Department of Education Region VII, Central Visayas Division of Lapu – Lapu Cit

Department of Education Region VII, Central Visayas Division of Lapu – Lapu City BABAG II ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Babag, Lapu – Lapu City, Cebu SESSION GUIDE ON (EGMA) - EARLY GRADE MATHEMATICS ASSESSMENT I. Session Title: EGMA – Early Grade Mathematics Assessment II. OBJECTIVES: • Measure the numeracy and mathematics skills of the early grade learners. • Make interventions for the continuous improvement of both the teachers and the learners based on the result analysis. • Determine the need of support at the national, regional, division, and the district levels on the specific tasks based on the results of the assessment. III. DATE : October 22, 2019 TIME : 1:00 – 2:30 pm DURATION: 1 ½ HOUR IV. RESOURCES: Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) Tool Kit DepEd Regional Memorandum No. 452, s. 2019 DepEd Order # 57 s. 2015 V. OVERVIEW: The Early Grade Math Assessment (EGMA) is an instrument designed to measure the extent to which school children in early primary grades are learning math skills. All over the world, mathematics skills are essential for adults—employed or not employed—to function successfully in their work, profession, and everyday life. This importance of mathematics skills continues to increase as societies and economies move toward more technologically advanced activities. New learning goals in mathematics are being advocated at the same time that new recommendations for research in this field are emerging (Fuson, 2004; U.S. Department of Education/National Center for Education Statistics [NCES], 2008). As we increase our knowledge through research and the evaluation of programs, we learn what works and what does not. We also establish what children need as a foundation to become successful in learning mathematics in later years. This background note supplies discussion on the contents of the Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA), funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The focus of this tool, and hence of this background paper, is on the early years of mathematics learning; that is, mathematics learning with an emphasis on numbers and operations and on geometry through second grade or, in developing countries, perhaps through third grade. Mathematics here is taken to be broader than, and to include, arithmetic. Although it may seem odd to those unaccustomed to working with these issues, instilling algebraic notions early helps children develop concepts in identification, organization, cohesion, and then representation of information (Clements, 2004b). These are the years in which a young child builds a foundation or base that will be necessary for learning in the years that follow. Without this base, it is possible—but difficult—later, to catch children up to where they need to be (Fuson, 2004). A DepEd Order No. 57, s. 2015 was being ordered by DepEd Education Secretary Br. Armin A. Luistro FSC on the utilization of the EGMA but just this year it was being implemented following the DepEd Regional Memorandum No. 452, s. 2019 VI. PROCEDURE: A. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITY Share a video “Math Wizard” and talk about it. B. ACTIVITY Talk about the following: 1. Essence of EGMA – Early Grade Mathematics Assessment 2. Who and how to administer and when is the submission of the results of EGMA? 3. 10 Tasks of EGMA and assessment proper. 4. Guidelines in determining Numerates or Non-numerates. 5. Forms to be Accomplished and submitted in School Level, District Office, Division Office and Regional Office. 6. Show a video on some interventions that may help the non-numerates, “Mathematics in the Early Grades”. C. ANALYSIS Discuss on the guidelines in determining Numerates or Non-numerates. D. ABSTRACTION Give some interventions that may help the non-numerates, “Mathematics in the Early Grades”. E. APPLICATION Hands at Work  Act out on how to administer the EGMA properly. Choose one (1) member in each grade (1 and 3) to act as the assesor (teacher) and the learner.  Grade 2 will assess.  Grades 4, 5, 6 will give an example of an intervention plan or enhancement program. F. CONCLUDING ACTIVITY Share the intervention plan or enhancement program. 53 Prepared by: LOVELYN O. PEREZ Session Facilitator Approved by: DESIREE P. SULLA School Principal uploads/Geographie/ session-guide 10 .pdf

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