1 Bibliography for Daoist Studies From the forthcoming The Routledge Companion
1 Bibliography for Daoist Studies From the forthcoming The Routledge Companion to Scholarship in Religious Studies Louis Komjathy/Kang Siqi 康思奇, Ph.D. Center for Daoist Studies The reader will note the inclusiveness of this bibliography, for what qualifies as scholarship in the field of Daoist Studies. This stands in contrast to conventional “Sinological” presentations. I also emphasize publications that are especially relevant for comparative religious studies and university education. The following divisions are employed: (1) Primary Sources; (2) Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Reference Works; (3) Concordances and Indexes; (4) Bibliographies; (5) Electronic Resources; and (6) Secondary Studies. PRIMARY SOURCES Daojia jinshi lue 道家金石略 (Collection of Daoist Epigraphy). 1 vol. Compiled by Chen Yuan 陳垣 (d. 1971) and edited by Chen Zhichao 陳智超 and Zeng Qingying 曾慶瑛. Dat. 1988. Abbr. JSL. Includes sequential numbering. Daoshu jicheng 道書集成. 60 vols. Compiled by Tang Yijie 湯一介. Dat. 1999. Abbr. JC. No index to date. Daozang jiyao 道藏輯要 (Collected Essentials of the Daoist Canon). 10 vols; 315 texts. Compiled by Jiang Yupu 蔣予蒲 (1755-1819), Yan Yonghe 閻永和 (fl. 1900), and others. Dat. 1906. Abbr. JY. Indexed by Chen (1987); Komjathy (2002). Daozang jinghua 道藏精華 (Essential Blossoms of the Daoist Canon). 102 vols. Compiled by Xiao Tianshi 蕭天石 (1909-1986) and others. Dat. 1963-present. Abbr. JH. Indexed by Chen (1984) and Komjathy (2002). Daozang jinghua lu 道藏精華錄 (Record of Essential Blossoms of the Daoist Canon). 2 vols.; 100 texts. Compiled by Ding Fubao 丁福保 (1874-1952). Dat. 1922. Abbr. JHL. Indexed by Komjathy (2002). Daozang xubian 道藏續編 (Supplementary Collection of the Daoist Canon). 23 texts. Compiled by Min Yide 閔一得 (1758-1836). Dat. 1834. Abbr. XB. Indexed by Komjathy (2002). Sandong yishi 三洞拾遺 (Lost Works of the Three Caverns). 20 vols. Compiled by Wang Ka 王 卡 (b. 1956). Dat. 2007. Abbr. YS. No index to date. Zangwai daoshu 藏外 道書 (Daoist Texts Outside the Canon). 36 vols.; 991 texts. Compiled by Hu Daojing 胡道靜, Lin Wanqing 林萬清, and Chen Yaoting 陳燿庭 (1939-). Dat. 1992; 1995. Abbr. ZW. Indexed by Komjathy (2002). *Zhengtong daozang 正統道藏 (Daoist Canon of the Zhengtong Reign Period) and Xu daozang 續道藏 (Supplement to the Daoist Canon). 60 vols.; 36 vols.; 1487 texts. Compiled by Zhang Yuchu 張宇初 (1361-1410), Zhang Yuqing 張宇清 (d. 1426), Zhang Guoxiang 張國祥 (d. 1611), and others. Dat. 1445 and 1607. Abbr. DZ. Indexed by Weng (1935); Schipper (1975); Shi 2 (Schipper) and Chen (1996), among others. Descriptive catalogues by Ren and Zhong 1991; Schipper and Verellen 2004. Online edition by Miller and Komjathy (in progress). Zhonghua daozang 中華道藏 (Chinese Daoist Canon). 48 vols + index (vol. 49). Complied by Chinese Daoist Association. Edited by Zhang Jiyu 張繼禹 (1962-), Wang Ka 王卡 (1956-), and others. Dat. 2003. Abbr. ZH. No numbered index to date. Zhonghua xu daozang 中華續道藏. (Supplemental Chinese Daoist Canon). 20 vols. Edited by Gong Pengcheng 龔鵬程 and Chen Liaoan 陳廖安. Dat. 1999. Abbr. ZHX. No index to date. Zhuang-Lin xu daozang 莊林續道藏 (Zhuang[chen] and Lin Family Supplement to the Daoist Canon). 25 vols. Collected by Michael Saso (1930-). Dat. 1975. Abbr. ZL. No index to date. DICTIONARIES, ENCYCLOPEDIAS AND REFERENCE WORKS Chen Guofu 陳國符. 1963 (1949). Daozang yuanliu kao 道藏源流考. 2 vols. 2nd ed. Beijing: Zhonghua. _____. 1983. Daozang yuanliu xukao 道藏源流續考. Taibei: Mingwen. _____. 2004. Daozang yanjiu lunwen ji 道藏研究論文集. