The St. Lawrence Seaway Pleasure Craft Guide This publication is free This guid
The St. Lawrence Seaway Pleasure Craft Guide This publication is free This guide book is based on the Seaway Practices and Procedures. Seaway Practices and Procedures made pursuant to the Canada Marine Act empower a Seaway officer to deny a vessel permission to transit if: a) its equipment or machinery are inadequate b) its crew is insufficient to ensure safe passage and the condition of the crew might jeopardize safe transit. For these purposes, an officer may board any ship. “Pleasure craft” means a ship, however propelled, that is used exclusively for pleasure and that does not carry passengers who have paid a fare for passage. This guide book is available free of charge from: The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation 202 Pitt, Cornwall, Ontario, Canada K6J 3P7 Tel: (613) 932-5170 Fax: (613) 932-7286 E-mail: and Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation P.O. Box 520 Massena, N.Y. 13662-0520 Tel: (315) 764-3200 Also available at: under heading "SERVICES" 2007 Photos: Thies Bogner This publication is free Table of Contents Page FOREWORD.................................................................................................2 EQUIPMENT................................................................................................4 PASSING UNDER BRIDGES.......................................................................5 REPORTING IN AT THE LOCKS.................................................................7 LOCATION OF DOCKS ...............................................................................9 LOCKING THROUGH................................................................................10 Signal Light System...........................................................................10 Lock Entry...........................................................................................13 Mooring in the Locks.........................................................................13 GROUPED MOORING...............................................................................15 MOORING TABLE .....................................................................................16 CREW MEMBERS IN THE WELLAND CANAL........................................17 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS.........................................................................17 Welland Canal....................................................................................17 American Locks..................................................................................18 Anti-pollution Measures...................................................................18 Meeting and Passing .........................................................................19 Speed Limits ......................................................................................19 TOLLS ........................................................................................................21 CHARTS AND PUBLICATIONS.................................................................22 MILEAGE TO PRINCIPAL LOCATIONS ...................................................23 MAPS - WELLAND CANAL.......................................................................25 MONTREAL/LAKE ONTARIO SECTION...............................26-27 Foreword T his Guide provides information for the operation of pleasure craft of up to 317.5 tonnes displacement in Seaway locks between Montreal and Lake Ontario and in the Welland Canal, across the Niagara peninsula. It is recommended that a copy be kept on board. In the interest of safety, craft of less than 6 m (20 feet) in length or 900 kg (1 ton) in weight are not permitted to transit through the Seaway locks. Pleasure craft operators are reminded that, unlike most other Canadian and U.S. inland waterways, the Seaway is primarily a commercial navigation route and that they should expect delays of varying length caused by the demands of commercial navigation at the locks, and of rail and vehicular traffic on the movable bridges spanning the waterway. While priority of passage will be granted to cargo vessels, The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation and the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation will make every effort to ensure that, with your cooperation, your transit through the lock system is safe and pleasant. In Canada, pleasure craft navigation is regulated by the Canada Shipping Act “Small Vessels Regulations” which are partly contained in the “Safe Boating Guide”. This booklet may be obtained by writing to the Office of Boating Safety, Canada Building, 344 Slater Street, 9th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N9. In the United States, regulations governing pleasure craft are contained in the “Navigation Rules” available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 20402 and in the booklet “Federal Requirements for Recreational Boats” available free of charge from all U.S. Coast Guard offices. Navigation on the Seaway itself is regulated by the Seaway Practices and Procedures upon which this Guide is based. Pleasure craft which transit the Seaway canals and locks must be adequately motor-powered. Vessels under sail are not allowed to transit Seaway canals and locks. 