37-Analysis on discursive strategies: Example of an article about the Coronavir

37-Analysis on discursive strategies: Example of an article about the Coronavirus Söylemsel yöntemler üzerine bir çözümleme: Koronavirüs içerikli bir metin örneÿi 452 / RumeliDE Journal of Language and Literature Studies 2020.S8 (November) Keywords: mass media, media discourse, pragmatics, discourse analysis, discursive strategies. Kitle iletiÿim araçlarÿ, kendine özgülüÿü ve kültürel çalÿÿmalara da yer veren bir alan oluÿuyla uzun zamandan beri var olmaktadÿr. Medya, olaylarÿn oluÿum ve yayÿlma sürecinde, sosyal hayata ve insanlarÿn günlük yaÿamlarÿna etkileri bakÿmÿndan, özellikle de çok yaygÿn olmasÿyla günümüzde belirgin bir yere sahiptir. Haber medyasÿnÿn zengin bir söylem türüne sahip olduÿu ve mesajÿ ileten konuÿmacÿnÿn, hedef aldÿÿÿ kitlenin zihninde bir deÿiÿiklik yaratmak için belirli yöntemler kullandÿÿÿ varsayÿlÿr. Medyada, belirli baÿlamlarÿn bir olay üzerinde kendi anlamlarÿnÿ inÿa ettiÿi durumlar, toplumdaki kiÿilerin gözetimindedir. Buradan hareketle, medya söylemi baÿlamsal APA: Koçbaÿ, G. (2020). Analysis on discursive strategies: Example of an article about the Coronavirus. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araÿtÿrmalarÿ Dergisi, (Ö8), 452-470. DOI: 10.29000/ rumelide.817008. Mass media has long been known as a field intrinsic to and related to the studies of cultures. Nowadays, the media have a determined place in the process of construction and circulation of events, particularly with regard to their abundance and their influence on social life and on people's daily lives. It is assumed that the news media possesses a genre of charged speech and the speaker of the message uses specific strategies to create a change in the minds of the interlocutors. In the media, situations are identified under the auspices of social agents in which specific contexts construct their own meanings on an event. Media discourse can also be treated with regard to contextual considerations and it necessarily belongs to the field of linguistics called pragmatics which takes into consideration questions such as "who is speaking?" », « who speaks with whom? ", " When ? " and why ? and other questions relevant to the analysis of interactional discourse. In this work, the research presented is based on a media corpus of quotes taken from an article in the newspaper "Le Monde" on the internet about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) -an epidemic that began in China in 2019 and l World Health Organization (WHO) declared it a pandemic in March 2020-. In this regard, we will try to observe how the discursive strategies reveal an ideological treatment in favor of certain social elements on this famous virus. The objective here is therefore to reveal a different point of view at the level of the production of the speech made by the speaker sometimes with the help of puns and at the level of the interpretation of the speech made by the interlocutors. Adres Osmanaÿa Mahallesi, Mürver Çiçeÿi Sokak, No: 14/8 Kadÿköy / ÿstanbul / TÜRKÿYE e-posta: editor@rumelide.com +90 (505) 795 8 124 / +90 (216) 773 0 616 Address Osmanaÿa District, Mürver Çiçeÿi Street, No: 14/8 Kadÿköy / Istanbul / TURKEY e-mail: editor@rumelide.com +90 (505) 795 8 124 / +90 (216) 773 0 616 Analysis of discursive strategies: example of an article about the Coronavirus / G. Koçbaÿ (pp. 452-470) Öÿr. Gör., Pamukkale Üniversitesi, Yabancÿ Diller Yüksekokulu, Yabancÿ Diller Bölümü (Denizli, Türkiye), gkocbas@pau.edu.tr, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7265-0916 [Makale kayÿt tarihi: 11.09.2020-kabul tarihi: 20.11 .2020; DOI: 10.29000/rumelide.817008] Oz Gamze KOÇBAÿ1 Summary 1 Machine Translated by Google Söylemsel yöntemler üzerine bir çözümleme: Koronavirüs içerikli bir metin örneÿi / G. Koçbaÿ (452-470. c.) Abstract Address Osmanaÿa Mahallesi, Mürver Çiçeÿi Sokak, No: 14/8 Kadÿköy / Istanbul / TURKEY e-mail: editor@rumelide.com +90 (505) 795 8 124 / +90 (216) 773 0 616 Adres Osmanaÿa Mahallesi, Mürver Çiçeÿi Sokak, No: 14/8 Kadÿköy / ÿstanbul / TÜRKÿYE e-posta: editor@rumelide.com +90 (505) 795 8 124 / +90 (216) 773 0 616 Analysis of discursive strategies: example of an article about the Coronavirus The mass media have long existed as a discipline in its own right, a field in which cultural studies hold an important part. Nowadays, the media have a well-established place in the occurrence and dissemination of events, particularly with regard to their pervasiveness and influence on social life as well as on people's daily lives. It is assumed that the news media have a rich form of discourse, and that the speaker of a message uses specific strategies to effect a change in the minds of interlocutors. In the media, situations in which specific contexts build their own meanings around an event are under the observation of people in society. Accordingly, the discourse of media can also be conceived of in terms of contextual considerations, and