FRONT MISSION ALTERNATIVE FAQ/WALKTHROUGH VERSION FINAL (1.15) VERSION HISTORY --------------- 23-8-2013 - Minor fixes. 9-6-2012 - Fleshed out Secrets section. Added PlayStation Mouse controls. Guide complete. 21-10-2010 - FAQ/Walkthrough complete. Will make updates in the future for grammar and guide corrections. TABLE OF CONTENTS ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Sections Search Codes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 1. INTRODUCTION [INTR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 2. BASICS [BASE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 3. WALKTHROUGH [WALK] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- SCENARIO ONE [SCE1] Chapter One - Zygomatic [CHA1] Chapter Two - Auditory Canal [CHA2] Chapter Three - Parietal [CHA3] Chapter Four - Quadripartite, Le Crown of the Hea [CHA4] SCENARIO TWO [SCE2] Chapter Three - Parietal [CH3B] SCENARIO THREE [SCE3] Chapter One - Zygomatic [CH1B] Chapter Two - Auditory Canal [CH2B] SCENARIO FOUR [SCE4] Chapter One - Zygomatic [CH1C] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 4. SECRETS [SECR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 5. CREDITS [CRED] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- To quickly find the section you want, press Ctrl + F at the same time to access the Find options. If you want to access something, type in the word in [] and the [] themselves. If you want to find the Credits, type in [CRED]. AUTHOR'S NOTE ------------- It's about time I finished my Front Mission Alternative guide collection! To those who are looking for a full walkthrough of the game, this guide is for you. Enjoy! Sites allowed to post this guide: I will consider allowing other sites to post this guide if I get an email on the address shown above. I'm usually open to allowing other sites to post my guides provided that I am credited for my work. I assume anyone reading this is aware of the guide's purpose so I don't think I need to explain that. Also, don't try and pass this work of as your own. I've created this guide in a certain way that allows me to identify if someone has plagiarized from my guide. Respect those who spend a great deal of time making guides to help out other people. We don't do it just because guide writing is fun, you know! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 1. INTRODUCTION [INTR] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- This is an FAQ/Walkthrough for Front Mission Alternative, released in Japan on the Sony PlayStation. This guide is to be used alongside my beginner's guide on GameFAQs. Only specifics about the game's material will be covered in this guide. Do not send me e-mails about material that is already in the beginner's guide as I will simply delete it. With that said, let's move onto the main attraction! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 2. BASICS [BASE] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- This will be brief as most of the game's mechanics have been explained in my beginner's guide. You should also consider reading the manual for additional help. This is one of those games that you need to go through the manual first before playing it. If you don't know where my beginner's guide is located, go to GameFAQs. CONTROLS GUIDE -------------- USING THE PLAYSTATION CONTROLLER: (Utilities) Directional Pad - Select command/select character(Comment). Start Button - Accept rewrite of save file(Comment). X Button - Cancel command/erase 1 character. O Button - Confirm command/add 1 character. [] Button - Cancel rewrite of save file(Comment). (Mission Lecture) Directional Pad - Select command. X Button - Cancel command/speed up text. O Button - Confirm command/speed up text. (WAW Equipment) Directional Pad - Select command/select location/select part/change parameters (Pilot Type). L1/R1 - Cycle through platoons. L2/R2 - Cycle through pilots. X Button - Cancel command/close window/advance text window. O Button - Confirm command/advance text window. (Target Select) Directional Pad - Move cursor/select command/rotate camera(Close Up Mode and Simulation Mode)/rotate map by 30 degrees/change parameters(Support). Start Button - Enter Simulation Mode/exit Simulation Mode. L1/R1 - Change options/switch platoons. L2/R2 - Rotate map by 45 degrees. X Button - Cancel command/zoom camera in(Close Up Mode and Simulation Mode). O Button - Confirm command/confirm target/speed up the simulation time. (Simulation Mode). /\ Button - Zoom camera out(Close Up Mode and Simulation Mode)/display different elevation levels of the map. [] Button - Enter Close Up Mode/exit Close Up Mode/speed up cursor movement (press + hold the button). (In Battle) Directional Pad - Move camera/select command/change parameters(when Sound is selected)/change targets(when Local Raid is set, only in Cockpit Mode). Select Button - Change selected platoon's Behavior setting/change platoons' Behavior settings(when Options is selected). Start Button - Enter Target Select Mode/exit Target Select Mode. L1/R1 - Change options/switch