PROGRESSIONS CHORDS & CHORD BEGINNER HOW TO READ OUR CHARTS Chord Box White circles represent open strings that you play in a chord Cadd9 2 1 3 4 X Name of chord X’s represent muted string (string that you either block out with your fretting hand or that you avoid strumming Black circles represent notes you fret. The numbers represent what fngers to use to fret the note Fret (pointing to 1st fret) Fret wire 6th string 1st string © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 FINGER NUMBERS This diagram indicates how the fngers on your fretting hand are numbered. 4 3 2 1 © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 Chords in the Key of G In the key of G your basic chords are G - Am - Bm - C - D - Em - F#dim. Each chord is designated a number usually in Roman Numerals, so G is the one chord (I), Am is the two chord (ii), Bm is the three chord (iii) and so on. The seventh chord (vii) is left out of this eGuide because it’s not a commonly used chord and is more dif- cult to play. You’ll notice that many of the chords have diferent names such as GMaj7, Cadd9, Dsus4 etc...These are all variations of the basic chords listed above and GMaj7 is still a I chord, Cadd9 is still a IV chord, Dsus4 is still a V chord etc...You’ll also notice that there are diferent variations of chords that have the same name. These are called diferent voicings. Two chords that have the same name but diferent voicings just mean that the chords share all of the same notes but the notes are played in a diferent order. So if you see two diferent ways to play an Em7, the chord is still an Em7 but the notes are played in a diferent order. If that’s confusing, don’t worry about it right now, it’s just the reason you’ll see two chords with the same name that are a little diferent from each other. This is not a defnitive list of chords in the key of G but these are some of the most useful chords to learn as a beginner. For detailed lessons on how to play these chords, check out our YouTube series “Guitar Chords For Beginners” . © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 G 2 1 3 *Fingering Option 1 G 3 2 4 *Fingering Option 2 G 2 1 4 3 G6 2 1 *Fingering Option 2 GMaj7 3 2 1 G6 *Fingering Option 1 3 2 G6 2 1 3 Gsus2 2 1 3 4 X Gsus4 2 1 3 4 X G/F# 1 3 4 X Chords in the Key of G I Chord Options © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 Am 2 3 1 X Am7 2 1 X Am7 2 4 1 X Am7 2 4 1 3 X Asus4 2 3 1 X A7sus4 2 3 4 1 X Asus2 2 1 X *Fingering Option 1 Asus2 2 3 X *Fingering Option 2 Chords in the Key of G ii Chord Options © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 Bm7 1 2 3 X Bm7/11 1 2 3 X Bm7/13 1 2 3 4 X Bm9 2 3 4 X X *Fingering Option 2 Bm9 1 2 3 X X *Fingering Option 1 Bm11 1 2 3 X *Fingering Option 1 Bm11 2 3 4 X *Fingering Option 2 Chords in the Key of G iii Chord Options © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 Cadd9 2 1 3 4 X Cadd9 2 1 3 X C 2 1 3 X C 2 1 3 4 X Csus2 3 4 1 X C/G 2 1 4 3 C6 2 4 3 1 X C2 3 1 X Chords in the Key of G IV Chord Options © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 CMaj7 2 1 X *Fingering Option 1 CMaj7 3 2 X *Fingering Option 2 CMaj7 2 1 3 X *Fingering Option 1 CMaj7 3 2 4 X *Fingering Option 2 CMaj9 2 3 4 1 X Chords in the Key of G IV Chord Options cont. © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 D 2 1 3 X X Dsus4 1 3 4 X X Dsus2 1 3 X X *Fingering Option 1 Dsus2 2 3 X X *Fingering Option 2 D7 2 3 1 X X D7sus4 2 3 1 X X *Fingering Option 1 D7sus4 2 4 1 X X *Fingering Option 2 Dadd11/F# 2 1 3 4 X Chords in the Key of G V Chord Options © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 Dadd9/F# 2 1 3 X *Fingering Option 2 Dadd9/F# 2 T 3 X *Fingering Option 1 D/F# 2 3 1 4 X *Fingering Option 2 D/F# 1 2 T 3 X *Fingering Option 1 D6 2 3 X X *Fingering Option 1 D6 1 2 X X *Fingering Option 2 Dadd9add11 2 1 3 X Dadd9add11/A 2 1 4 3 Chords in the Key of G V Chord Options cont. © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 Em 2 3 *Fingering Option 1 Em7 2 1 3 4 Em7 2 1 3 Em 1 2 *Fingering Option 2 Em 1 2 4 Chords in the Key of G vi Chord Options © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 Chord Progressions in the Key of G This next section lists a bunch of chord progressions for you to try out. A chord pro- gression is a sequence of chords that you play in order. Songs are made up of chord progressions. Technically any chords in the key of G work together but diferent voicings sound better together than others. There are countless options for chord progressions in the key of G beyond what is listed in this eGuide. This is just a list to help you get started and help you hear diferent possibilities. Don’t feel like you have to learn every progression, and defnitely experiment and come up with your own. To start, pick a progression and play each chord one time in order to hear what they sound like together. Then try to play them with a strumming pattern and rhythm and repeat the progression over and over. For detailed lessons on how to play these chord progressions , check out our You- Tube series “Chord Progressions For Beginners” . © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 Em7 2 1 3 G 2 1 3 4 G 2 1 3 4 C 2 1 3 X D 2 1 3 X X Chord Progressions in the Key of G Cadd9 2 1 3 4 X Cadd9 2 1 3 4 X Em7 2 1 3 4 Em7 2 1 3 4 Dsus4 1 3 4 X X Dsus4 1 3 4 X X #1 #2 #3 #4 D7 2 3 1 X X I - IV - vi - V GMaj7 3 2 1 CMaj7 3 2 X Em 1 2 Gsus2 2 1 3 4 X © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 Chord Progressions in the Key of G Em7 2 1 3 G 2 1 3 4 D/F# 1 2 T 3 X #1 I - V - vi Em7 2 1 3 #3 G6 2 1 3 Dadd9/F# 2 1 3 X #4 Em 1 2 G6 2 1 Dsus2 2 3 X X G 2 1 3 4 Em7 2 1 3 4 #2 Dadd11/F# 2 1 3 4 X © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 G 2 1 3 4 G 2 1 3 4 Cadd9 2 1 3 X C 2 1 3 X C 2 1 3 X D 2 1 3 X X Dsus2 1 3 X X D7sus4 2 4 1 X X Cadd9 2 1 3 4 X Dsus4 1 3 4 X X Dsus4 1 3 4 X X Chord Progressions in the Key of G #1 #2 #3 #4 G 3 2 4 D7 2 3 1 X X I - IV - V G6 2 1 3 © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 Chord Progressions in the Key of G G 2 1 3 4 Cadd9 2 1 3 4 X Em7 2 1 3 4 Dsus4 1 3 4 X X #1 Em7 2 1 3 G 2 1 3 4 C 2 1 3 X D 2 1 3 X X #2 I - V - vi - IV Em7 2 1 3 #3 Cadd9 2 1 3 X Dsus2 1 3 X X G6 2 1 3 #4 G 3 2 4 Dadd11/F# 2 1 3 4 X Em 1 2 3 Csus2 3 4 2 X © Move Forward Guitar LLC 2014 G 2 1 3 4 G 2 1 3 4 G 2 1 3 4 Dsus4 1 3 4 X X G6 3 2 CMaj7 3 2 X CMaj7 3 2 X CMaj7 3 2 uploads/Geographie/ mfg-chord-guide.pdf

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