1 An `Automatic´ Bibliography and sometimes an Annotated Bibliography on Financ
1 An `Automatic´ Bibliography and sometimes an Annotated Bibliography on Finance and Capital. A Study of the Latest Phase of Capitalist Development of Rudolf Hilferding1 Juan Carlos Frías (2009) at: www.juancarlosfrias.es e-mail: juancarlosfrias@wanadoo.es During the last fithteen years we have seen an enormous progress in the technologies of information, among them, is the the possibility of expanding the features of bibliographies beyond the traditional list of authors and titles. The main novelty of this `automatic bibliography´ is that researchers can access directly most of the documents simply by `clicking´ on the `link´ (please see statistic ). The advantages of this feature alone in terms of cost, time and diffusion are obvious. On the other hand, this `automatic´ bibliography entails also a major constituent of the postmodern times we are living through: its duration is ephemeral. In the time to come most `links´ will probably disappear, be deleted or changed and therefore this bibliography will be less useful as time passes. In the meantime please enjoy. I enjoyed writing this bibliography and hope the readers will enjoy using it. In the books, articles and papers cited you can find bibliography dealing with Hilferding´s influence nowadays and on authors such as Schumpeter, Lenin, Sweezy and others. This bibliography also includes works on Hilferding´s life and his political and intelectual evolution. Also, at the end of this text, the resources I found available in spanish are included. There are also traceable references to Rudolf Hilferding (some very critical) in the works of Habermas, Guy Debord, Lukács, Negri, Hardt, Polanyi, Laclau, Trotsky, Wallerstein, Mises, Hayek and others, but the analysis of them goes beyond the scope of this bibliography. 1 I owe an special debt of thanks to Fernando Ortiz de Apodaca who was kind enough to read the draft. 2 Note please that this bibliography is limited to the literature on Hilferding written in english and spanish2 You can read the note on the method used, and the terms of use at the end of the text. I) Bibliography: -Alexander, M. (1998)`Big business and directorship networks: the centralization of economic power in Australia´ Journal of Sociology, Jan. Vol. 34, N2, pp. 107-122. Pay per view at: http://jos.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/34/2/107 (Link to the Abstract) -Andersen, E. S. (1991) `Schumpeter's Vienna and the Schools of Thought. A report from a study on Schumpeter and the Analysis of Economic Evolution´. Working Paper N70, The IKE Group Institute for Production. Aalborg University. At: http://www.business.aau.dk/evolution/esapapers/esa90-93/WP70.pdf (Link to the Paper) -Arendt, Hannah (2004) Origins of Totalitarianism. New York: Schocken Books. Introduction by Samantha Power. See please Chapter V. -Arrighi, G. (1994) The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power, and the Origins of Our Times. London: Verso. -Barnes, R. C. and Ritter E. R. (2001) `Networks of Corporate Interlocking: 1962-1995´. Critical Sociology, Mar. Vol. 27, N2, pp. 192-220. At: http://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43631/1/10581_2004_Article_brill_08969205_v27n2_s3.pdf (Link to the Article) -Bell, P. F. (1971) `On the Theory of Imperialism´. Review of Radical Political Economics. Apr. Vol. 3, N74, pp. 74-79. Pay per view at: http://online.sagepub.com/cgi/search -Bichler, S. and Nitzan, J. (2009) Imperialism and Financialism. A Story of a Nexus. Montreal and Jerusalem. At: http://bnarchives.yorku.ca/perl/search/simple (Link to the article through the webpage, type please Imperialism and Financialism) -Biersteker, T. J. (1993) `Evolving Perspectives on International Political Economy: Twentieth-Century Contexts and Discontinuities´. International Political Science Review. Vol. 14, N1, pp. 7-33. Pay per view at: http://online.sagepub.com/cgi/search -Boemer, H. (2000) `The regional impact of the "hostile" takeover of Mannesmann by Vodafone on the Rhine- Ruhr Region, a new paradigm for stakeholders in/ from traditional industrial regions in Germany?