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe. Dai Yuanchang 戴源長. 1970 [1962]. Xianxue cidian 仙學辭典. Taipei: Zhenshanmei. _____. 1971. Daoxue cidian 道學辭典. Taipei: Zhenshanmei. Hu Fuchen 胡孚琛, ed. 1995. Zhonghua daojiao da cidian 中華道教大辭典. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe. Kohn, Livia, ed. 2000. Daoism Handbook. Leiden: Brill. _____. 2001. “Research Guide to Daoist Studies.” <http://www.daoiststudies.org/gu.php>. Accessed July 1, 2007. Lagerwey, John. 1981a. Wu-shang pi-yao: Somme taoïste du VIe siècle. Paris: Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient. Li Gang 李剛, and Huang Haide 黃海德, eds. 1991. Jianming daojiao cidian 簡明道教辭典 Chengdu: Sichuan daxue. Li Yuanguo 李遠國. 1991. Zhongguo daojiao qigong yangsheng daquan 中國道教氣功養生大 全. Chengdu: Sichuan cishu. Loon, Piet van der. 1984. Taoist Books in the Libraries of the Sung Period: A Critical Study and Index. London: Ithaca Press. Matthews, Robert Henry (R.H.). 1943. Mathews’ Chinese-English Dictionary. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 3 McMullen, D.L 1975. Concordances and Indexes to Chinese Texts. San Francisco: Chinese Materials Center. Min Zhiting 閔智亭, and Li Yangzheng 李養正, eds. 1994. Daojiao da cidian 道教大辭典. Beijing: Huaxia chubanshe. Nienhauser, William H., Jr., ed. 1986 and 1998. The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature. 2 vols. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Noguchi Tetsurō 野口鐵郎, Sakade Yoshinobu 扳出祥伸, Fukui Fumimasa 福井文雅, and Yamada Toshiaki 山田利明, eds. 1994. Dōkyō jiten 道教辭典. Tokyo: Hirakawa. Pas, Julian, with Man Kam Leung. 1998. Historical Dictionary of Taoism. Lanham, MD: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. Pregadio, Fabrizio. 1997. “The Taoist Canon: A Guide to Studies and Reference Works.” <http://www.stanford.edu/~pregadio/taoism/ref_works_0.html>. Accessed July 1, 2007. _____. 2004. “Digital Resources in Daoist Studies.” <http://www.stanford.edu/group/scbs/ARC/china/projects/digital_resources.html>. Accessed July 1, 2007. _____, ed. 2008. Encyclopedia of Taoism. 2 vols. London and New York: RoutledgeCurzon. Qing Xitai 卿希泰, ed. 1996 (1988-1995). Zhongguo daojiao shi 中國道教史. 4 vols. Chengdu: Sichuan renmin chubanshe. Ren Jiyu 任繼愈, ed. 2001. Zhongguo daojiao shi 中國道教史. 2 vols. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe. Sakade Yoshinobu 扳出祥伸, ed. 1994. Dōkyō no daijiten 道教の辭典. Tokyo: Shin jimbutsu ōraisha. Schipper, Kristofer, and Franciscus Verellen, eds. 2004 (2005). The Taoist Canon: A Historical Guide. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Soothill, William Edward, and Lewis Hodous. 1995 (1937). A Dictionary of Chinese Buddhist Terms. London: Curzon Press. Wilkinson, Endymion. 2000 (1998). Chinese History: A Manual. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Asia Center. Wong Shiu Hon 黃兆漢. 1989. Daozang danyao yiming suoyin 道藏丹藥異名索引/Chinese Al- chemical Terms: Guide-book to the Daozang Pseudonyms. Taipei: Xuebsheng. Wu Feng 吳楓, and Song Yifu 宋一夫, eds. 1994. Zhonghua daoxue tongdian 中華道學通典. Shanghai: Nanhai. 4 Zhang Zhizhe 張志哲. 1994. Daojiao wenhua cidian 道教文化辭典. Jiangsu: Guji. CONCORDANCES AND INDEXES Chen, William Y. 1984. A Guide to the Tao Tsang Ching Hua. Taipei: Chinese Materials Center. _____. 1987. A Guide to the Tao-Tsang Chi Yao. Stony Brook, NY: Institute for Advanced Studies of World Religions. ______. 1989. A Guide to Cheng-t’ung Tao-tsang. Taipei: Chinese Materials Center. Harvard-Yenching Institute, ed. 1947. Zhuangzi yinde 莊子引得/A Concordance to Chuang Tzu. HYSIS Suppl, no. 20. Beijing: Harvard-Yenching Institute. Komjathy, Louis. 