1 | P a g e © Copyright CAT IIM 2019 CAT 2020 Mock Test Navigation Guide © Copy
1 | P a g e © Copyright CAT IIM 2019 CAT 2020 Mock Test Navigation Guide © Copyright CAT IIM 2020 2 | P a g e © Copyright CAT IIM 2020 MOCK TEST NAVIGATION GUIDE Overview of Mock Test Navigation Guide ......................................................................................... 3 Section A: Steps to Navigate to CAT 2020 Mock Test Link .................................................................. 3 1. Click on Mock Test Link available on CAT 2020 official website .............................................................................. 3 2. *Enter your Registration Number and password and click on Sign In ..................................................................... 3 3. Post login, click F11 button and read through the “General Instructions for Candidate” ....................................... 3 4. Click on NEXT to move to the next page ................................................................................................................... 4 5. Read through “Other Important Instructions for Candidate:” ................................................................................. 4 6. Click on the disclaimer check box on “Other Important Instructions for Candidate:” page .................................... 5 7. Click on “I am ready to begin” to being your Mock Test .......................................................................................... 5 8. Candidates will see the first question of first section and the CAT Mock Test starts .............................................. 6 Section B: General guide on various feature on Candidate Mock Test Screen ...................................... 7 1. Calculator: ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 2. Timer: ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 3. Question Palette ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 4. Expand the question area: ...................................................................................................................................... 8 5. Scrolling .................................................................................................................................................................. 9 6. Answering a question ............................................................................................................................................. 9 7. Changing the response ........................................................................................................................................... 9 8. Navigating through sections .................................................................................................................................. 10 9. Zoom .......................................................................................................................................................................10 3 | P a g e © Copyright CAT IIM 2020 Overview of Mock Test Navigation Guide Mock Test Navigation Guide will describe the steps as how to access CAT 2020 MOCK Test Link. CAT 2020 MOCK Test Link offers CAT 2020 aspirants to access an online CAT 2020 Mock Test to become familiar with computer based test’s instructions, procedures and features. Mock Test link can be directly accessible from the official CAT 2020 website, www.iimcat.ac.in Section A : Steps to Navigate to CAT 2020 Mock Test Link 1. Click on Mock Test Link available on CAT 2020 official website a. https://www.digialm.com:443//OnlineAssessment/index.html?756@@M12 2. *Enter your Registration Number and password and click on Sign In [*Since this is a mock test, a dummy registration number and dummy password has already been embedded. Candidates can proceed by just clicking on Sign In.] 3. Post login, click F11 button and read through the “General Instructions for Candidate” 4 | P a g e © Copyright CAT IIM 2020 4. Click on NEXT to move to the next page: 5. Read through “Other Important Instructions for Candidate:” 5 | P a g e © Copyright CAT IIM 2020 6. Click on the disclaimer check box on “Other Important Instructions for Candidate:” page 7. Click on “I am ready to begin” to being your Mock Test 6 | P a g e © Copyright CAT IIM 2020 8. Candidates will see the first question of first section and the CAT Mock Test starts 7 | P a g e © Copyright CAT IIM 2020 Section B : General guide on various feature on Candidate Test Screen 1. Calculator - Calculator is available on the top, right-hand side of the screen. 2. Timer - Candidate can check time left for a section looking at the timer on the top, right-hand side of the screen and just below the calculator. Total test time is 120 minutes for non-PwD candidate (40 minutes each for three sections). Total test time is 160 minutes for PwD candidate (53 minutes each for three sections). 8 | P a g e © Copyright CAT IIM 2020 , 3. Question Palette - The Question Palette displayed on the right-hand side of the screen will show the status of each question using one of the following symbols: 4. Expand the question area - Click on which appears to the left side of Question Palette to maximize the Question Area. To view the Question Palette again, click on , which appears to the right side of Question Area. 9 | P a g e © Copyright CAT IIM 2020 5. Scrolling - Click on to navigate to the bottom and Click on to navigate to the top of the Question Area without scrolling. 6. Answering a question – a) Click on the question number in the Question Palette to go to that question directly. Select an answer for a multiple choice type question by clicking on the bubble placed before the choices in the form of radio buttons ( ). For Non-MCQ questions, type in the answer in the space provided on the screen using the on-screen keyboard. b) Click on ‘Save & Next’ to save your answer for the current question and then go to the next question. Alternatively, you may click on Mark for Review & Next to save your answer for the current question and also to mark it for review, and then go to the next question. Caution: Note that your answer for the current question will not be saved, if you navigate to another question directly by clicking on a question number without clicking ‘Save & Next’ or ‘Mark for Review & Next’ button. 7. Changing the response - a) To deselect your chosen answer, click on the question number on the palette and click on the ‘Clear Response’ button. b) To change your chosen answer, click on the bubble of another option. To save your changed answer, you MUST click on the ‘Save & Next’ or ‘Mark for Review & Next’ button. 10 | P a g e © Copyright CAT IIM 2020 8. Navigating through sections - a) The test has three Sections: I. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC), II. Data Interpretation & Logical Reasoning (DILR) and III. Quantitative Ability (QA), which will be administered in the same order as above. b) Sections as above are displayed on the top bar of the screen. c) From a section you will be able to move to the next section only after completing 40 minutes, i.e. the time allocated to each Section for non-PwD candidates. d) The Section you are currently viewing will be highlighted. 9. Zoom Option - Candidates who have opted for a zoom feature will find two magnifying glass icons at the top of the screen. You can click on icon to zoom-in and click on to zoom out the question. uploads/Geographie/ mock-test-navigation-guide.pdf
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- Publié le Jui 17, 2021
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