naturally, it belongs to the field of linguistics called pragmatics, which takes into consideration such questions as "who is speaking?". Anahtar kelimeler: Kitle iletiÿim araçlarÿ, medya söylemi, pragmatik, söylem çözümlemesi, söylemsel yöntemler R umeli DED ilve E debiyat A ra ÿ t ÿ rmalar ÿ D ergisi 2 0 2 0 . Ö 8 (K as ÿ m ) / 4 5 3 Who speaks with whom? ","When? " and “why?”, while at the same time giving rise to other kinds of questions regarding the analysis of interactional discourse. The research in this article is based on a media corpus of quotes taken from an article in the newspaper "Le Monde" on the internet about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) -the epidemic that broke out in China in 2019 and was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a pandemic in March 2020. Within this framework, we will attempt to observe how discursive strategies put an ideological viewpoint on this world-famous virus in favor of certain social elements.The objective of this study, therefore, is to present the diverse viewpoints inherent in the discourse uttered by the speaker -sometimes with the help of puns- both at the level of production and of interpreting the speech made by interlocutors. Keywords: Mass media, media discourse, pragmatics, discourse analysis, discursive strategies deÿerlendirmelerle de ele alÿnabilir ve doÿal olarak; “kim konuÿuyor?”, “kim kiminle konuÿuyor?”, “ne zaman?” ve “neden?” gibi pragmatiÿin (edim bilimin) ilgilendiÿi ve etkileÿimsel söylem çözümlemesinde karÿÿlaÿtÿÿÿmÿz baÿka sorularÿ doÿurur. Bu çalÿÿmada sunulan araÿtÿrma, 2019'da Çin'de baÿlayan bir hastalÿk olan -Dünya Saÿlÿk Örgütü (DSÖ)'nün Mart 2020'de salgÿn olarak ilan ettiÿi- Koronavirüs (COVID-19) ile ilgili alan internetetkies “Le inde ilgili alan” internet gaztekies 9 May 2020 tarihli makaledeki alÿntÿlardan oluÿan bir medya bütüncesine dayanmaktadÿr. Bu baÿlamda, söylemsel yöntemlerin "dünyaya ün salmÿÿ bu virüse iliÿkin" ideolojik bir görüÿü belirli toplumsal unsurlarÿn lehine nasÿl ortaya çÿkardÿÿÿnÿ gözlemlemeye çalÿÿacaÿÿz. Dolayÿsÿyla buradaki amaç, konuÿmacÿnÿn oluÿturduÿu söylemin -bazen Kelime oyunlarÿ yardÿmÿyla- üretim düzeyindeki ve taraflarÿn bu söylem karÿÿsÿnda yaptÿÿÿ yorumlama düzeyindki farkl Machine Translated by Google Introduction Marcel BURGER (2008:27) If the analysis of language facts taken from media discourse does not aim to show the functioning of the media apparatus constructed in discourse, it is wrong to qualify it as discourse analysis and even more so as discourse analysis. media. 454 / RumeliDE Journal of Language and Literature Studies 2020.S8 (November) Analysis of discursive strategies: example of an article about the Coronavirus / G. Koçbaÿ (pp. 452-470) Communication is not only about sharing information, but also knowing how to interpret it. To participate in such verbal exchanges, that is to create and maintain conversational involvement, we need knowledge and skills that go far beyond the grammatical competence we need to decode short and isolated messages. . We cannot automatically respond to everything we hear. During our daily activities, we are exposed to a multitude of signals, far more than we might have time to react to. In this context, according to theoreticians like Austin (1962) who indicated "to speak is to act", like what Grice also evoked in 1975 "to speak is to act rationally", we can also cite Wittgenstein (1953 ) who pointed out that the meaning of linguistic expressions is given by "their use in language games", i.e. when we want some change in someone else, we have to find the best way to ask them . The idea of discourse emphasizes that language is a social and community practice, on the margins of society. The role of discourse is hard to ignore in our daily intellectual pursuits, as it provides a basis for conducting comparative analysis and framing our perceptions about different things. Moreover, discourse often signifies a special awareness of social influences on the use of language and according to Saussure (1968-1974), discourse has a main force which acts behind all kinds of human activities and changes in the social fabric. It is therefore important to distinguish between discourse and the Saussurean concept of speech. Foucoult (1969:135-140) also noted that discourse is indeed distinctly material, producing what he calls 'practices which systematically form the objects of which they speak'. However, for Charaudeau (1984:38), “discourse should not be assimilated to the verbal manifestation of language”. Moreover, the discourse cannot be conceived without the gestural and iconic codes, that is to say the language of the gesture and the language of the image. Considering the importance of the medium in which everyday situations are initiated by social traces and in which specific contexts construct their own meanings on an event, we will focus uploads/Industriel/ 10-29000-rumelide-817008-1366091-pdf.pdf

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