start here M ö n c h s b e r g M ö n c h s b e r g Joh-Wolf-Straße teinbruchstr

start here M ö n c h s b e r g M ö n c h s b e r g Joh-Wolf-Straße teinbruchstr. Ernst-Sompek-Straße Untersberg- straße Seb.- Stief G. Schanz l g a ss e Bucklr e u t h straße Ju de n g a s s e Hofstallgasse Getreidegasse Sigmund Haffner Gasse Dr-Ludw ig-Präh auser- Weg Oskar-Kokoschka-Weg Brunn hau sgas se Non nbe rgg asse Er h ar d gä sschen Nonn ta le r Haupts tra ß e Basteigasse Fest un g s g . Kapitelg. Herrengas s e P f e i f e r g ass e G o ldg. Brodg. Elisa bethkai Rud olf sk ai Franz-Josef-Kai Kaipro menad e H a n s - Sedlm ayr-Weg K r otachg. Kai g a s s e Griesgasse Grie s g. Ferdinand- Hanusch- Platz Bürger- pl. Hildmann- platz Kajetaner- platz Waag- platz Mozartplatz Alter Markt Universitätsplatz Neutorstraße Sigmundstor Platzl Reich e n h a l l e r Straße Kapitelplatz Residenzplatz Domplatz Marionetten- theater Landestheater Mönchsberg Aufzug Information Mozartplatz Neue Residenz Festspielhäuser Anlegestelle Altstadt Blasius- Kirche Bürgerwehr St. Erhard- Kirche St. Ehrentraud- Kirche Stift Nonnberg StieglKeller Landesgericht Kajetaner Kirche Universität Erzbischöfliches Palais St. Michael Dom Stiftskirche St. Peter Rathaus Franziskaner- Kirche Universität Kollegien- Kirche Festungsbahn Wohnhaus Museum der Moderne Haus der Natur Spielzeug Museum Festung Hohensalzburg Georg Trakl Gedenkstätte Dommuseum Salzburg Museum Panorama Museum Johann-Michael- Haydn-Museum Residenz Residenz- Galerie Mozarts Geburtshaus Museum der Moderne Salzburg Rupertinum Karolinenhöhe 508m steg Makart- steg Staats- brücke Herbert-von- Karajan-Pl. Brunnhausgass Sinnhubstraße H ans- S e d l m ayr-Weg start here M ö n c h s b e r g M ö n c h s b e r g Salzach Joh-Wolf-Straße teinbruchstr. Ernst-Sompek-Straße Untersberg- straße Seb.- Stief G. Schanz l g a ss e Bucklr e u t h straße Ju de n g a s s e Hofstallgasse Getreidegasse Sigmund Haffner Gasse Dr-Ludw ig-Präh auser- Weg Oskar-Kokoschka-Weg Brunn hau sgas se Non nbe rgg asse Er h ar d gä sschen Nonn ta le r Haupts tra ß e Basteigasse Fest un g s g . Kapitelg. Herrengas s e P f e i f e r g ass e G o ldg. Brodg. Elisa bethkai Rud olf sk ai Franz-Josef-Kai Rudolf s k a i Kaipro menad e H a n s - Sedlm ayr-Weg K r otachg. Kai g a s s e Griesgasse Grie s g. Robert- Jungk-Platz Ferdinand- Hanusch- Platz Bürger- pl. Hildmann- platz Kajetaner- platz Rudolfs- platz Waag- platz Mozartplatz Alter Markt Universitätsplatz Herbert-von- Karajan-Pl. Brunnhausgass Sinnhubstraße H ans- S e d l m ayr-Weg Neutorstraße Sigmundstor Makartplatz Platzl Reich e n h a l l e r Straße Kapitelplatz Residenzplatz Domplatz Marionetten- theater Landestheater Mönchsberg Aufzug Information Mozartplatz Neue Residenz Festspielhäuser St. Johannes- Kirche Anlegestelle Altstadt Blasius- Kirche Bürgerwehr St. Erhard- Kirche St. Ehrentraud- Kirche Stift Nonnberg StieglKeller Landesgericht Kajetaner Kirche Universität Erzbischöfliches Palais St. Michael Dom Stiftskirche St. Peter Rathaus Franziskaner- Kirche Universität Kollegien- Kirche Festungsbahn Mozarteum Mozart- Wohnhaus Museum der Moderne Haus der Natur Spielzeug Museum Festung Hohensalzburg Georg Trakl Gedenkstätte Dommuseum Salzburg Museum Panorama Museum Johann-Michael- Haydn-Museum Residenz Residenz- Galerie Mozarts Geburtshaus Museum der Moderne Salzburg Rupertinum Karolinenhöhe 508m Mozart- steg Makart- steg Staats- brücke 1 4 5 6 7 8 3 2 9 with foldout map 18 Smart Ways to See the City lz Salz Salz Salz Salz Sa Sa Sa Sa ac ac ac a lz lz a S c ac a lz Salz Salz Salz Salz Salz Salz Sa Sa S ac ac ac ac ach Rudolf s k a i obe Ro Robe ert rt t- Jungk Jungk ngk Jun Jungk J -Platz tz tz P -Platz k Rudolfs d Rudolfs Rudolf Rudolfs s- plat l t platz t Ma ar ka Makar r atz tp tz plat pla tplatz St St St es- . Johannes- es- . Johannes- Kirc rc rche he Mozarteum Mozarteum Mozarteum Mozarteum ozart- Moza oz Mozart- Moza Mo o Moza Moz oz Moza Moza Moza Moza