Beloved Study Guide Questions Dedication, Inscription, and First Chapter Prefac

Beloved Study Guide Questions Dedication, Inscription, and First Chapter Preface and pp. 3-24 1. Elie Wiesel has said that nothing compares to the Holocaust from World War II and has rejected any comparison. In her dedication, Toni Morrison is drawing a clear parallel to the Holocaust. Is this a valid comparison? If so, why? If not, why not? 2. What is 124? 3. Why are the sideboard moving, the house pitching, and the dog thrown across the room? 4. Who dies on page 5? 5. Why does Sethe want “Dearly Beloved” engraved on the tombstone? 6. Why does she have only “Beloved” engraved? 7. What do you understand from “The picture of the men coming to nurse her”? (p. 7) 8. Do the nephews rape Sethe in addition to taking her milk? 9. Who is Paul D, and what kind of person is he? 10. Why do the male slaves on Sweet Home let Sethe decide which man she wants? 11. Why does Mr. Garner say, “Neither would I.” (p. 13) 12. Why does Sethe choose Halle? 13. Why are so many of the slaves named “Paul”? 14. What details are you given about Sweet Home? 15. On page 17, Denver says the baby is “rebuked.” What is the connotation of this word? 16. Why is there a tree on Sethe’s back? 17. What is the significance of its being a chokecherry tree? 18. What is a tobacco tin? 19. What does Paul D do to the ghost? 20. What is Denver’s attitude toward the ghost? 21. Why does Beloved’s spirit stay on earth? Why doesn’t it go to Heaven or to Hell? Part One, Second Chapter pp. 25-34 1. What motivates Sixo? 2. What happens to Baby Suggs’ other children? 3. How do Sethe and Paul D feel after they make love? Part One, Third Chapter pp.35-53 1. Why does Denver like the bower behind 124? 2. Who is in the white dress kneeling down next to Sethe with its sleeve around her waist? 3. What is the significance of the antelope metaphor on page 37? 4. Why does Denver love the part about Amy the best? 5. Why does Sethe lie about her name to Amy? 6. Why does Amy massage Sethe’s feet? 7. What is the significance of the colors described on pages 48-49? Part One, Fourth Chapter pp. 54-61 1. What is the effect on the reader of having the three shadows holding hands? 2. What is the importance of the dying roses? Part One, Fifth Chapter pp. 62.70 1. Who appears in front of 124? 2. Why is she wearing new shoes? 3. Why is her skin soft and smooth? 4. How does Denver react to Beloved’s arrival? 5. Why does Beloved like sugar so much? 6. Why does Denver contradict what Paul D says at the end of the chapter? Part One, Sixth Chapter pp. 71-78 1. Why does Mrs. Garner give Sethe the earrings? 2. What are Sethe’s memories of her own mother? 3. Why does her mother have a brand under her breast? 4. What is the meaning of a circle with a cross in it? 5. Why does Sethe’s mother throw away all the other babies she had? Part One, Seventh Chapter pp. 79-85 1. Why is Beloved shining, and how does Paul D feel about it? 2. What is Sethe’s reaction when she learns that Halle witnessed the incident in the barn when schoolteacher’s nephews took her milk? 3. Why was Halle “sitting by the churn *with+ butter all over his face”? (p. 85) 4. Why couldn’t Paul D help Halle then? 5. What is a bit? 6. Why does Paul D have such affection and admiration for the rooster, Mister? Part One, Eighth Chapter pp. 91-104 1. What does Denver see when Beloved lets her head fall back? 2. What place is Beloved describing on page 92? 3. Who does Denver think Beloved is at this point in the story? 4. Is Beloved using Denver, or does she genuinely care for her? Part One, Ninth Chapter pp. 105-129 1. What does Sethe want to lay down? 2. What purpose does the Clearing serve during Baby Suggs’ days? 3. Why does Sethe go to it now? 4. The AME is the African Methodist Episcopal Church. What role has it played in American history? 5. Why does the word “holy” follow Baby Suggs’ name on page 106 and elsewhere? 6. What does the word “grace” mean in religious terms? 7. What is the significance of the name “Stamp Paid”? 8. Why does Baby Suggs say not to clean the baby’s eyes until she gets the mother’s urine? 