platoons. L2 Button - Zoom camera in. R2 Button - Zoom camera out. X Button - Cancel command/close command window/speed up text. O Button - Confirm command/open command window/speed up text. /\ Button - Toggle HP indicators ON or OFF/toggle Shield HP indicators ON or OFF/hide or display Radar. [] Button - Enter Cockpit Mode/exit Cockpit Mode. Notes: - To return to the title screen from the battlefield, press and hold the following buttons: Start, Select, L1, R1, L2, and R2. - In Cockpit Mode, the Up/Down directional buttons use an inverted control scheme. To look up, press Down. To look down, press Up. USING THE PLAYSTATION MOUSE: (All Operations) Left-Click Button - Confirm command/open pop-up menu/advance text window. Right-Click Button - Cancel command/close pop-up menu/advance text window. (Utilities) Right-Click Button(press + hold the button) - select character(Comment). (Target Select) Left-Click and Right-Click Buttons(press + hold the buttons) - zoom camera in or out(Close Up Mode and Simulation Mode). Right-Click Button(press + hold the button) - rotate camera(Close Up Mode and Simulation Mode)/rotate map by 30 or 45 degrees. (In Battle) Left-Click and Right-Click Buttons(press + hold the buttons) - zoom camera in or out. Right-Click Button(press + hold the button) - rotate camera. Notes: - To move the cursor, simply move the PlayStation Mouse. - For several controls, moving the mouse must be combined with pressing the left-click, right-click, or both of the mouse buttons. - In Cockpit Mode, the mouse controls are inverted. To look up, move the mouse down. To look down, move the mouse up. CAMOUFLAGE ---------- Olive Green Light Brown Sand Brown Khaki Land Brown Night Blue Sea Gray Night Gray Light Gray Flat Earth Sand Yellow Light Sand Sand Gray Navy Blue Field Blue Earth Gray ****READ THE FOLLOWING BEFORE PLAYING**** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Mission - mission number and location ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Enemies - how many enemy units are in the mission. Bosses - how many boss units are in the mission. Units - how many player units can be deployed in the mission. Allies - how many ally units are in the mission. Supply Platoon - if the supply platoon is available in the mission. Support Fire - if the support fire platoon is available in the mission. Supply Points - waypoints the supply platoon are stationed in the mission. Briefing Notes - any notes about special matters in the mission. Time Conditions - if the mission takes place at day or night time. Terrain Conditions - the terrain conditions of the mission's battlefield. Suggested Camouflage - suggested camouflage for the mission. Mission Rewards - the rewards available for completing the mission. Strategy - notes on how to beat the mission Enemy Composition - enemy data. See below: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Platoon number Unit type - Total x number Armor: Mobility: Weapon Loadout: weapon - damage, range (only for bosses and special units) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Shortened Weapon Names: Machine Gun - MG Vulcan - VN Shotgun - SG Handgun - GN Assault Rifle - RF Railgun - RG Melee - PC Shield - SD Cannon - CA Grenade Launcher - GR Missile Launcher - MI Rocket Launcher - RO Beam Cannon - LA ****READ THE ABOVE BEFORE PLAYING**** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- 3. WALKTHROUGH [WALK] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- The following information details the game's missions and scenarios. The true ending of Front Mission Alternative lies in the Scenario One path. Scenarios Two, Three, and Four show alternative endings and do not cover the full story of the game. Please use the search codes to skip ahead to the Scenario you are interested in. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- SCENARIO ONE [SCE1] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- The game will always start at at Scenario One, but can branch to the other Scenarios as early as the first mission. To switch to a different Scenario, please take note of the requirements stated in the mission details. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- CHAPTER ONE - ZYGOMATIC [CHA1] ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Watch the first few scenes that play out and when they finish, you'll be able to start the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Mission 1 - Kisangani ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Enemies - 15 + 1 reinforcement Bosses - 0 Units - 3 Allies - 0 Supply Platoon - No Support Fire - No Supply Points - None Briefing Notes: Time Conditions - Day Terrain Conditions - Jungle, moderate space, no elevation changes Suggested Camouflage - Olive Green, Night Gray Mission Rewards: 3 4 5 DINGUS Yes Yes No WHOPPER No Yes No RAMROD No No Yes (if following the SCENARIO THREE path) WHANG No No Yes WHOPPER No Yes No PROD No Yes No Strategy: The time it takes uploads/Geographie/ front-mission-alternative-guide.pdf

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