commission Bill: Transparency in government - another urban legend? FXI Update (January 1995). Friedman, S. & Atkinson, D. (eds). The small miracle. South Africa's negotiated settlement, South African Review 7 (1994). Hamill, J. The crossing of the Rubicon. South Africa's post-apartheid political process 1990-1992, International Relations 12, no. 3 (1994):9-38. Haysom, N. Negotiating the political settlement in South Africa: Are there lessons for other countries? African Journal of Conflict Resolution 11, no. 3 (2002). Kollapen, N. Accountability: The debate in South Africa, Journal of African Law 37, no. 1 (1993):1-9. Makhubela, K. Will truth be enough to reconcile SA? Mayibuye (December 1995). Malamud-Goti, J. Transitional government in the breach. Why punish state criminals? Human Rights Quarterly 12, no. 1 (1990). Marais, H. & Narsoo, M. And justice for all? The debate about a general amnesty - sidestepping crucial issues, Work in Progress 85, (1992):8-12. Miller, A. A time to remember, Odyssey 19, no. 4 (1995). Minnaar, A. Will the truth out? The delaying of the truth commission, Political Update (Third Quarter 1995):56-66. Motala, A. Case notes: Azanian people's Organization (AZAPO) and Others vs. President of the Republic of South Africa and Others, Interights Bulletin 10 (1996). Motala, Z. The Promotion of National Unity and reconciliation Act, the Constitution, and international law, Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa 28, no. 3 (1995):338-362. Newham, G. Truth and reconciliation: raising the ideals, Indicator South Africa12, no. 4 (1995). Pienaar, A. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa: 'Settling accounts' or 'Burning the hatchet', Annual Conference: African Society of International and Comparative Law Vol. 7 (1995):453-467. Smit, D. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission - Tentative religious and theological perspectives, Journal of Theology for Southern Africa 90 (1995). Steenkamp, A.J. The South African Constitution of 1993 and the Bill of Rights. An evaluation in terms of international human rights norms, Human Rights Quarterly 17, no. 1 (1995):101-126. Select TRC bibliography compiled by Historical Papers (University of Witwatersrand) and South African History Archive (November 2006) 5 Wilhelm, D. South Africa - Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act of 1995, American Journal of International Law 91, no. 2 (1997):36-64. Wilson, R. Manufacturing legitimacy: The Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the rule of law, Indicator South Africa (December 1995). 1.2 BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS Abel, R 1995. Politics by other means: Law in the struggle against apartheid 1980-1994. London: Routledge. Adam, H & Moodley, K 1993. The opening of the apartheid mind. Options for a new South Africa. Berkeley: University of California Press. Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging 1995. Submission concerning the Truth and Reconciliation Bill. Liaison Office, 25 January 1995. Alexander, N. 1993. Some are more equal than others. Essays on the transition in South Africa. Cape Town: Buchn Books. Bennum, M. ( ed.) 1995. Negotiating justice: a New Constitution for South Africa. Exeter: University of Exeter. Boraine, A, Levy, J. & Scheffer, R. 1994. Dealing with the past. Truth and reconciliation in South Africa. Cape Town: IDASA. Boraine, A. & Levy, J. (eds.) 1995. The healing of a nation? Cape Town: Justice in Transition. Bronkhorst, D. 1995. Truth and reconciliation: Obstacles and opportunities for human rights. Amsterdam: Amnesty International. Davidson, A. & Strand, P. 1994. "The path to democracy - A background to the constitutional negotiations in South Africa", in Oden et. al. (eds.) 1994:119-140. Institute for Democracy in South Africa 1994. Justice in transition. Cape Town: IDASA. Johnston, A., Shezi, S. & Bradshaw, G. (eds.) 1993. Constitution-making in the new South Africa. London: Leister University Press. Kitchen, H. & Kitchen, J. 1994. South Africa: Twelve perspectives on the transition. Westport, Connecticut: Praeger. Lange de, J. 2000. "The historical context, legal origins and philosophical foundation of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission", in Villa-Vicencio & Verwoerd (eds.) 2000. Mandela, N. 1994. Long walk to freedom. London: Little, Brown & Co. Select TRC bibliography compiled by Historical Papers (University of Witwatersrand) and South African History Archive (November 2006) 6 Moss, G. & Obery, I. (eds.) 1992. From 'Red Friday' to CODESA. Johannesburg: Ravan Press. Oden, B. et. al. (eds.) 1994. The South African tripod: Studies on economics, politics and conflict. Uppsala: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet. Omar, A. 1996. "Introduction to the TRC", in Botman and Petersen (eds.) 1996:13-16. Parlevliet, M. 1999. "Appendix: Background of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission", in Dorsman, Hartman & Noteboom-Kronemeijer (eds.) 1999:61-78. Sparks, A. 1994. Tomorrow is another country. The inside story of South Africa's negotiated revolution. Sandton: Struik. Spitz, R. & Chaskalson, M. 1999. The politics of transition. A hidden history of South Africa's negotiated settlement. Johannesburg: Witwatersrand University Press. Stedman, S.J. (ed.) 1994. South Africa: The political economy of transformation. Boulder & London: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Tutu, D. 1994. The rainbow people of God. London: Bantam. Zartman, W. 1994. "Local negotiations in South Africa", in Stedman (ed.) 1994:65-84. 1.3 THESES Mokulubete, M.C. 2001. A critical analysis of some provisions of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act 1995 (Act 34/1995), LLM thesis, University of Natal (DBN). Select TRC bibliography compiled by Historical Papers (University of Witwatersrand) and South African History Archive (November 2006) 7 2. HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS Includes: • “As complete a picture as possible [of human rights violations]” • “Causes of HRV” • “Nature of HRV” • “Extent of HRV” • Sample case studies • Issues around investigation and corroboration • Debates on even-handedness 2.1 ARTICLES Barrie, G.N. The Norgaard Principles and the Truth Commission, South Africa Now 1, no. 3 (1996):8-10. Bassiouni, M.C. Searching for peace and achieving justice: The need for accountability, Law and Contemporary Problems 59 (1996). Bhargava, A. Defining political crimes: A case study of the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Columbia Law Review 102, no. 5 (2002):1304. Bond, P. Truth time for corporate South Africa? Multinational Monitor 19, no. 4. Borer, T. A taxonomy of victims and perpetrators: Human rights and reconciliation in South Africa, Human Rights Quarterly 25, no. 4 (2003):1088-1116. Bromley, S. Survivor-offender mediation and its relevance in the South African context, IMSSA Review 22 (July 1997). Cameron, E. Submission on the role of the judiciary under apartheid, The South African Law Journal 115, no. 1 (1998). Carman, M. Who was to blame for Apartheid? New Agenda 12 (2003):20-25. Cherry, J. "Just war" and "just means": Was the TRC wrong about the ANC? Transformation 42 (2000):9-28. Cory, W. & Terre Blanche, M. Where does the blood come from? True stories and real selves at the TRC hearings, Psychology in uploads/S4/ traces-of-truth-select-bibliography-of-the-south-african-truth-and-reconciliation-commission-trc.pdf
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