Moza t rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt rt- day BYday ™ Salzburg ™ 1st Edition dayBYday ™ Salzburg by Nick Dalton A John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, Publication Contents 15 Favorite Moments 1 1 The Best Full-Day Tours 7 The Best in One Day 8 The Best in Two Days 14 The Best in Three Days 18 2 The Best Special-Interest Tours 21 Mozart 22 The Sound of Music 30 Art & Architecture 38 Gourmet Salzburg 44 The Magic of Christmas 48 Salzburg with Kids 54 3 The Best Neighborhood Walks 59 The Mönchsberg 60 The Kapuzinerberg 64 4 The Best Shopping 69 Shopping Best Bets 70 Salzburg Shopping A to Z 73 5 The Great Outdoors 79 River Salzach by Bike 80 The Untersberg 84 Salzburg Snow Shuttle 88 Salzburg Area Skiing 92 6 The Best Dining 97 Dining Best Bets 98 Salzburg Dining A to Z 101 7 The Best Nightlife 109 Nightlife Best Bets 110 Salzburg Nightlife A to Z 113 8 The Best Arts & Entertainment 117 Arts & Entertainment Best Bets 118 Arts & Entertainment A to Z 121 9 The Best Lodging 127 Lodging Best Bets 128 Salzburg Lodging A to Z 132 10 The Best Day Trips & Excursions 141 Salt, Rock & Ice 142 Salzkammergut 146 Berchtesgaden 152 The Savvy Traveler 157 Before You Go 158 Getting There 160 Getting Around 161 Fast Facts 163 Salzburg: A Brief History 167 Salzburg’s Architecture 168 Useful Phrases & Menu Terms 170 Toll-Free Numbers & Websites 174 Index 175 Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8SQ, England Telephone (+44) 1243 779777 Email (for orders and customer service enquiries): Visit our Home Page on All Rights Reserved. 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This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative infor- mation in regard to the subject matter covered. It is sold on the under- standing that the Publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services. If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. UK Publisher: Sally Smith Production Manager: Daniel Mersey Commissioning Editor: Fiona Quinn Development Editor: Fiona Quinn Content Editor: Erica Peters Photo Research: David Cottingham/Jill Emeny Cartography: Simonetta Giori Wiley also publishes its books in a variety of electronic formats. Some content that appears in print may not be available in electronic books. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN: 978-0-470-72119-3 (paperback) ISBN: 978-0-470-66587-9 (ebk) Typeset by Wiley Indianapolis Composition Services Printed and bound in China by RR Donnelley 5 4 3 2 1 A Note from the Editorial Director Organizing your time. That’s what this guide is all about. Other guides give you long lists of things to see and do and then expect you to fit the pieces together. The Day by Day guides are different. These guides tell you the best of everything, and then they show you how to see it in the smartest, most time-efficient way. Our authors have designed detailed itineraries organized by time, neighborhood, or special interest. And each tour comes with a bulleted map that takes you from stop to stop. Hoping to follow in the footsteps of Mozart, listening to exquisite music? Hoping to climb every mountain from The Sound of Music while sampling the sensational skiing? Or simply soak up the atmo- sphere of Europe’s finest baroque city? Whatever your interest or schedule, the Day by Days give you the smartest routes to follow. Not only do we take you to the top attractions, hotels, and restau- rants, but we also help you access those special moments that locals get to experience—those “finds” that turn tourists into travelers. The Day by Days are also your top choice if you’re looking for one complete guide for all your travel needs. The best hotels and res- taurants for every budget, the greatest shopping values, the wild- est nightlife—it’s all here. Why should you trust uploads/Geographie/ frommer-x27-s-salzburg-day-by-day.pdf

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