´. Paper presented to the XIV AESOP-Congress at Brno, Czech Republic 18 to 23, 7-2000, Revised Paper presented again to the European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe. Brussels, 29-9 to 1, 10-2000. At: 2 Bibliography in german language can be important. At the British Library Integrated Catalogue, is this entry: Kurata, Minoru (1972). Bibliographie uber Rudolf Hilferding. Tokyo, pp.271-310. In the Directory Database of Research and Development Activities (Japan) is another one: Kurata, Minoru (1974) `Rudolf Hilferding Bibliographie´. Internationall Wissenschaftl Kor. Vol. 10, N3. At: http://read.jst.go.jp/public/cs_ksh_012EventAction.do?action4=event&lang_act4=E&judge_act4=2&code_act4=1000002579 3 http://www.raumplanung.uni-dortmund.de/poek/DokuPoek/Boe_AESOP2000_en.pdf (Link to the Paper) -Bottomore, T (1989) `Austro-Marxist Conceptions of the Transition from Capitalism to Socialism´. In Kautsky, John H. (ed) Karl Kaustky and the social science of classical marxism. International Journal of Comparative Sociology. Vol. 30, N1-2, pp. 109-120. -Busch, A. (2005 ) `Globalisation and National Varieties of Capitalism: The Contested Viability of the ‘German Model´. German Politics. Vol.14, N2, pp.125-139. At: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~busch/papers/Busch_German_Politics_2-2005.pdf (Link to the Article) -Bukharin, N. (1918) Imperialism and World Economy, London: Merlin Press. An HTML edition at: http://www.marxists.org/archive/bukharin/works/1917/imperial/index.htm -Cain, P.J. (2002) Hobson and Imperialism: Radicalism, New Liberalism, and Finance 1887–1938, New York: Oxford University Press. -Carroll, W. K. and Alexander, M. (1999) `Finance Capital and Capitalist Class Integration in the 1990s: Networks of Interlocking Directorships in Canada and Australia´. The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology, Vol. 36, N2, pp.107-122. Pay per view at: http://www.questia.com/googleScholar.qst?docId=5001284522 (Link to the Abstract) -Cioffi; J.W. (2008) `Corporate Governance, Law, and the State of Comparative Political Economy´. Paper presented at the American Political Science Association Meeting, Boston, Aug. 28, 2008. An HTML edition of this paper at: http://www.allacademic.com//meta/p_mla_apa_research_citation/2/7/8/3/2/pages278321/p278321-1.php (Link to the Paper) -Cioffi, J. W. and Höpner, M. (2006). `The Political Paradox of Finance Capitalism: Interests, Preferences, and Center-Left Party Politics in Corporate Governance Reform´. Politics & Society, Vol. 34, N4, pp. 463-502. Pay per view at: http://pas.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/34/4/463 (Link to the Abstract) -Crotty, J. (2003) `The Neoliberal Paradox: The Impact of Destructive Product Market Competition and Impatient Finance on Nonfinancial Corporations in the Neoliberal Era´. Review of Radical Political Economics. Vol. 35, N3, pp. 271 - 279. Pay per view at: http://rrp.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/35/3/271 (Link to the Abstract) -Coakley, J. (2000), `Hilferding, Rudolf´. In Arestis, P. and Sawyer, P. (eds) A Biographical Dictionary of Dissenting Economists, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 290-98. -Coakley, J. (1991), ‘London as an International Financial Centre’, in Whimster, S. and Budd, L. (eds) Global Finance and Urban Living, London: Routledge. -Coakley, J. (1982), ‘Hilferding’s Finance Capital’, Capital and Class, N17, pp.134-141. At: http://www.cseweb.org.uk/pdfs/017/017_134.pdf (Link to the Article) -Coulomb, F. and Fountanel, J. (?) `Disarmament: A Century of Economic Thought´ in Brauer, J. (ed) Defense and Peace Economics. Special Issue: A Millennial View on Defence and Peace Economics, pp. 61-86. At: