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Published by Harrison Media Group ©COPYRIGHT My Lotto Magic. All Rights Reserved. Why Play the Lotteries? You may be one of the people that thinks that playing the lottery is a waste of your time and money. You may even think that it just requires a high degree of luck to ever win one yourself. Besides, nobody ever really wins anyway do they? While it is true that winning takes a certain degree of luck, the true definition of luck is when preparation meets opportunity. But how can you possibly prepare to play the lottery? Well actually there are a number of things one can do to prepare. We'll discuss some of them in this strategy guide. I have been a serious lottery player for over 25 years. I have spent literally thousands of dollars learning the ropes and gaining the knowledge to win these games. I will share some of that knowledge with you as you read through my guide. Yes people really do win the lotteries. Many are winning hundreds, thousands, and even millions of dollars every day! There are strategies that can have a great impact on your results. Some of these strategies can be very complicated, while others are so simple that they are just common sense. If you want to be a serious player, then you are going to need to learn these strategies. You will need to invest a little time to educate yourself, and it would be wise to do so BEFORE you invest any money to play. You will not find a shortage of “systems” available. The internet is full of websites that promise to give you the edge in your quest to conquer the lottery. Some of these so called systems can cost several hundred dollars and offer very little to no solid information. Buyer beware! The good information is easy to understand, and is easy to put into effect. The good information also takes the complicated mathematical processes and reduces them to a concise, easy to follow format. This is exactly the type of information that I strive to provide for my members. If you are not already a member of my Lotto Magic website, then you may get further information at my website. I provide extensive support to my members. I am always just an email away if you have questions. I respond to all of my email personally and in a very timely manner. Lotto Magic webite Which Type of Lottery to Play? Generally speaking there are five types of lotteries that are offered for play. I only recommend playing in a government sponsored lottery. The reason is that they are audited and certified by third party comptrollers and can be trusted. With that being said, let's examine our options for playing. The most popular game is the pick 6 lottery game. These games are commonly referred to as the “lotto” games. The first versions of these games were referred to as 6/49 games as the goal was to successfully pick the six winning numbers from the 49 possible numbers from 1 to 49. Today these games vary in the number of possible numbers that can be drawn. Some states have games with less than 49 numbers, and some states have games with more than 49 numbers. Obviously the fewer numbers to choose from, the better the chances of winning. The next type of game would be a pick 5 lotto. In these games the object is to select the five winning numbers from a pool of typically 36 numbers. Again some states have fewer possible numbers and some have more. The Pick 4 games are a game where 4 numbers are drawn. Each number drawn can be anything from 0 to 9. The idea of course is to match all four winning numbers drawn. The odds of winning these games are much better (1 in 10,000), but the payoffs are much lower. The Pick 3 would be the little brother to the Pick 4. In this case you only need to match all three digits that are drawn to win. The odds of winning (1 in 1000) these games are much better than the previously mentioned games and therefore carry the lowest payouts. The Pick 3 and Pick 4 games are usually drawn every day, and are commonly known as “daily games”. The newest type of game is a bonus ball lottery drawing. The two most popular bonus ball lottery games are the multi-state games of Powerball and Mega Millions. These games also fall into the category of being a “lotto” type game. These games are very tough to win and therefore carry enormous jackpots. Win one of these guys and you are on easy street! We'll break down each of these games in the following sections of this guide. Pick 3 Daily Game In the pick 3 drawing, the resulting draw will be made from three different machines. I am sure you have seen the machines on television. In this case three machines will each have 10 balls numbered from 0 to 9. When the hatch is opened up on the machine, the air pressure inside the machine forces one of the balls to the top and that ball is labeled with the drawn number. So it is entirely possible that the three winning digits can be identical. There are three types of numbers that can be drawn. A triple number would have identical digits such as 444. A double draw will contain two identical digits such as 424. A regular draw will not have any matching digits such as in 426. The Pick 3 can be won in two ways for the most part. You can match the number drawn exactly for a straight win, or you can match the three numbers drawn in any order for a box win. The straight win is much more difficult to get, so it pays more that the box win. We will discuss the specific methods of betting this game in a later section. Why play the pick three versions of the lottery. It is certainly possible to win a lot more money playing the big lotto games. However, I feel like I can use a lot more logic when playing the three number games. I can cover pairs, key front pair, key back pairs, effectively wheel, and formulate a strategic box scenario rather easily. That by no means is the extent of strategies available to me, but suffice it to say that the three number games offer me many options that I can use to try to create an advantage for my play. Another aspect of the three number games that I like is that many states have two drawings a day. Typically a drawing is held around noon, and then another is held in the early evening. That gives us two chances a day to win! The ultimate reason I prefer the the three number game is because, in my opinion, it offers the best odds for winning any sort of lottery drawing. I say in “my opinion”, because there may be games out there that I am unaware of. We'll talk more about odds, and the method of play in another chapter to come. Seems simple enough right? Pick three numbers out of a possible thirty, and you are a winner. I say thirty because each slot has a potential of coming up any one of ten numbers. This can be done, and I have proven it can be done, month after month, after month, for the last 25+ years. Yes ladies and gentlemen, if you are wanting to win at the lottery, then Pick 3 style games are a place you can do exactly that. Pick 4 Daily Game Many of the states that have a pick three style game, also offer the pick 4 variety. The Pick 4 game is played exactly like the pick three version, except of course there is an extra number position. Now you wouldn't necessarily think that adding the uploads/Industriel/ players-guide.pdf

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