ANALYSIS PROGRAMS USING RADAR BEACON ANALYSIS TOOL (RBAT) CHUCK BAXTER FEB 3, 2007 Page 1 of 15 Radar Beacon Analysis Tool (RBAT) OVERVIEW A set of analysis programs has been developed for FAA radar systems at the FAA Technical Center (AJP-7162). These programs are executed under Windows on a PC. INPUT These programs were originally designed for CD-2 record files, but now work with ASTERIX, Sensis, and RS3 files. These are cumulatively called extraction files. OUTPUTS The programs can provide additional extraction files that have been filtered or enhanced to become the input file for further analysis. The normal output files are a text file and a plot file. PURPOSE OF RBAT SOFTWARE The RBAT software is used to analyze surveillance performance, both beacon and primary radar. FAA field technicians use RBAT to evaluate and certify their systems. Some of the performance parameters measured are coverage, detection, range accuracy, azimuth accuracy, and false targets. RBAT PROGRAMS Analysis Programs Beacon and Radar Coverage - calculates and plots the coverage of different regions (cells) of the airspace. It provides minimum altitude and elevation angle for each cell. Beacon False Target Summary - identifies beacon false targets and groups them into several false target categories: splits, ring-a-round, PRF interference, uplink reflections, downlink reflections, Terra, ATCRBS/Mode S, and other categories. Conflict Analysis - this program looks at the situations where two or more aircraft are close to each other. Two tracks are in conflict if they are in each other’s user specified range and azimuth windows. The text file provides surveillance statistics for each conflict. Plots of the conflicting tracks are also provided. Duplicate Search Analysis - used for 3D radars. A search message is a duplicate if: There is another message with the same range, azimuth, and height Or Page 2 of 15 There is radar reinforced beacon message with the same height that falls within user defined range and azimuth criteria. Enhanced Surveillance - processes the Mode S transponder environment. This program requires an ASTERIX file from the ATCBI-6. The Mode S data is searched for the transponder GICB register data. It looks at communications capability, specific services capability, altitude resolution, squitter capability, etc. Filter - comprehensive filter program that is used to provide another CD-2 record or ASTERIX file that only contains the messages needed for further analysis. Range, azimuth, codes, altitude, etc are some of the filters that can be selected. Fixed Transponder Accuracy - usually two fixed transponders are installed at each beacon facility. Sometimes called a PARROT and sometimes called a CPME. These transponders are monitored by different systems. The program calculates the azimuth and range accuracy by comparing the data against the known position. Moving Track Filter - produces another CD-2 record or ASTERIX file that contains all of the messages that pass the moving track filter. The user may first run Surveillance Analysis to determine the track of interest and input that track number to Moving Track Filter, or the user may select a Mode 3/A code or Mode S Id. A user specified range and azimuth box passes only those messages within the box. Mode S messages, ATCRBS messages, radar messages, etc are filtered. Moving Track Plot - uses the original extraction file as its input. The program runs Surveillance Analysis. The user is then given three ways to select tracks of interest. The user can input ATCRBS Id, Mode S Id, or track number. Now the program runs the Moving Track Filter program. The output extraction file is then used to run Surveillance Analysis again, with the history, listing, and uncorrelated options set. The program now provides a display of the moving track and all of the messages contained. To read the listings, consult the help file for Surveillance Analysis. Note: This is a new program that reduces the steps necessary to view a moving track. Multi Site Plot - requires a multi site file. The program plots beacon tracks from several sites using a common multi site origin. Multi Site Registration - requires a multi site file. The program calculates the range, azimuth errors using a common multi site origin. Page 3 of 15 Nine Points Accuracy - looks at 4 scans before the target and 4 scans after the target to predict the target location. The prediction is compared to the reported position and the program calculates the position accuracy. Peak Loading - used to determine the peak message loads in specified areas. Playback - plays back the CD-2 record or ASTERIX file on a PPI type display. Scan Interval Plot - plots messages for a user specified set of scans. Scan Summary - counts the messages by category each scan. It also gives the initial system status and any changes in system status. This should be normally the first program run to perform an analysis, as message data losses can be easily identified. Surveillance Analysis - analyzes beacon and search performance using an integrated beacon and search tracker. Statistics are given by track, position, and overall. This program generates an output extraction file that be used as an input for the other programs. The output file attaches a track number to each beacon message that is used by other programs. Surveillance Print and Plot - develops a text file and a plot file for a user defined filter. Used extensively to show the listing and plot desired messages. Three-Dimensional Height Accuracy - the ARSR-4 provides height in the output search message. That message is merged with the beacon message, which contains Mode C altitude. This program considers the Mode C altitude to be the standard and compares the height provided by the ARSR-4 against it. Throughput - calculates the delay time from the time that the aircraft is scanned by the beam to the time that the message is sent. Statistics and plots are given as a function of system loading. Transponder Register Accuracy - uses the ATCBI-6 ASTERIX format that contains the ground initiated Comm B (GICB) messages from the Mode S targets. The purpose of this program is to help determine how useful the GICB registers might be. Merge Programs - these use the results from more than 1 data file to give a combined result. In order to use this program, each data file is assigned a test number from 1 to 50. The user can then select the test numbers that he wants to merge. Page 4 of 15 Beacon and Radar Coverage Merge Beacon False Target Summary Merge Conflict Analysis Merge Fixed Transponder Accuracy Merge Multi Site Registration Merge Nine Points Accuracy Merge Surveillance Analysis Merge Three Dimensional Height Accuracy Merge Throughput Merge Transponder Register Accuracy Merge Display Results Programs Plot - displays the graphics. Print - prints the text file. Scroll - displays the text file. The user can scroll through it. The text is large and the user can't see an entire page at a time. View - displays the text file. The user can view a page at a time. Utility Programs ACES Compare - the ACES is a test target generator that is used to test monopulse beacon systems, acting as a single transponder for each simulated aircraft. The user provides a scenario into the ACES of beacon tracks and beacon fruit. In order to determine if the beacon system processes the ACES reply information correctly, the ACES outputs and the beacon output messages are compared. Combine Two Files - the input files are CD-2 record or ASTERIX formats and the output file contains the data from both files sorted by time. Convert ASR-11 ASTERIX EDC File - converts the ASR-11 ASTERIX file to an ASTERIX file compatible with RBAT. Convert RS3 File - RBAT processes input files in CD-2 record, ASTERIX, or RS3 formats directly. If the RS3 file contains more than 16 sites, however, this program must be used to produce CD file(s) of 16 sites or less. Convert Sensis Generic Format File - converts SGF file to a CD-2 record or ASTERIX file. Page 5 of 15 File Edit - allows the user to edit the header of the CD-2 record or ASTERIX file. This is sometimes necessary to get a file that can be processed by RBAT. Normally the user would select the enhanced header format versus the old EBCDIC format. Latitude and Longitude Conversion - converts from latitude, longitude, and altitude to range, azimuth, and altitude (or vice versa). Site Data Base - lists all the sites in the database. It is also used to develop a KML file that can be input to Google Earth. The Google earth program can be downloaded to any PC and can be used to show the satellite view of the radar site. Page 6 of 15 RBAT MENU File Close Open - user selects the input data extraction file Exit Programs - user selects the program to run Mode Execute - runs the program or programs in the queue Queue - user sets up several programs in the queue Preferences uploads/Geographie/ user-guide 23 .pdf

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