EXPRESS TRAINING SOLUTIONS 444 Camino Del Rio South Suite 108 San Diego, CA 9

EXPRESS TRAINING SOLUTIONS 444 Camino Del Rio South Suite 108 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone (888) 815-0313 www.ExpressTraining.Com Additional material created to enhance and supplement the learning experience and is not AHA approved C-A-B of CPR for BLS Provider Updated March 2016, Page 1 [TCL] C-A-B of CPR for BLS Provider Component Adults and Adolescents (Puberty to Adulthood) Children (Age 1 year to Puberty) Infants (Age Less Than 1 year Excluding Newborns) Scene Safety Make sure the environment is safe for rescuers and victim Recognition of Cardiac Arrest Check for responsiveness No breathing or only gasping (ie, no normal breathing) No definite pulse felt within 10 seconds (Breathing and pulse check can be performed simultaneously in less than 10 seconds) Activation of Emergency Response System If you are alone with no mobile phone, leave the victim to activate the emergency response system and get the AED before beginning CPR Otherwise, send someone and begin CPR immediately; use the AED as soon as it is available Witnessed collapse Follow steps for adults and adolescents on the left Unwitnessed collapse Give 2 minutes of CPR Leave the victim to activate the emergency response system and get the AED Return to the child or infant and resume CPR; use the AED as soon as it is available Compression- Ventilation Ratio without Advanced Airway 1 or 2 Rescuers 30:2 1 Rescuer 30:2 2 or more Rescuers 15:2 Compression- Ventilation Ratio with Advanced Airway Continuous compressions at a rate of 100-120/min Give 1 breath every 6 seconds (10 breaths/min) Compression Rate 100-120/min Compression Depth At least 2 inches (5 cm) At least one third AP diameter of chest About 2 inches (5 cm) At least one third AP diameter of chest About 1 1/2 inches (4 cm) Hand Placement 2 hands on the lower half of the breastbone (sternum) 2 hands or 1 hand (optimal for very small child) on the lower half of the breastbone (sternum) 1 Rescuer 2 fingers in the center of the chest, just below the nipple line 2 or more Rescuers 2 thumb-encircling hands in the center of the chest just below the nipple line Chest Recoil Allow full recoil of chest after each compression; do not lean on the chest after each compression Minimizing Interruptions Limit interruption in chest compressions to less than 10 seconds Abbreviations: AED, Automated External Defibrillator; AP , Anterior-Posterior; CPR, CardioPulmonary Resuscitation High Quality CPR • Push hard (at least 2 inches [5cm]) • Push fast: Compress at a rate of 100 to 120/min • Minimize interruptions in compressions to less than 10 seconds • Allow for complete chest recoil between compressions • Do not lean on the chest between compressions • Switch rescuers about every 2 minutes or sooner to avoid fatigue • Avoid excessive ventilation, delivering breaths over 1 second that produce visible chest rise • Performing high quality CPR is most likely to positively impact victim’s survival • A victim who is unresponsive with no normal breathing and no pulse requires high-quality CPR • You witness a sudden collapse. Victim is unresponsive, you hear gasping sounds, and there is no pulse-begin CPR. Gasps are not normal breathing EXPRESS TRAINING SOLUTIONS 444 Camino Del Rio South Suite 108 San Diego, CA 92108 Phone (888) 815-0313 www.ExpressTraining.Com Additional material created to enhance and supplement the learning experience and is not AHA approved C-A-B of CPR for BLS Provider Updated March 2016, Page 2 [TCL] High Quality CPR COMPRESSIONS: RATIO • Ratio for compressions to breaths for 1-rescuer ADULT, CHILD and INFANT CPR is 30 compressions to 2 breaths DEPTH • Depth of compression for an INFANT is at least one third the depth of the chest, about 1 1/2 inches (4 cm) • Depth of compression for a CHILD is at least one third the depth of the chest, about 2 inches (5 cm) • Depth of compression for an ADULT is at least 2 inches (5 cm) RATE • Rate of chest compressions for ADULT, CHILD and INFANT CPR is 100 to 120 per minute RECOIL • Complete chest recoil is important when performing high quality CPR to allow the heart to adequately refill between compressions BREATHS: • Rescuers ensure that they are providing effective breaths with a bag-mask device by observing chest rise with breath TWO RESCUERS: • Rescuers switch positions during CPR about every 2 minutes • To support a team-based resuscitation attempt, 2 rescuers alternate giving high quality chest compressions • Two rescuers begin high-quality CPR by alternating the compressor role every 2 minutes TEAM DYNAMICS: 1.) Clear Roles and Responsibilities 2.) Knowing your Limitations 3.) Constructive Intervention Match statement with appropriate element of team dynamics 1. “The team functions smoothly when all team members know their positions, functions, and tasks”—Clear Roles and Responsibilities 2. “Members of the team know their boundaries and ask for help before the resuscitation attempt worsens”—Knowing your Limitations 3. If the person giving chest compressions is not allowing for complete chest recoil, tell the compressor you notice decreased chest recoil— Constructive Intervention Automated External Defibrillator-AED 3 P’s—Power Pads Plug-in • Defibrillation is important because it can restore a regular cardiac rhythm • Rapid defibrillation is important to survival because it eliminates the abnormal heart rhythm • When the AED arrives, the first step is to turn on the AED • After the AED pads are attached to the victim’s bare chest and the AED detects ventricular fibrillation, the next step is to follow the AED prompts • A hairy chest is a consideration when using an AED, the pads may not stick and may fail to deliver a shock • If you need to use an AED on someone who has been submerged in water, pull the victim out of water and wipe the chest before attaching the AED pads Foreign Body Airway Obstruction - Choking • The first course of action for a victim with a foreign-body airway obstruction who becomes unresponsive, start CPR, beginning with chest compressions • When performing CPR on an unresponsive choking victim, each time you open the airway, look for the obstructing object • An INFANT is responsive and choking with a severe airway obstruction, give sets of 5 back slaps and 5 chest thrusts • When an INFANT becomes unresponsive, perform CPR and look in the mouth for the obstructing object Chest Compression Fraction (CCF) • Chest Compression Fraction is the amount of time during a cardiac arrest event that high-quality chest compressions are performed. Improving CCF to achieve the 80% threshold has been shown to increase survival by 200% to 300% • For adults in cardiac arrest who received CPR without an advanced airway, perform CPR with the goal of a chest compression fraction as high as possible, with target of at least 60% • (5 compression sets X seconds) + (5 breath sets X seconds) = 5 compression sets X seconds / SUM The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA. uploads/Geographie/ bls-study-guide.pdf

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