9. Why is Sethe’s older daughter called the “crawling-already girl”? 10. Why is Beloved’s given name never mentioned? 11. Who is trying to strangle Sethe in the Clearing? 12. Why is Sethe bothered by the kiss? 13. What are Beloved’s feelings toward Paul D in this chapter? 14. Why does Denver accuse Beloved of choking Sethe? 15. Why does Morrison include Lady Jones in the story? 16. Why is Denver deaf for two years? 17. What is the answer Denver cannot bear to hear? 18. Why does Denver feel so possessive about Beloved? 19. What is the importance of the turtle? 20. Why does Denver want Beloved’s forgiveness? Part One, Tenth Chapter pp. 130-139 1. Make a quick sketch of the ditch and boxes where Paul D and the rest of the chain gang are kept. 2. Why is Paul D trembling? 3. How do the guards demean the prisoners? 4. Who is Hi Man? 5. The Bible tells the Flood story in the book of Genesis. How does the story of the rains on the chain gang reflect the Flood story? 6. How do the men escape? 7. What disease do the Cherokees have? 8. Why does the chain gang stay near the Cherokees? 9. What is the significance of the trail of flowers that Paul D is told to follow? Part One, Eleventh Chapter pp. 140-144 1. Does Beloved consider Paul D a threat? 2. Why does Paul D decide to move out of 124? 3. What is the “confusion Beloved’s shining *causes+ him”? (p. 141) 4. What are “house-fits”? 5. What is the meaning of the reference to Lot’s wife? 6. Why does Paul D call Beloved by her name? 7. What happens to his tobacco tin? 8. Why does he say, “Red heart” over and over again? Part One, Twelfth Chapter pp. 145-153 1. Why does Sethe ask Beloved about her mother? 2. Why does Denver believe that Beloved is the baby incarnate but Sethe doesn’t see it yet? 3. Why does Beloved always have a “licking fire that seemed always to burn in her”? (p. 147) 4. What is the “original hunger” that Denver feels? (p. 149) 5. Why does Beloved play a cat-and-mouse game with Denver in the cold house? 6. What is Denver’s reaction to Beloved’s disappearance from the cold house? 7. Whose face does Beloved see? Part One, Thirteenth Chapter pp. 154-163 1. Why does Paul D feel unable to control his own actions around Beloved? 2. Why doesn’t Paul D want to ask Sethe for help? 3. Why does Paul D want Sethe to have his baby? 4. Why does Sethe say, “Mercy.” (p. 159) 5. Why is Beloved feeling malicious? Part One, Fourteenth Chapter pp. 164-165 1. Why is Beloved afraid that her body might be falling apart? 2. Why is Beloved crying? Part One, Fifteenth Chapter pp. 166-181 1. Why does Stamp Paid gather berries and bring them to Baby Suggs? 2. Why does Morrison include the reference to loaves and fishes? 3. Why is the rest of the community “offended by *the+ excess”? (p. 170) 4. What is Baby Suggs’ perspective on her other seven children? 5. Why doesn’t Mr. Garner call Baby Suggs by her real name? 6. What mixed feelings does Baby Suggs have toward Mr. Garner at the end of the chapter? Part One, Sixteenth Chapter pp. 182-188 1. Why does Morrison use a Biblical allusion in the description of the four men coming to take Sethe back? 2. What is Sethe doing with her children in the shed? 3. What is schoolteacher’s reaction to what Sethe does? 4. What is Baby Suggs’ reaction? Part One, Seventeenth Chapter pp. 189-194 1. Why does Stamp Paid decide to show Paul D the newspaper clipping? 2. What is Paul D’s reaction to it? 3. Why does Baby Suggs look at the stream and miss the arrival of the four horsemen? 4. Why doesn’t the community warn them? 5. How does Sethe justify killing her own child? Part One, Eighteenth Chapter pp. 195-203 1. Why does Paul D show Sethe the clipping? 2. What is the importance of the hummingbirds? Part Two, First Chapter pp. 207-245 1. What is the “Misery”? 2. Why does Sethe refuse to attend the service for Baby Suggs? 3. Why does Morrison include the Biblical verse, “Pride uploads/Finance/ beloved-study-guide.pdf

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  • Publié le Jul 10, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
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