A TEACHER'S GUIDE TO GETTING STARTED ON 小红书 小红书 Starter Pack Create and Funnel

A TEACHER'S GUIDE TO GETTING STARTED ON 小红书 小红书 Starter Pack Create and Funnel TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 3 Download and Installing Setting up your profile Navigating 小红书 Useful 小红书 Hashtags 4 Create and Funnel DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING Search [Xiaohongshu] or [Little Red Book] in your local app store. *Google Device Users: Download XHS directly from website: HTTPS://WWW.XIAO HONGSHU.COM/ Create and Funnel Agree to [Terms and Conditions] (click red button to agree) *use translating tool for your safety before complying. Verify profile through Phone Number OR WeChat DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING (CONT.) Create and Funnel PHONE VERIFICATION: 1. Search area code 2. Enter phone number 3. Press blue icon to send SMS code 4. Submit confirmation code *WeChat setup will also require phone number for verification before being allowed to post on the app DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING (CONT.) Create and Funnel WeChat VERIFICATION: *WeChat setup will also require phone number for verification before being allowed to post on the app. DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING (CONT.) Create and Funnel DOWNLOADING AND INSTALLING (CONT.) 1 3 2 Choose Gender Write Username Choose interests: [Learning, knowledge, reading are recommended] Create and Funnel SETTING UP YOUR PROFILE Choose a CLEAR and professional profile photo Preferably a headshot of you in your teaching environment (headset, props, background, etc). Remember that your goal is for your profile to standout so be sure to put your best face forward. Create a CLEAR biogram WHO you are, i.e., your specialty as an educator, curriculum, and qualifications. Remember that there is a max editing limit of 3 times, after which you must wait one full week before being allowed to edit again. Choose a background Your logo is recommended or anything related to your classroom environment. Hide your followers list and your following list to ensure parents stay in YOUR funnel. How to Optimize your Profile: 1. a. b. 2. a. i. 3. a. 4. Create and Funnel 1 2 Privacy Settings Hide your followers/following list Create and Funnel NAVIGATING 小红书 Create post by clicking plus sign at bottom of the screen. 1 Choose video template, photo, or video upload. 2 Create and Funnel NAVIGATING 小红书 Messages Likes/Collects Follows Other app features include: 3 Create and Funnel NAVIGATING 小红书 Commenting and liking posts that parents upload of their children, speaking or reading in English. Filter view using subcategories found under Explore tab. Use search tool to access relevant posts and content. Search is divided into categories based on initial interests. 4 Create and Funnel NAVIGATING 小红书 Pinned Post A post you can set at the top of your profile. It may take about 20 posts to unlock the feature so you can pin any of your posts in your profile. 5 Create and Funnel USEFUL 小红书 HASHTAGS #老师 (Teacher) #学英语 (LearnEnglish) #在线英语 (OnlineEnglish) #英语学习 (LearningEnglish) #英语老师 (EnglishTeacher) #美国 (USA) #teacher #americanteacher #englishteacher #britishteacher #speakEnglsih #englishlearning #studyenglishonline #ESL You can look up relevant hashtags that other teachers post. Any hashtags related to your teaching niche, curriculum, previous companies, location are suitable to use. Chinese Hashtags: English Hashtags: #ESLteacher #Vipkid #Gogokid #DadaABC #WhalesEnglish #PalFish #kidsenglish #reading #phonics #IELTS #NationalGeographic #Wonders #ReachHigher #Cambridge #OxfordDiscover #onlineteacher Create and Funnel A TEACHER'S GUIDE TO GETTING STARTED ON 小红书 小红书 Starter Pack Create and Funnel uploads/S4/ xhsstarter-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Nov 29, 2022
  • Catégorie Law / Droit
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 2.7148MB