1 History of earthquake engineering, lessons learned and outcomes in today prac

1 History of earthquake engineering, lessons learned and outcomes in today practice Perspective from different countries Romania Romania Dan Lungu Technical University of Civil Engineering, Bucharest Nice, June 13, 2008 2 1. Vrancea subcrustal source in Romania milestones Intra-Alpine subplate East-European plate Moesian subplate Black Sea subplate Bucharest Vrancea source Black Sea Bulgaria Yugoslavia Hungary Rep. of Moldova Ukraine 3 1896 La grande faille des Carpathes, passant par le cours longitudinal de Rimnicu-Sarat, pres des villes de Rimnicu-Sarat et de Buzeu [...] et debouchant pres d'Arges. Les seismes qui agitent cette faille presentent le caractere de mobilite du centre d'ebranlement" L'intensité peut différer essentiellement d'un endroit à l'autre de la même localité, suivant la nature des terrains. Ce cas c'est présenté dans les séismes du 23 février 1887, de Diano-Marina, Menton, Nice, don’t j'ai été témoin à Nice. Les habitations situées sur les massifs calcaires n'ont presque pas souffert, tandis que les constructions situées dans les bas-fonds, constitués par des terrains meubles, ont été très- endommagées. 4 "l'axe sismique principal de la Roumanie est represente exactement par une ligne tiree de Bucarest a Kichinew en Bessarabie" • La Roumanie et la Bessarabie sismiques An.Inst. Meteor.de Roumanie t. XVII, 1901 Fernand Jean Baptiste Marie Bernard de Montessus de Ballore • Les tremblements de terre, Géographie Séismologique Paris, 1906 5 "j'ai appele l'attention sur l'importance sismique de la region Galati-Buzeu“ Emmanuel de Martonne 1985 1907 6 1935 1974 7 8 Conferences in Romania with French contributors (examples) • International Symposium on Seismic Risk Reduction. The JICA Technical Cooperation Project in Romania, April 2007 • International Conference Earthquake Loss Estimation and Risk Reduction, October 24- 26, 2002, Bucharest, Romania. • JICA International Seminar: Earthquake Hazard and Countermeasures for Existing Fragile Buildings, 23-24, Nov. 2000 • First International Workshop on Vrancea Earthquakes, Nov. 1997 UNIVERSITE TEHNIQUE DE CONSTRUCTIONS - BUCAREST TEMPUS JEP 12648 CETTCE Module: Génie parasismique vous invite à la conférence Construction parasismique: le guide technique et réglementaire de référence en France présentée par Victor Davidovici Président d'Honneur de l'Association Française du Génie Parasismique Mardi 6 Juillet 1999, à 1030 Université Technique de Constructions - Bucarest Bd.Lacul Tei nr.124, Secteur 2, Bucarest Salle du Sénat 9 2. Major Vrancea earthquakes in Romania 10 1000 yr catalogue of Vrancea earthquakes • Major historical events and major 20 century earthquakes • Number of events/century, having intensity larger than 9 and 7 Catalogue time span, years Obs Epicentral intensity (MSK) 984 - 1900 1901 - 2000 I0 9.0 1 2 I0 7.0 10 16 20 century shows the highest seismic activity of the Vrancea source ≥ ≥ Event Epicentral intensity Io Focus depth. km Moment magnitude Mw Obs 1802, October 26 1829, November 20 1838, June 23 > 9 8 8 7.9 Largest Vrancea event ever occurred 1940, November 10 1977, March 4 1986, August 30 9 8/9 7/8 150 109 133 7.7 7.5 7.2 Largest seismic losses ever experienced ≥ ≥ 11 1802, 14 Oct Chronicle of Monastery Valeni It describes the collapse of the Cotroceni church in Bucharest and of the Valeni church in Southern Carpathians 12 13 Voyage dans la Russie Méridionale et la Crimée par la Hongrie, la Valachie et la Moldavie par M. A. de Démidoff Illustré par Raffet E. Bourdin, éditeur Paris. 1841 & 1854, page 144. On conserve encore le souvenir du tremblement de terre de 1802, qui renversa la tour du monastère de Koltza; de celui de 1829, qui ébranla fortement la plupart des édifices de Bukharest. Depuis que ces lignes sont écrites, une secousse plus violente que toutes celles dont le souvenir attriste encore le pays, a pensé engloutir Bukharest. Tout à coup, le 11-23 janvier 1838, c'était le soir, la ville s'ébranle; les plus solides monuments chancellent; plusieurs maisons s'écroulent; toutes son endommagées, et, dans tout ces ravages, plusieurs hommes perdent la vie. 1802, 1829 & 1838 14 “The November 10, 1940 earthquake put damages all around Romania and throw the people in mourning” 1940 15 MGR = 7.4; Mw = 7.7; h ≅ 140 km ƒ At least 350 deaths in Romania ƒ Collapse of Carlton Building in Bucharest - 11 storey, h = 47 m - RC frame - 130 death ƒ Important damage in Chisinau, R. of Moldova 1940 16 MG-R = 7.2; Mw = 7.5; h = 109 km 1578 deaths (1424 in Bucharest) 11 221 injured (7598 in Bucharest) Losses according to the World Bank Report: (Report 