HORIZON ONLINE GUIDE FOR TEST GAME MASTERS & GAME MASTERS MADE BY [GM]iNerdy for HORIZON ONLINE Made by [GM]iNerdy 1st Edition TEST GAME MASTER & GAME MASTER Guide FO R HORIZON ONLINE As TGM/GM you will need the following resources: 1. TeamSpeak3 which you can download here: Client 32 bits or Client 64 bits 2. It is recommend that you get a server where to upload your screenshot proofs this one is a good one for our work http://prnt.sc/ I also recommend you to get their app and install it, you can download the app here. 3. You will also need Time Zone Tool, and you can find one here. Once you have been chosen by our main staff as TGM, the first thing you need to do is to create a new account that you will be using for your staff character. Choose the class and the name of your Staff character and log off, then notify any of the Server Admins [SA] that your character is already created and its name. Any of the [SA] should rename your chart to [TGM], once it’s done, they will let you know. First of all before supporting in game you need to read this rules before, so you know the basis. STAFF RULES FROM 20TH OCTOBER 2014 - While supporting, always make sure to have &gmchat activated and also be logged on our TeamSpeak Server. -Do not forget to sometimes check if there is anyone looking for help in another channel. - For infringements like insulting you always need enough evidence in the form of screenshots (either sent by the one reporting or taken by yourself). -For misbehavior like kill stealing a video proof is needed instead, since a screenshot would not line out the whole situation clear enough. Infringement level 1: Insulting, kill stealing etc. Users misbehaving like this will be ported to jail usually. There he or she is made aware of his or her offence. The penalty depends on earlier misbehavior (see Jailinfo-channel) and, of course, the severity of the deed. For example: Person A has already had his/her first warning because of insulting and now did it again. Therefore he/she will then be jailed for one day. It is usually useful to discuss the punishment with other staff members on the TeamSpeak, if you are not sure. It is important to note down the details of every warning/jailing in the Jailinfo-channel. This includes the name, date, executing staff member’s name, a link with the proof (screenshot/video), the length of the penalty and, last but not least, whether the person has been released or not. Infringement level 2: Advertising other private servers, bug using etc. Anyone that is making himself guilty of offences from this type has to be kicked out immediately (use &kickout CHARNAME). Do not forget to note that down in the Jailinfo-channel as well as to inform Kagome or Reshi, so they can ban that person. - If anyone has forgotten his account data, please forward him or her to Reshi or Kagome. Trial-Staff members: - There is no fixed trial period. - In general: The more active you are, the earlier we could accept you as a former staff member. Of course, quality of your work does count as well. We also will only accept you, if we have the feeling that you fit into our team. Don'ts: - Warp users without reason - Add users to your friend/apprentice-list - Marry users - Trade with users in any form - Join a normal guild - Join a normal party - Disadvantage/prefer any user - Drop items - Tell the name of your or any other private character from the team, since this will only cause prejudices and rumors - Help users with pricing things - users are to define the prices by themselves - Hand out internal information of any kind (As long as you are not told different) WHAT ARE THE TGM & GM DUTIES As a TGM/GM you need to spend at least 1 or 2 hours per day for the daily tasks which are:  Roar asking if anyone is having a question, problem suggestion, etc at the moment.  