WHEELED ROD GUIDE COUPING Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings have worked successfully

WHEELED ROD GUIDE COUPING Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings have worked successfully in thousands of applications since 1982.  Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings are for use in severely deviated and directional wells  Used successfully for over 27 years by over 90% of major oil and gas companies in over 40 countries – onshore and offshore  Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings are easily field replaceable Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings reduce wear and prolong the life of sucker rods and tubing. They centralize the rod string in the tubing, and the rolling action of the wheels inside the tubing walls during stroking reduces friction and wear caused by the rods slapping or rubbing the tubing. With proper use of the Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings and effective chemical treatment programs, several operators have extended by an average of four times the operating periods between having to “pull and service” wells because of sucker rod or tubing wear. Wheel angles are designed to centralize rod string in tubing. Wheels are set vertically and at 45-degree angles to each other, along the axis of the Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings body. This design assures the centralizing effect at all rod couplings where Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings are installed. Wheels’ rolling action reduces friction, rod load, and wear. Installation of the wheels through slots in the Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings body assures that wheels will roll smoothly upon contact with the tubing wall. The rolling action of the wheels inside the tubing walls produces significantly less friction and wear than the rod string rubbing or slapping directly against the tubing walls. Wheels “span” tubing couplings. The wheel size and placement in the Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings body are designed to assure smooth “spanning” of tubing couplings. This reduces substantially the shock effect which is characteristic with many rod coupling devices when they “bump” tubing shoulders at the couplings. Wheel installation and design assures smooth rolling action and easy replacement. Wheels are set on stainless steel journals and roll pins to assure smooth rolling action. They are easily field-replaceable with just a common hammer and punch. Materials of Construction: Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings body Standard Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings bodies are machined from cold rolled steel of 78,000lb tensile strength. Special metals The above models are in stock for high stress rods (made from stress-proof steel) 125,000lb tensile strength. Wheels and Roll Pins Wheels are set on stainless steel journals and roll pins. Standard wheels for applications up to 175 F are made of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. Special wheels Wheel materials and temperature applications: Up to 175°F: UHMW 175°F-350°F: Amodel 350°F-450°F: Ryton There is no extra charge for any material listed above. 450° and above: Steel-there is an increase in the cost of this wheel material. Replacement kits Wheels, roll pins and journals are field-replaceable. Wheel kits are standard order items Applications & Specifications Where should you install Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings?  On the first two or three rods above the bottom hole pump.  Intermittently throughout the rod string where wear is indicated on the rods or tubing.  Where known hole deviation occurs or where past history shows signs of wear.  On the first two or three rods below the stuffing box.  Install Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings in place of the regular sucker rod coupling.  Important: Start the threads on by hand before tightening with power tongs or rod wrenches to prevent cross-threading.  Make-up torque  3/4″ rods – 375ft/lb  7/8″ rods – 500ft/lb  1″ rods-800ft/lb  Install Wheeled Rod Guide™ couplings where known rod and tubing wear occur or in directionally drilled wells. uploads/Finance/ wheeled-rod-guide-couping-wheeled-rod-guide-couplings-have-worked-successfully-in-thousands-of-applications-since-1982.pdf

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  • Publié le Nov 16, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
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