students’ Guide The Pre-Israel The Pre-Israel Guide is not affiliated with any o
students’ Guide The Pre-Israel The Pre-Israel Guide is not affiliated with any other organization, Yeshiva or Seminary. The Pre-Israel Guide assumes no responsibility for any of the advertisers advertised herein. Any mistakes or misspelled words are purely intentional and they are our way of seeing if your parents got their money’s worth for their education dollars. Any questions, comments, corrections Contact us at: 5-23 Mishmar Hagevul Ramat Eshkol Jerusalem (054)STU-DENT (054)788-3368 Graphic design & layout by Toast it! 054-521-1608 © This book has been made for you. Please feel free to copy any of the information within for your own purposes. Important Phone Numbers Police 100 Electricity 103 Magen David Adom / Hatzalah 101 Fire 102 Dental Emergencies 1-800-773-773 Poison Control (04) 854-1900 Exchange Rate 02-373-2000 Information 144 Egged *2800 Weather (03) 560-0600 Terem (02) 509-3333 1-599-520-520 Nesher (ride to the airport) (02) 623-1231 (02) 625-7227 students’ Guide The Pre-Israel List of Yeshivas and Seminaries ................................................................................ 6 Choosing a Yeshiva or Seminary ...............................................................................15 Questions to ask a recruiter ...................................................................................... 17 YESHIVAS AND SEMINARIES Israeli Consulates and Red Tape ............................................................................... 36 Airlines ........................................................................................................................ 37 TECHNICAL STUFF Insurance ....................................................................................................................20 Cellphones .................................................................................................................. 22 Order seforim ............................................................................................................. 27 Arranging a dira .......................................................................................................... 28 Money .........................................................................................................................30 A. Preparing credit cards and money situation ........................................30 B. Budgeting .................................................................................................30 C. How money looks .................................................................................... 33 D. Financing the Year ...................................................................................34 THINGS TO SET UP Israel Stuff .................................................................................................................. 56 Hashkafic .................................................................................................................... 59 Hechsherim ................................................................................................................60 A little Bit a’ Hebrew .................................................................................................. 62 People you know in Israel .........................................................................................64 ISRAEL STUFF Table of Contents Packing advice and lists ........................................................................................... 40 Preparing for your departure ................................................................................... 49 Just for fun .................................................................................................................. 