Make sure that the Game rules and TOS are being respected  Help players with gameplay questions, game and technical issues  Resolve player conflicts  Report and compile player suggestions or bugs to the appropriate team TGM/GM COMMANDS There are commands you will need for doing you’re your daily work, here are the ones you will be needing and the information that will guide you during your daily tasks. All the time when you log in into your staff character you will be imprisoned in Restricted Area. Before going to any other map make sure you always have &gmchat and &hide command activated. Then you are ready to go and support the players. Command What does the command do? &gmchat Activates the colors for GM chat &hide Hides you from players &show Shows your charter to other players &immortal Makes you immortal. &linkto <Map-Index-Name> Teleports you to a certain map. (see Map-Index-Names) &pfind <Username> teleports you to the chosen user &psummon <Username> teleports the chosen user to yourself &kickout <Username> Kicks the user from the game (it doesn’t ban it) &scrint BuffAll Buff All the users (This only works in Elderine) &charinform Gives you information of the selected player &scrint StartSeizure Make Elderine looks like Disco USING THE COMMANDS HOW TO PORT TO A CERTAIN MAP As already explained you need to use the command &linkto <Map-Index-Name> e.g. &linkto Eld You can also add the coordinated to this command. e.g. &linkto Eld 13835 13429 (This command will port you right infront of Shutian NPC) Well, this is basically how you port trough maps. And here is a short list of the most frequented <Map-Index-Names> Map’s Name &linkto Coordinates (Common places for level restricted area) <Map-Index-Name> Roumen Neu RouN - Ancient Roumen RouO - Roumen Rou - Elderine Eld 13835 13429 Uruga Urg - Bera Bera - Adealia Adl - Adealia (mit Mobs) Adl_1 - Burning Adealia AdlF - Burning Rock UrgFire01 - Alberstol Ruins Urg_Alruin - Prision EldPri - Destroyed Roumen TRou 6699 8919 Forest Of Shadow TRouCos02 10973 8912 11847 16089 Rebel’s Camp TRouVal01 12862 7142 Kahal Snow Canyon BerVale01 3157 6471 Kahal Snow Field BerFrz01 17776 9743 JAILING A PLAYER WHEN COUGHT WITH YOUR STAFF CHARACTER: Before jailing a player who is misbehaving, leveling in a level restricted area, not respecting in game rules, etc. make sure you always make a screenshoot of the situation or record a video depending on the circumstances. (I recommend you to use the app lightshoot because you can take the screen shoot and upload it directly from the app, and the you are provided a short link containing your picture) In case your proof is a recording make sure you upload it to a private Youtube channel, not your personal one. WHEN A PLAYER REPORTS ANOTHER PLAYER: When a player reports another player before jailing the player misbehaving make sure you got the proof and checkit carefuly before jailing. SINCE WE ARE AN INTERNATIONAL SERVER THERE ARE MANY LANGUAGES USED BY OUR PLAYERS AND STAFF MEMBERS, PLEASE DON’T FORGET TO ADD A SHORT TRANSLATION OF THE MATTER IN ENGLISH SO EVERYBODY UNDERSTANDS THE ISSUE AND AVOID MAKING ERRORS. Once you got the proof, you need to proceed jailing the user, by using the following commands: &linkto EldPri &psummon <UserPlayer> (Don’t forget to check Jailinfo Channels for previous misbehaviours so you can decide the jailing time) When the user is ported to Restricted Area Map you should give him/her a warning saying something like this: WHEN COUGHT WITH YOUR STAFF CHARACTER: For insults to others use something like this: Hello USERNAME, unfortunataley I have seen you being distrispectful. You insulted another player/Staff member. You called the other person INSULT. And that is against our rules. You can read or re-read the rules in our forum. Therefore I have to jail you for 00hrs. After that jail time me or another staff member will release you. Do you have any questions before I go? For leveling in level restricted area use something like this: Hello USERNAME, unfortunataley I have found you in a place where you should not be. You where in a level restricted area. And that is against our rules. You can read or re-read the rules in our forum. Therefore I have to jail you for 00hrs. After that jail time me or another staff member will release you. Do you have any questions before I go? WHEN A PLAYER REPORTS ANOTHER PLAYER: For insults to others use something like this: Hi USERNAME, unfortunataley I have been sent a screenshot/video on which. You insulted another user. You called the other person INSULT. That's against our rules. Therefore I have to jail you for 00hrs. After that jail time me or another staff member will release you. You can read or re-read uploads/Geographie/ gm-guide-ho.pdf

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