Arts guide For use from September 2014/January 2015 Arts guide For use from Sep

Arts guide For use from September 2014/January 2015 Arts guide For use from September 2014/January 2015 MYP341 International Baccalaureate, Baccalauréat International and Bachillerato Internacional are registered trademarks of the International Baccalaureate Organization. Published May 2014 Updated September 2014 Published on behalf of the International Baccalaureate Organization, a not-for-profit educational foundation of 15 Route des Morillons, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland by the International Baccalaureate Organization (UK) Ltd Peterson House, Malthouse Avenue, Cardiff Gate Cardiff, Wales CF23 8GL United Kingdom Website: © International Baccalaureate Organization 2014 The International Baccalaureate Organization (known as the IB) offers four high-quality and challenging educational programmes for a worldwide community of schools, aiming to create a better, more peaceful world. This publication is one of a range of materials produced to support these programmes. The IB may use a variety of sources in its work and checks information to verify accuracy and authenticity, particularly when using community-based knowledge sources such as Wikipedia. The IB respects the principles of intellectual property and makes strenuous efforts to identify and obtain permission before publication from rights holders of all copyright material used. The IB is grateful for permissions received for material used in this publication and will be pleased to correct any errors or omissions at the earliest opportunity. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the IB, or as expressly permitted by law or by the IB’s own rules and policy. See IB merchandise and publications can be purchased through the IB store at Email: Middle Years Programme Arts guide IB mission statement The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right. Arts guide Contents Introduction 1 Purpose of this guide 1 Arts in the MYP 2 Programme model 2 Nature of the arts 4 Thinking creatively 5 Arts across the IB continuum 7 Aims 9 Objectives 10 Visualizing the arts objectives 12 Planning a progression of learning 14 Interdisciplinary learning 16 MYP projects 17 Written and taught curriculum 18 Requirements 18 Planning the arts curriculum 21 Teaching and learning through inquiry 22 Subject-specific guidance 28 Assessed curriculum 35 Alignment of objectives and criteria 35 Assessment criteria overview 36 Task-specific clarifications 37 Arts assessment criteria: Year 1 38 Arts assessment criteria: Year 3 43 Arts assessment criteria: Year 5 48 eAssessment 53 Appendices 54 Related concepts in arts 54 Arts glossary 56 MYP command terms for arts 58 Selected reading 59 Arts guide 1 Introduction Purpose of this guide This guide is for use from September 2014 or January 2015, depending on the start of the school year. This document provides the framework for teaching and learning in arts in the Middle Years Programme (MYP) and must be read and used in conjunction with the document MYP: From principles into practice (May 2014), which includes: • general information about the programme • the MYP unit planner, with guidance for developing the curriculum that is relevant for all subject groups • detailed information about approaches to learning • advice that supports access and inclusion (including accommodations for students with learning support requirements) • a statement on academic honesty. In MYP publications, requirements appear in a text box like this one. Additional resources Teacher support materials (TSM) are available in the online curriculum centre ( The TSM for arts contains support for developing the written, taught and assessed curriculum. It provides examples of good practice including subject group overviews, assessment tasks and markschemes, as well as student work with teacher comments. An optional process of externally moderated assessment can lead to IB MYP course results for arts courses, and these results can contribute to the awarding of an IB MYP certificate. More information is available in the annual publication Handbook of procedures for the Middle Years Programme. A range of publications that support the MYP are available at the IB store ( Acknowledgments The IB gratefully acknowledges the generous contributions of IB World Schools and a global community of educators who collaborate in the development of the Middle Years Programme. Arts guide 2 Programme model Arts in the MYP Figure 1 Middle Years Programme model The MYP is designed for students aged 11 to 16. It provides a framework of learning that encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers. The MYP emphasizes intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in traditional subjects and the real world. It fosters the development of skills for communication, intercultural understanding and global engagement—essential qualities for young people who are becoming global leaders. The MYP is flexible enough to accommodate the demands of most national or local curriculums. It builds upon the knowledge, skills and attitudes developed in the IB Primary Years Programme (PYP) and prepares students to meet the academic challenges of the IB Diploma Programme (DP) and the IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC). Programme model Arts guide 3 The MYP: • addresses holistically students’ intellectual, social, emotional and physical well-being • provides students opportunities to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills they need in order to manage complexity and take responsible action for the future • ensures breadth and depth of understanding through study in eight subject groups • requires the study of at least two languages to support students in understanding their own cultures and those of others • empowers students to participate in service with the community • helps to prepare students for further education, the workplace and a lifetime of learning. Arts guide 4 Arts in the MYP Nature of the arts The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. Aristotle The arts are a universal form of human expression and a unique way of knowing that engage us in effective, imaginative and productive activities. Learning through the arts helps us to explore, shape and communicate our sense of identity and individuality. A focus on the individual enhances our self-confidence, resilience and adaptability. It encourages our sense of belonging and community through the recognition of identities. During adolescence, the arts provide an opportunity for age-appropriate and holistic development of the social, emotional, intellectual and personal intelligences of the student. In MYP arts students have opportunities to function as artists, as well as learners of the arts. Artists have to be curious. By developing curiosity about themselves, others and the world, students become effective learners, inquirers and creative problem-solvers. Students develop through creating, performing and presenting arts in ways that engage and convey feelings, experiences and ideas. It is through this practice that students acquire new skills and master those skills developed in prior learning. Development in the arts is a dynamic process, and not necessarily linear. The student moves freely through a creative process towards a deeper understanding of the arts. MYP arts values the process of creating artwork and the point of realization; the two elements combined tell us what students have experienced, learned and attempted to convey. In MYP arts, the four objectives have equal importance and value. Although the objectives can be addressed separately to scaffold learning, when used collectively they enrich teaching and learning of the arts. Thinking creatively fits naturally in MYP arts, but can easily become a focus in other subject groups too. This objective is essential in modern education to address the need for student-centred learning and lifelong learning, looking towards a modern context of flexible employment and a higher demand for innovation and change in the workplace. As both an objective in the arts and an approaches to learning (ATL) skill across the programme, heightened awareness of thinking creatively encourages students to develop metacognitive skills and become self-regulated learners. Arts in the MYP stimulate young imaginations, challenge perceptions and develop creative and analytical skills. Involvement in the arts encourages students to understand the arts in context and the cultural histories of artworks, thus supporting the development of an inquiring and empathetic world view. Arts challenge and enrich personal identity and build awareness of the aesthetic in a real-world context. Arts guide 5 Arts in the MYP Thinking creatively Every person has the ability to be creative. In a rapidly changing world, it cannot be assumed that the knowledge and understanding that students develop during their formal education will be sufficient. Learning to think critically and creatively enables us to analyse situations, revisit challenges, create possible solutions, and innovate our way into a better future. Providing students with the tools for generating creative thought and encouraging creative behaviours will allow students to develop their creativity across uploads/Finance/ art-guide.pdf

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