52 PACKING AND LEAVING So You Want To Go To Israel If you’re reading this, chances are you are thinking about going to Israel for the year or you are just really bored during last period. However, to those who are thinking about going to Israel, your decision may be based on many different factors. Perhaps your friends are going; perhaps you want to spend a year finding yourself (you could save time by just looking in the mirror). Maybe you realize that there is no Torah like the Torah of Eretz Yisroel, or maybe you’re just dying for some great shwarma. Whatever the reason you have decided to begin the journey, we would like to help you prepare for your trip in the best way possible and help you make the most of your time while you are there. If the statistics are correct most of you will only have one year to spend in Eretz Yisroel growing in learning and in your relationship with Hashem. If you start the year off on the right foot you are most likely going to make the most of your year. But if you come with an attitude that “I’ll get on the plane and everything will get sorted out”, you may very well find that you don’t begin to get serious until the year is well on its way and before you know it, it will be over. It is a very good idea to sit down for five-to-ten minutes and write down a few goals that you would like to achieve during your year. It is proven that students who begin the year with goals in hand are 3 to 4 times more successful than those who wing-it. We have prepared this “handy-dandy” guide to help your preparations and to ease your arrival into the land that the Creator Of The World calls home. We wish you the best of luck. If you have any questions or need any help in any way please feel free to contact us at or (054)STU-DENT (054)788-3368 YESHIVAS AND SEMINARIES LIST OF YESHIVAS AND SEMINARIES CHOOSING A YESHIVA OR SEMINARY QUESTIONS TO ASK A RECRUITER YESHIVAS AND SEMINARIES 6 LIST OF YESHIVAS AND SEMINARIES Yeshivas ADERES HATORAH Rav Chaim Tzvi Senter Tel: (02)582-6336 26 Shmuel Hanavi Zville Bais Yisroel AHAVAS CHAIM Rav Moshe Ginian Tel: (02)540-1941 82 Midbar Sinai Ramat Eshkol AISH HATORAH Rav Yosef Hillel Weinberg Tel: (02)628-5666 1 Rechov HaShvut Old City ASHREI Rav Yehoshua Kahan Tel: (054)545-0293 25 Rechov Be’er Sheva Nachlaot ATERET YERUSHALAYIM (A.J.) Rav Michoel Jablinowitz Tel: (02)587-9537 13 Mishol Hadekalim Ramot Bet BAIS YISRAEL Rav Doniel Lehrfeld Tel: (02)656-1959 3 Rechov Zevin Neve Yaakov BIRCHAS HATORAH Rav Shimon Green Tel: (02)627-1647 4 Ohr Hachaim Old City BIRCHAS MORDECHAI Rav Yaakov Friedman Tel: (02)580-3871 13 HaRav Koenig Street Beitar BIRCHAS MOSHE Rav Nachum Rabinovitch Tel: (02)535-3655 21 Mitzpe Nevo Ma’ale Adumim BRISK Rav Avrohom Yehoshua Soloveichik Rechov Press Zichron Moshe BRISK Rav Dovid Soloveichik 2 Grossberg Gush Shmonim CHOFETZ CHAIM Rav Dovid Chait Tel: (02)581-0188 Rechov Yam Suf & Harim Levin Sanhedria Hamuchevet DA’AS CHOCHMO Rav A. Meir Sender Tel: (02)582-7967 Rechov Minchas Yitzchok Minchas Yitzchok DARCHE NOAM/SHAPELLS Rav Yitzchok Hirshfeld Tel: (02)651-1178 5 Beit Hakerem Beit Hakerem DERECH ETZ CHAIM Rav Aharon Katz Tel: (02)654-1379 12 Ibn Dnan Har Nof DERECH HACHAIM Rav Baruch Levi Feivelson Tel: (02)581-4248 128 Maalot Dafna Maalot Dafna DERECH HATALMUD Rav Chaim Ilson Tel: (02)626-4137 8 Nachum Ish Gamzu Meah Shearim DERECH INSTITUTE Rav Moshe Lazerus Tel: (02)581-0315a ext.3 22 Shimon Hatzadik Rav Nachy Brickman Maalot Dafna DVAR YERUSHALAYIM Rav B. Horovitz Tel: (02)652-2817 53 Katzenelenbogen Har Nof YESHIVAS AND SEMINARIES 7 LIST OF YESHIVAS AND SEMINARIES CHOOSING A YESHIVA OR SEMINARY I QUESTIONS TO ASK A RECRUITER Yeshivas DIASPORA YESHIVA Rav Mordecai Goldstein Tel:( 02)671-6841 Har Zion Old City