16.P-2240-RO, 1978): • Total losses in Romania : 2.05 Billions USD (100%) Losses in construction, in general: 1.42 Billions USD (70%) Losses to buildings and housings : 1.02 Billions USD (50%) 1977, 4 March 17 Station Comp. PGA cm/s Tc s INCERC O NS Z EW 194.9 105.8 162.3 1.40s 1.20s 0.89s March 4, 1977 seismic station INCERC Bucharest First strong ground motion recorded in Romania 18 32 tall buildings completely collapsed Normalized SA Period, s 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 High dynamic amplification at long periods. Dangerous for high-rise buildings March 4, 1977, INCERC Station in Bucharest NS comp. 19 Dunarea building Casata building 1977 earthquake in Bucharest 20 Faculty of Medicine 1977 earthquake in Bucharest 21 1977 earthquake in Bucharest WW II, 1944 Faculty of Chemistry 22 Elefterie Church 1977 earthquake in Bucharest 23 1977 earthquake in Bucharest (i) Wilson building built in ‘30s (ii) Lizeanu building, built in ‘60s Collapse of the building soft story at ground level 24 Photo © UTCB 1977 earthquake in Bucharest Computer Center of the Telecommunication Ministry 25 3 International lessons unlearnt from the 1977 earthquake 1 “A systematic evaluation should be made of all buildings in Bucharest erected prior to the adoption of earthquake design requirements and a hazard abatement plan should be developed.” From: “Observation on the behaviour of buildings in the Romanian earthquake of March 4, 1977” by G. Fattal, E. Simiu and Ch. Cluver. Edited as the NBS Special Publication 490, US Dept of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, Sept 1977. 2 “Tentative provisions for consolidation solutions would preferably be developed urgently”. From: “The Romanian earthquake. Survey report by Survey group of experts and specialists dispatched by the Government of Japan (K. Nakano). Edited by JICA, Japan International Cooperation Agency, June 1977. 3 “Bucharest had been microzoned as part of UNESCO Balkan Project, with microzones denoting three levels of risk. The worst destruction occurred in lowest-risk microzone.” From: “”Earthquake in Romania March 4,1977. An Engineering Report” by G. Berg, B. Bolt, M. Sozen, Ch. Rojahn. Edited by National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 1980 26 The first Romanian paper on earthquake engineering 3.Earthquake engineering education in Romania 27 - Bucuresti 1962 - - Barcelona 1975 - The first book on engineering seismology in Romania 28 Undergraduate course 1968 – 1977 “Structural Dynamics and earthquake engineering” (optional) 1977 – present “Earthquake engineering”(compulsory) Postgraduate course 1976 – 1989 “Earthquake engineering” Master level In present Seismic hazard, vulnerability and risk (various courses) Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest, UTCB 29 Period Seismic zonation standard Code for earthquake resistance of structures A. Pre-cod After the 1940 earthquake P.I. – 1941 I - 1945 P.I. - 1941 I - 1945 B. Low code Inspired by the Russian seismic practice STAS 2923 - 52 STAS 2923 - 63 P 13 - 63 P 13 -70 C. Moderate code After the great 1977 earthquake STAS 11100/1 - 77 P 100 - 78 P 100 - 81 D. High code After the 1986 and the 1990 earthquakes STAS 11100/1 - 91 SR 11100/1 - 93 P 100 -90 P 100 - 92 Inspired by Eurocod 8 - P100-1/2006 Codes for design of earthquake resistance of buildings and Standards for seismic zonation of Romania (1940-2008) 4. Seismic hazard and seismic codes 30 Standards for seismic zonation of Romania 1952 1952 – – 2003 2003 31 The recorded maximum peak ground acceleration in Romania during 1977, 1986 and 1990 Vrancea earthquakes # · # · # · # · # % % % $ # % # # # # # # # & # $ $ % # # & & % # & # # # % # # & & & # & # # # 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 48 47 46 45 44 Ukraine Hungary Republic of Moldova Yugoslavia Bulgaria Black Sea Banat Valahia Moldova Cris Mures Danube Dobrogea Prut # # # # # Satu-Mare Craiova Timisoara Cluj-Napoca Oradea Bucuresti Turnu Magurele Ruse Iasi Baia Adjud Peris Bacau Varna Surduc Barlad Dochia Onesti Tulcea Focsani Istrita Giurgiu Otopeni Pitesti Kavarna Campina Branesti Botosani Chisinau Calarasi Carcaliu Provadia Cernavoda Vrancioaia Vidra Lotru Krasnogorka Muntele Rosu Bolintin Vale Vidraru Arges Transilvania Cahul Shabla Fetesti Ramnicu Sarat 1977 1986 1990 1940 86.6 79.1 97.2 45.8 14.3 26.1 11.5 50.9 82.0 90.8 36.2 48.2 32.9 93.6 33.6 61.5 297.1 109.4 186.9 157.2 208.6 150.8 194.9 114.1 223.8 112.4 112.2 132.0 168.6 136.6 212.8 146.4 232.1 164.0 107.1 100.4 158.6 # Constanta Valenii de Munte 219.8 uploads/Geographie/ istoria-cutremurelor-in-roamania-lungu.pdf

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