TYPE OF CERAMIC TYPE OF RESTORATION BONDED OR CEMENTED CEMENTATION PROTOCOL SUGGESTED CEMENTS Inlays, Onlays, Crowns, Veneers (excluding 2nd molar crowns) Inlays, Onlays, Crowns, Veneers (excluding 2nd molar crowns) Bond, then resin the cement Bond, then resin the cement Bond, then resin the cement Cement (Good retention cases) Cement TOOTH SURFACE: 1. Etch with phosphoric acid 2. Rinse 3. Apply bonding agent (4th or 5th generation) CERAMIC INTERNAL SURFACE: 4. Etch with HF at lab 5. Silanate chairside 6. Cement with light-cure or dual-cure cement TOOTH SURFACE: 1. Etch with phosphoric acid 2. Rinse 3. Apply bonding agent (4th or 5th generation) CERAMIC INTERNAL SURFACE: 4. Etch with HF at lab 5. Silanate chairside 6.Cement with light-cure or dual-cure cement -3M ESPE Rely X Veneer Cement with 3M ESPE Adper Single Bond Plus -Calibra with Prime and Bond NT (DENTSPLY Caulk) -Multilink Automix (Ivoclar Vivadent) -NX3 with OptiBond Solo Plus (Kerr Corp) -Variolink II with ExciTE (Ivoclar Vivadent) -3M ESPE Rely X Veneer Cement with 3M ESPE Adper Single Bond Plus -Calibra with Prime and Bond NT (Dentsply Caulk) -Multilink Automix (Ivoclar Vivadent) -NX3 with OptiBond Solo Plus (Kerr Corp) -Variolink II with ExciTE (Ivoclar Vivadent) HIGH LEUCITE -Authentic (Jensen Industies) -Avante (Pentron Ceramics) -Cerpress SL (Leach and Dillon) -Creation CP (Jensen Industries) -Finesse All-Ceramic (DENTSPLY Ceramco) -HD17 CAM Blocks (Benco Dental) -IPS Empress (Ivoclar Vivadent) -IPS Empress CAD (Ivoclar Vivadent) -Luminesse Pressable Porcelain (Talladium) -OPC (Pentron Ceramics) -Paradigm C (3M ESPE) FELDSPATHIC -Cerec Bloc (Sirona) -Vitablocs (VITA) LITHIUM DISILICATE -3G (pentron Ceramics) -IPS e.max Press (Ivoclar Vivadent) -IPS e.max CAD (Ivoclar Vivadent) TOOTH SURFACE: 1. Etch with phosphoric acid 2. Rinse 3. Apply bonding agent (4th or 5th generation) CERAMIC INTERNAL SURFACE: 4. Etch with HF at lab 5. Silanate chairside 6.Cement with light-cure or dual-cure cement OR 1. Use self-adhesive resin cement Anterior & Posterior crowns, 3 unit Bridges up to 2nd bicuspid Anterior & Posterior crowns, 3 unit Bridges Implants Maryland Bridges Anterior & Posterior crowns, 3-6 unit bridges -3M ESPE Rely X Veneer Cement with 3M ESPE Adper Single Bond Plus -Calibra with Prime and Bond NT (Dentsply Caulk) -Linkmax (GC America) -Multilink Automix (Ivoclar Vivadent) -NX3 with OptiBond Solo Plus (Kerr Corp) -Panavia F 2.0 (Kuraray America) -Variolink II with ExciTE (Ivoclar Vivadent) OR -3M ESPE Rely X Unicem Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement -G-CEM (GC America) -Maxcem Elite (Kerr Corp.) -SMARTCEM 2(DENTSPLY Caulk) -seT (SDI North America, Inc.) ALUMINA -In-Ceram ALUMINA (Vident) -Procera (Nobel Biocare) ZIRCONIA -CERCON (DENTSPLY Ceramco) -EVEREST (KaVo) -IPS e.ZirCad (Ivoclar Vivadent) -Lava (3M ESPE) -Procera (Nobel Biocare) -ZENO (Wieland) -BruxZir® No etching or bonding. Use a self-adhesive resin traditional C&B cement. No etching or bonding. Use a self-adhesive resin traditional C&B cement. -3M ESPE DURELON -3M ESPE Rely X ARC adhesive Resin Cement -3M ESPE Rely X Unicem Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement -G-CEM (GC America) -GC Fuji Plus (GC America) -Multilink Automix (Ivoclar Vivadent) -3M ESPE DURELON -3M ESPE Rely X Unicem Self-Adhesive Universal Resin Cement -G-CEM (GC America) -GC Fuji Plus (GC America) -Maxcem Elite (Kerr Corp.) -SMARTCEM 2 (DENTSPLY Caulk) -seT (SDI North America, Inc.) CEMENTATION GUIDE uploads/Geographie/ cementation-guide 1 .pdf

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