2 Pleasure craft are not allowed to go through a lock with a vessel exceeding 100 m (328 feet) in length, an oil carrier or a vessel carrying hazardous cargo. Pleasure craft should avoid passing close to regulating works where currents may be encountered and should at all times be vigilant at approaches to lock structures where currents and eddies are caused by lock operations. Except in the Welland Canal, special pleasure craft docks are located near all locks where you must tie up to await clearance to lock through. In the Montreal / Lake Ontario region, these docks are equipped with telephones for reporting in and (for all Canadian locks) with automatic ticket dispensers from which you may purchase lock transit tickets. One ticket is required for each lock that you transit. In the Welland Canal, these docks are located at the Lake Erie and Lake Ontario ends of the canal only. You require only one ticket for the complete transit of the Welland Canal (8 locks). Follow the instructions of the officer in charge. They have full responsibility for the lock and its approaches and may refuse further transit to anyone who fails to co-operate and follow instructions promptly. In order to minimize delays and ensure greater safety, pleasure craft operators should become thoroughly familiar with the information in this booklet and should co-operate fully with the Seaway personnel during lock transit. BON VOYAGE! 3 Equipment Radio Pleasure craft of 20 m (65 feet) or more in overall length must have a VHF radio with the channels listed in Seaway Practices and Procedures No. 9 described in the Seaway Handbook. Such vessels must follow the mandatory calling-in procedure detailed in the said Regulations. Any pleasure boat equipped with a radio set and transiting in the Montreal/Lake Ontario section must avoid using the Seaway’s radio frequencies, and must use channel 16 in case of an emergency. In the Welland Canal, however, because of transit scheduling requirements, all pleasure craft operators are encouraged to use the Seaway working frequency (Channel 14), but all transmissions thereon must be restricted to those required for a safe and expeditious transit. A continuous listening watch should be maintained throughout the transit. The use of VHF is governed by the regulations of both the U.S. Federal Communications Commission and Communications Canada. Every VHF radio operator in the Seaway must hold a Restricted Radio Telephone Operator’s Certificate. Assigned channels for calls between pleasure craft are Citizen Band or Marine VHF Channels 68 (156.425 MHz) and 8 (156 MHz). It is important that whenever VHF radio equipment must be used, proper radio procedures be followed. Fenders Adequate fenders made of material that will float should be rigged to protect your boat. Rubber tires are not permitted. Life Jackets Safety dictates the wearing of life jackets by all pleasure craft occupants while the craft is in the lock and its approaches. In all other parts of the waterway, compliance with Coast Guard regulations is required. Safety Equipment Required safety equipment, navigation lights and signals are detailed in the Safe Boating Guide as well as in the Recreational Boating Guide published by the U.S. Coast Guard. 4 Search Lights No search lights shall be used in such a manner that it interferes with the visibility of Seaway personnel or ship crews. Passing Under Bridges A system of navigation light signals and signs is in effect at all free-standing lift bridges in both the Montreal/Lake Ontario section and the Welland Canal. The system consists of a number of signals and signs as follows: a) A red and green bridge navigation light display on the bridge span; b) A limit of approach sign (L/A) - (red background, white letters, diamond shape); c) A caution sign equipped with amber lights (yellow-black checkerboard, triangular shape); and d) A whistle sign (yellow background, black lettering, square shape). The flashing amber lights indicate that the bridge operator acknowledges that he has seen the approach of your craft and will commence the bridge operation. When the bridge starts to rise, the red bridge navigation lights will commence flashing. You should continue to approach to the limit of approach sign, but do not pass the L/A sign before the bridge span is fully raised and the green bridge navigation lights are displayed. Note: At St. Louis and Valleyfield Bridges on the Beauharnois Canal, a GREEN LIGHT FOR PLEASURE CRAFT has been installed on the first bridge pier to the right of the bridge draw . PLEASURE CRAFT ARE TO WAIT UNTIL THIS GREEN LIGHT IS DISPLAYED before proceeding under the bridge. Pleasure craft should approach bridges as expeditiously as possible, observe the permitted speed limits and be governed by the light signals. While waiting for the green light, they should maintain a safe distance from the bridge, without interfering with navigation, and should remain stopped as close to the edge of the channel as safety permits. In this position they are more readily visible from the 5 navigation bridge of large vessels. Pleasure craft remaining in the centre of the channel may be lost to view from large ships thus creating unnecessary problems and hazards. When the bridge light shows steady green, proceed promptly through the bridge draw to avoid undue delay to waiting land traffic. Small craft operators should be prepared for delays caused by vehicular and train traffic. There are exceptions to the above bridge procedures at the twin C.P.R. bridges at Kahnawake near Montreal, and at Bridge 6 on the Welland Canal. Pleasure craft whose height above the waterline does not exceed 12 m (39.5 feet) may pass under the lowered spans at their own risk. Bridge Signal Signs 6 Bridge L/A Sign Caution Sign uploads/Geographie/ pleasure-craft-guide.pdf
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