Guide writing quot a short story quot transversals objectives aim of learning suggested evaluation

Guide writing ??A short story ? Transversals objectives ? Writing in a clear letter separating the words with a space in order that it could be read by others easily ? Incorporate the pertinent way in the writing the new vocabulary extracted by the listening or reading text Aim of learning Write creatively narrations personal experience stories tale of real events etc Which contain context climax conclusion Suggested evaluation ?? They write one or more paragraph to narrate their experiences or imaginary event ?? They write narrations which the story develops across of many actions ?? They write narrations which contain a conclusion Writing story from a sequence of drawings The teacher selects a sequence of attractive drawings which contains a story He she can deliver a copy to each student or to project it First from the drawing the students tell an orally story to their classmate then they write it The teacher helps in the writing review and the edit of the text Variations a Write a story of your family or your neighbor The students have asked during the previous day to their family or their neighbor who tell them something that happened in their life they can show the drawings that the teacher gave them to help them if they don ?t know how to start then they write their story b A story done in three parts In team of three persons after they exchange their personal stories the teacher invite them to write one story by team The students write their own stories using temporary connectors which contain context climax conclusion ?rst after next and ?nally The teacher checks their text taking into account that the text is understood The teacher checks the grammar commas point variety of vocabulary agreement etc Finally the teacher invite them to publish their stories in whole school C

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  • Publié le Mai 20, 2021
  • Catégorie Business / Finance
  • Langue French
  • Taille du fichier 25.1kB