DVAR TORAH Rav Menachem Eichenstein Tel: (02)537-3896 36 Eli Hakohen Gush Shmonim ERETZ HATZVI Rav Yehuda Sussman Tel: (02)679-1424 32 Yossi Ben Yoezer Gonen HAKOTEL Rav Baruch Weider Tel: (02)628-8175 7 Hamekubalim Old City HAR ETZION /GUSH Rav Aharon Lichtenstein Tel: (02)993-7300 Alon Shevut Gush Etzion HEICHAL HATORAH Rav Tzvi Kushelevsky Tel: (02)651-9402 92 Katzenelenbogen Har Nof KEREM B’YAVNEH (K.B.Y.) Rav Mordechai Greenberg Tel: (08)856-2007 Doar Na Evtach Kibbutz Yavneh KESHER/GEVURAS YITZCHOK Rav Michoel Schoen Tel: (02)537-8180 9 Hameasef Jerusalem KESSER DOVID Rav Shimon Katz Tel: (02)533-0331 21 Hagra Telzstone KESSER HATALMUD Rav Yitzchok Weitz 12 Ramat Hagolan Ramat Eshkol KOL TORAH Rav Moshe Yehuda Schlesinger Tel: (02)641-4674 32 Hapisga Bayit Vegan LAKEWOOD EAST Rav Yaakov Schwartzman Tel: (02)571-2630 571-2650 32 Rechov Rubin Ramot Daled LEV AHARON Rav Dovid Laniado Tel: (02)651-4431 34 Hakablan Har Nof LEV ARYEH Rav Aaron Lopian Rav Yaakov Rappaport Tel: (02)585-9673 4 Shadiker Neve Yaakov LEV HATORAH Rav Boaz Mori Tel: (02)992-2617 37 Nachal Ein Gedi Ramat Beit Shemesh MACHON MEIR Rav Dov Bigon Tel: (02)646-1317 2 Hameiri Kiryat Moshe MACHON SHLOMO Rav Berel Gershenfeld Tel: (02)651-9088 2 Shaulzon Har Nof MACHON YAAKOV Rav Berel Gershenfeld Tel: (02)654 0112 10 Ibn Denan Har Nof MARBEH TORAH Rav Naftoli Elzas Tel: (03)570-2090 25 Maharshal Bnei Brak YESHIVAS AND SEMINARIES 8 LIST OF YESHIVAS AND SEMINARIES Yeshivas MAYANOT Rav Yisroel Noach Wichnin Tel: (02)538.8770 28 David Yellin Street Zichron Moshe MERCAZ HATORAH Rav Aryeh Rottman Tel: (02)671-2477 17 Beit Haarava Talpiot MEVASERET Rav Shimon Issacson Tel: (02)533-9100 50 Rechov HaOren Mevaseret Zion MIDRASH SHMUEL Rav Binyomin Moskowitz Tel: (02)566-5302 13 Shaarei Chessed Sharei Chessed MIKDASH MELECH Rav Chaim Ben Uliel Tel: (02)643-9657 Haadmor Milubavitch Bayit Vegan MIRRER YESHIVA Rav Eliezer Yehuda Finkel Tel: (02)532-2320 3 Beis Yisrael Beis Yisroel NEKUDAH TOVAH Rav Chanayah Ehrman Tel: (052)627-5470 3 Rechov Blecher Meah Shearim NER MOSHE Rav Shalom Shechter Tel: (02)654-0133 5 Amram Gaon Givat Shaul NESIVOS AHRON Rav Moshe Friedman Tel: (02)581-8435 22 Rechov Yosef Karo Beis Yisroel NETIV ARYEH Rav Aharon Bina Tel: (02)626-6333 1 Rechov Hakotel Old City NEVE TZION Rav Chaim Yisroel Blumenfeld Tel: (02)534-1813 140 Rechov Gordon Telzstone OHALEI YAAKOV Rav Moshe Shaefer Tel: (02)538-1953 32 Alefandri Mekor Baruch OHR AVRAHAM Rav Mordechai Sher Tel: (02)992-4094 17 Ohr Sameach Beit Shemesh OHR CHODOSH Rav Mordechai Friedlander Tel: (02)533-2113 9 Rechov Gordon Telzstone OHR DOVID Rav Yosef Granofsky Tel: (02)563-2826 8 Chizkiyahu Shabtai Ramot Daled OHR HATZAFON (Z.A.J.) Rav Dovid Bergida Tel: (052)616-3445 Midbar Sinai Ramat Eshkol OHR SOMAYACH Rav Mendel Weinbach Rav Nota Schiller Tel: (02)581-0315 22 Shimon Hatzaddik Maalot Dafna OHR YERUSHALAYIM (O.J.) Rav Moshe Chaim Sosevsky Tel: (02)533-2424 Beit Meir Moshav Beit Meir ORAYTA Rav David Aaron Rav Binny Freedman Tel: (02)627-4890 25 Misgav Ladach Old City YESHIVAS AND SEMINARIES 9 LIST OF YESHIVAS AND SEMINARIES CHOOSING A YESHIVA OR SEMINARY I QUESTIONS TO ASK A RECRUITER Yeshivas ORCHOS CHAIM Rav Yisroel Fabian Rav Yitzchak Schwartz Rav Yaacov Haber Tel: (02)500-2408 27/1 Rechov Sorotzkin Mattersdorf PACHAD YITZCHAK Rav Yonason David Tel: (02)651-8885 42 Hakablan Har Nof REISHIT YERUSHALYIM Rav Ari Marcus Tel: (02)999-7155 21 Rechov Rashi Beit Shemesh RUACH CHAIM Rav Ari Ben Shoshan Rav Moshe Benayon Tel: (054)451-9432 Har Tzion Old City SHAALVIM Rav Yechezkel Yaakovson Tel: (08)927-6652 Shimshon SHAAR HATALMUD Rav Nechemia Kaplan Tel: (02)538-5394 72 Shmuel Hanavi Shmuel Hanavi SHAARE uploads/Finance/ pre-israel-guide-2012.pdf
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