http://www.aug.edu/~sbajmb/paper-DPE.PDF (Link to the Article) 4 - Cruz Basso, L.F (2005) `An Alternative Methodology for the Comparison of Gross Domestic Products (GDPs)´. At: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=716507 (Link to the Webpage, the paper can be downloaded from four different locations) The article proposes an alternative methodology for the comparison of Gross Domestic Products. The value of the money in the conception of Hilferding is obtained dividing the GPDs by the necessary working hours for producing it. (From the abstract) -Cruz Basso, L.F., Da Silva, R., Chang, S.C. (2003) `A Marxist Theory for Exchange Rate Determination: An Empirical Investigations´. At: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=457020 (Link to the Webpage, the paper can be downloaded from four different locations) The study proposes an alternative theory for determining the exchange rate with a basis on the currency value concept formulated by Rudolf Hilferding. (From the abstract). -Darity W.A. Jr. and Horn, B.L. (1985), `Rudolf Hilferding the dominion of capitalism and the dominion of gold´. American Economic Review Vol. 7, N2, Papers and Proccedings, May, pp. 363-368. -Davis, G.F. (2008) `A new finance capitalism? Mutual funds and ownership re-concentration in the United States´. European Management Review, N5, pp. 11–21. Pay per view at: http://www.palgrave-journals.com/emr/journal/v5/n1/abs/emr20084a.html (Link to the Abstract) -De Paula, J.A., Da Gama, H. and Da Motta, E. (2002) `Finance and Industrial Evolution: Introductory Notes on A Key Relationship for the Capitalist Accumulation´. Cedeplar Working Paper N179. At: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=326761 (Link to abstract, you can download the full text from the webpage) -Duménil; G. and Lévy, D. (2004) `The Real and Financial Components of Profitability (United States, 1952- 2000)´. Review of Radical Political Economics. Vol. 36, N1, pp. 82-110.Pay per view at: http://rrp.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/36/1/82 (Link to the Abstract) -De Vroey, M (1975) `The Corporation and The Labor Process: The Separation of Ownership and Control in Large Corporations´ (Part I). Review of Radical Political Economics. Vol. 7, N2, pp. 1-10. Pay per view at: http://online.sagepub.com/cgi/search -Dibeh, G. (2001) `Time Delays and Business Cycles: Hilferding's model revisited´. Review of Political Economy. Vol.13, N3 July, pp. 329-341. Pay per view at: http://ideas.repec.org/a/taf/revpoe/v13y2001i3p329-341.html (Link to the Abstract) -Dufour, M, and Orhangazi, O. (2007) `International Financial Crises: Scourge or Blessings in Disguise?´. Review of Radical Political Economics. Vol. 39, N3, pp. 342-350. Pay per view at: http://rrp.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/39/3/342 (Link to the Abstract) -Ferguson, N. and Burghes, (2008) W. `Great Dying: A memo to market dinosaurs, and lessons for industry leaders.´ Oliver Wyman Journal, N2, pp. 10-18. At: http://www.oliverwyman.com/ow/pdf_files/OW_OWJ2008-2_TheGreatDying.pdf (Link to the Article) 5 A critical point of view for industrial managers. -French, S., Leyshon, A. and Wainwright, T. (2008)`Financializing Space, Spacing Financialization´. Paper presented at ESRC Financialization of Competitiveness, Seminar School of Arts and Social Sciences, Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne 25th April. At: http://www.lancs.ac.uk/fass/events/changingcultures/docs/sem2/Financialising%20Space%20%28French%20Leyshon%20and %20Wainwright%29_Northumbria.pdf (Link to the Paper) -Green, Roy (1987) `John Fullarton´. The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of uploads/Finance/ an-automatic-bibliography-on-finance-and-capital-of-rudolf-hilferding-2009-juan-carlos-frias.pdf
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- Publié le Dec 03, 2022
- Catégorie Business / Finance
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