2002. Title Index to Daoist Collections. Cambridge, Mass.: Three Pines Press. Lau, D.C. (Dim Cheuk) 劉殿爵 and F.C. (Fong Ching) Chen 陳方正, eds. 1992a. Huainanzi zhuzi suoyin 淮南子逐字索引/A Concordance to the Huainanzi. Hong Kong: Commercial Press. _____, eds. 1992b. Wenzi zhuzi suoyin 文子逐字索引/A Concordance to the Wenzi. Hong Kong: Commercial Press. _____, eds. 1994. Lüshi chunqiu zhuzi suoyin 呂氏春秋逐字索引/A Concordance to the Lüshi chunqiu. Concordance Series, Philosophical Works, no. 12. Hong Kong: Commercial Press. _____, eds. 1995. Zhouyi zhuzi suoyin 周易逐字索引/A Concordance to the Yijing. Concordance Series, Classical Works, no. 8. Hong Kong: Commercial Press. _____, eds. 1996a. Laozi zhuzi suoyin 老子逐字索引/A Concordance to the Laozi. Concordance Series, Philosophical Works, no. 24. Hong Kong: Commercial Press. _____, eds. 1996b. Liezi zhuzi suoyin 列子逐字索引/A Concordance to the Liezi. Concordance Series, Philosophical Works, no. 25. Hong Kong: Commercial Press. _____, eds. 2000a. Zhuangzi zhuzi suoyin 莊子逐字索引/A Concordance to the Zhuangzi. Concordance Series, Philosophical Works, no. 43. Hong Kong: Commercial Press. _____, eds. 2000b. Taiping jing zhuzi suoyin 太平經逐字索引/A Concordance to the Taiping jing. 2 vols. Concordance Series, Philosophical Works, no. 44. Hong Kong: Commercial Press. _____, eds. 2001. Guanzi zhuzi suoyin 官子逐字索引/A Concordance to the Guanzi. Concor- dance Series, Philosophical Works, no. 37. Hong Kong: Commercial Press. Pregadio, Fabrizio. 1985. An Index to Shih yao erh ya, A Chinese ‘Lexicon Alchhemiae’ of A.D. 806. Rome: Mimeograph edition. 5 _____. 2001. “Index to the Daozang (Taoist Canon).” <http://www.stanford.edu/~pregadio/taoism/daozang_index.html>. Accessed July 1, 2007. Ren Jiyu 任繼愈, and Zhong Zhaopeng 鍾肇鵬, eds. 1991. Daozang tiyao. 道藏提要. Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue chubanshe. Saso, Michael. 1979. “A Guide to the Chuang Lin Hsu Tao-tsang.” Journal of the China Society 16-17: 9-28. Schipper, Kristofer, ed. 1965. Baopuzi neipian tongjian 抱朴子內 篇通檢/Concordance du Pao- p’ou-tseu nei-p’ien. Paris: Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises de l’Université de Paris. _____, ed. 1970. Baopuzi waipian tongjian 抱朴子外篇通檢/Concordance du Pao-p’ou-tseu wai-p’ien. Paris: Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises de l’Université de Paris. _____, ed. 1975a. Concordance du Tao-tsang: Titres des ouvrages. Paris: Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient. _____, ed. 1975b. Concordance du Houang-t’ing King: Nei-king et Wai-king. Paris: Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient. _____, ed. 1981. Index du Yunji qiqian. 2 vols. Paris: Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient. Weng Dujian 翁獨健. 1935. Daozang zimu yinde 道藏子目引得/Combined Indexes to the Authors and Titles of Books in Two Collections of Taoist Literature. HYSIS, no. 25. Beijing: Yenching University. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Au, Donna, and Sharon Rowe. 1977. “Bibliography of Taoist Studies.” In Buddhist and Taoist Studies, edited by Michael Saso and David W. Chappell, 123-48. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Cohen, Alvin P. 1989. “Western Language Publications on Chinese Religions, 1981-1987.” In The Turning of the Tide: Religion in China Today, edited by Julian F. Pas, 313-45. Hong Kong: Royal Asiatic Society. Dragan, Raymond A. 1989. “Ways to the Way: A Review of Bibliographies on Taoism.” Taoist Resources 1.2: 21-27. Kardos, Michael A. 1998. “Western Language Publications on Religions in China, 1990-1994.” Journal of uploads/Geographie/ bibliography-for-daoist-studies.pdf
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