Size and Shape Guide Concrete Masonry Units FRANKLIN SERIES GRAY CONCRETE MASON

Size and Shape Guide Concrete Masonry Units FRANKLIN SERIES GRAY CONCRETE MASONRY • JEFFERSON SERIES ARCHITECTURAL COLOR MASONRY Concrete Block are commonly referred to as “CMUs” (Concrete Masonry Units), “Grey Block” or simply “Concrete Block.” The follow- ing are keyed names commonly used to further describe different types of concrete block. A. Scored B. Stretcher End (Mortar Groove) C. Breaker D. Sash Groove E. Plain End F. Rectangular Core G. Pear Core H. Split Face* J. Bullnose (Double shown) How to Calculate Fire Ratings for Concrete Block International Standard Building Code Southern Building Code Congress International 1996 Edition Chapter 31, Section 3103.1.1 3103.1. The fire resistance ratings of walls and partitions constructed of concrete masonry units shall be determined from Table 3103.1. The rating shall be based on the equivalent thickness of the masonry and type of aggregate used. *Values between those shown in the table can be determined by direct interpolation. **Contact producer to verify aggregate and net volume. Certifications provided by each producer member as requested. Thickness shown for concrete masonry is equivalent thickness defined as the average thickness of solid material in the wall and is represented by the the formula: T E = Vn L x H Where: T E = Equivalent thickness, in inches V n = Net volume (gross volume less volume of voids), in cubic inches* L = Length of block, in inches H = Height of block, in inches Source: SBCCI Table 3103.1 Minimum Equivalent Thickness (Inches) of Loadbearing or Nonloadbearing Concrete Masonry Walls* Fire Resistance Rating (hours) Type of Aggregate 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Expanded Shale, Clay** or Slate 2.6 3.6 4.4 5.1 *All split-face masonry units are available in grey and Block USA standard colors. Concrete Block Example: 8" cmu with a known 1100 psi gross area at 52% solids. Compressive Strength (Gross Area) x 100 = Compressive Strength (%) Percent Solids (Net Area) 1100 psi x 100 = 2115 psi 52% Example: 8" cmu (7.625 actual size) with a known 1100 psi gross area with an equivalent thickness of 4.0". Compressive Strength Actual Compressive Strength (Gross Area) x Thickness = (Net Area) Equivalent Thickness 1100 psi x 7.625 = 2097 psi 4.0 Block manufacturers have gross-area psi data as well as solids and equivalent strength numbers. Most will have the net-area compressive strength psi with future test results. Compressive Strength of Concrete Masonry (PSI*) Gross Area to Net Area Conversion *Based on average of 3 units 4" height and above Comment: ASTM C-90 is the standard of masonry production specifications in the United States. With the approval of ACI 530.1-88 specifications and the issue of ASTM C-90-91, there is one major specification change to note. In the past, block compressive strength (psi) was based on gross area requiring an average 1000 psi. The strength requirements have not changed but the measure- ments have. All new specifications now are based on net area of 1900 psi. To assist you in calculating the net area, please follow the formula below. Given the gross area compressive strength, you may determine the net area by knowing: (1) percent solids of unit, or (2) equivalent thickness of unit. Dimensions 4-Inch Unit Configurations 6-Inch Unit Configurations 8-Inch Unit Configurations 10-Inch Unit Configurations 12-Inch Unit Configurations 2” Brick Units 2x4x8 Concrete Brick 2x8x16 Concrete Brick 2¼x8x16 Concrete Brick 4” Units Grey Block Split-Face 4x8x16 Solid Stretcher 4x4x16 Solid Stretcher Half-High 4x4x16 Hollow Stretcher 4x8x16 Stretcher 4x8x16 Stretcher Single Score 4x8x16 Single Bullnose 4x8x16 Double Bullnose One End 4x8x16 Double Bullnose One Side 4x8x16 Split Face Stretcher 4x4x16 Split Face Stretcher Half-High 4x8x16 Split Face Stretcher Single Flute 4x8x16 Split Face Stretcher Triple Flute 4x8x16 Split Face Stretcher Eight Flute 4x8x16 Split Face Return Corner 4x8x16 Split Face Return Corner Single Flute 4x8x16 Split Face Return Corner Triple Flute 4x8x16 Split Face Return Corner Eight Flute 2-5/8-8x16 Solid * Available in Single Score * Single Score Available 6x8x16 Stretcher Single Score 6x8x16 Corner 6x8x16 Split Face 6x8x14 Split Face Corner 6x8x16 Corner Sash 6x8x8 Half Stretcher 6x8x16 Single Bullnose 6x8x16 Double Bullnose One End 6x8x16 Double Bullnose One Side 6x8x16 Solid Bottom Lintel 6x8x8 Sill Block Smooth 6x8x8 Split Face Sill Block * Restricted Open/Solid Available 6” Units Grey Block Split-Face 8x8x16 Stretcher 8x8x16 Corner Sash 8x8x16 Corner 8x8x16 Corner Single Score 8x8x8 Half Stretcher 8x8x8 Single Bullnose 8x8x8 Half Double Bullnose 8x8x16 Single Bullnose 8x8x16 Double Bullnose One End 8x8x16 Double Bullnose One Side 8” Units Grey Block Split-Face * Available in some locations * Available in some locations 10x8x8 Half Corner 10x8x16 Stretcher 10x8x16 Corner Sash 10x8x8 Half Sash 8x4x16 Half High 8x8x16 Restricted Open Bottom Lintel * Solid Bottom Lintel Available 8x8x16 Solid Bottom Lintel 8x8x16 Conduit/ Deep Lintel 8x8x16 Cut Header 8x8x8 Sill Block Smooth 8x8x8 Split Face Sill Block 8x8x16 Split Face Stretcher * Available in Some Locations 8” Units Grey Block Split-Face 8x8x16 Split Face Stretcher Single Flute 8x8x16 Split Face Stretcher Three Flutes 8x8x16 Split Face Stretcher Eight Flutes 8x8x16 Split Face Corner 8x8x16 Split Face Corner Single Flute 8x8x16 Split Face Corner Three Flutes 8x8x16 Split Face Corner Eight Flutes 10x8x16 Restricted Open Bottom Lintel * Solid Bottom Lintel Available * Single Score Available * Single Score Available 10x8x16 Split Face Stretcher 10x8x16 Split Face Lintel 8x8x16 Split Face Lintel Open/Solid Bottom 10” Units Grey Block Split-Face * Open/Solid Bottom Lintel Available 12” Units Grey Block Split-Face 12x8x12 Pilaster Block 12x8x16 Stretcher 12x8x16 Corner Sash 12x8x8 Half Sash 12x8x16 Solid Bottom Lintel 12x8x16 Stretcher Single Score * Available in Some Locations 12x8x16 Double Bullnose One Side 12x8x16 Double Bullnose One End 12x8x16 Single Bullnose 12x8x16 Restricted Open Bottom Lintel 12x8x16 Split Face Stretcher Three Flutes 12x8x16 Split Face Stretcher Eight Flutes 16x8x16 Pilaster 16x8x16 Flue Block 16x4x16 Pier Pad 16” Units Grey Block 12x8x16 Corner 12x8x16 Conduit/Deep Lintel 12x8x16 Split Face Stretcher 12x8x16 Split Face Stretcher Single Flute * Solid Bottom Lintel Available * Single Score Available 12x4x16 Half-High 12x8x16 Split Face Lintel * Open/Solid Bottom Lintel Available Midsouth Division 1-800-338-7902 Gulf Coast Division 1-800-888-9262 Georgia Division 1-866-322-5625 uploads/Industriel/ cmu-guide.pdf

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