Quicksilver 606 TR-606 CPU Upgrade User Guide Social Entropy Electronic Music I

Quicksilver 606 TR-606 CPU Upgrade User Guide Social Entropy Electronic Music Instruments D650C 128 TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................... BACKGROUND 1 ....................................................................... INTRODUCTION 2 ................................................ DISPLAYING NUMERIC VALUES 3 ....................................................... DIAGRAM CONVENTIONS 4 ........................................... A NOTE ON SAVING TO MEMORY 5 ........ CONTROLLING OPEN HI-HAT DECAY WITH TEMPO KNOB 6 THE BASICS ................................................................. SEQUENCER BASICS 8 ............................................................................................................. STEPS 9 ..................................................................................................... PATTERNS 10 ........................................................................................................ TRACKS 11 ........................................................................................................ MODES 12 ................................................................................................. FUNCTIONS 13 QUICK START .......................................................................... QUICK START 15 ............................................................................................ CONNECTIONS 15 ................................................................................... CONNECTING MIDI 15 ................................................................................ CONNECTING AUDIO 15 ............................................................................... CONNECTING POWER 15 ....................................................................................... CREATE A PATTERN 16 ...................................................................................... MODIFY A PATTERN 16 ........................................................................................... CREATE A TRACK 17 REFERENCE GUIDE ........................................................... PATTERN WRITE MODE 19 ........................................................................................... NORMAL MODE 19 ........................................................ SELECTING THE CURRENT INSTRUMENT 20 ....................................... PROGRAMMING RHYTHM PATTERNS - STEP MODE 20 ......................................... PROGRAMMING RHYTHM PATTERNS - TAP MODE 21 ......................................... RECORDING PATTERNS IN REALTIME USING MIDI 22 .......................................... ADDING ACCENT TO INDIVIDUAL INSTRUMENTS 23 ..................................................................... SELECTING PATTERN SECTIONS 24 .................................................................. SELECTING PATTERNS IN CHAINS 25 ............................................................................... MUTE AND ROLL MODE 26 Quicksilver 606 CPU User Guide ..................................................................... MUTING INSTRUMENT TRACKS 27 .......................................................................................... GLOBAL MUTING 28 .................................................................................................. DRUM ROLL 29 ........................................................................................ ROLL RESOLUTION 30 ........................................................................................ FUNCTION MODE 31 ............................................................................ SETTING PATTERN LENGTH 31 ......................................................................... SETTING PATTERN SECTIONS 31 ................................................................................. EXTENDING A PATTERN 32 ......................................................................... SETTING PATTERN LAST STEP 33 .............................................................................. SETTING PATTERN SCALE 34 .................................................................. ADDING SHUFFLE TO A PATTERN 35 ................................................................................................ CLEAR MODE 36 .................................. CLICKING FOR CLEAR, COPY AND PASTE FUNCTIONS 36 ............................................................................. CLEARING INSTRUMENTS 37 .................................................................................... CLEARING PATTERNS 38 .............................................................................. COPYING INSTRUMENTS 39 ..................................................................................... COPYING PATTERNS 40 ............................................................................... PASTING INSTRUMENTS 41 ....................................................................................... PASTING PATTERNS 42 ................................................................................... INSTRUMENT ROTATE 43 ........................................................................................... PATTERN ROTATE 44 ........................................................................... INSTRUMENT RANDOMIZE 45 .................................................................................. PATTERN RANDOMIZE 46 .................................................................................. INSTRUMENT REVERSE 47 ......................................................................................... PATTERN REVERSE 48 ............................................................................................. PATTERN SYSEX 49 ................................................................................................ TRACK SYSEX 50 ...................................................................... MACHINE STATE SYSEX DUMP 51 .............................................................. PATTERN PLAY MODE 52 ................................................................................... SELECTING PATTERNS 52 ......................................................................... CREATING PATTERN CHAINS 53 ............................................................... RESTARTING A RUNNING PATTERN 54 ............................................................................... MUTE AND ROLL MODE 55 ..................................................................... MUTING INSTRUMENT TRACKS 56 .......................................................................................... GLOBAL MUTING 57 .................................................................................................. DRUM ROLL 58 ........................................................................................ ROLL RESOLUTION 59 ................................................................. TRACK PLAY MODE 60 ....................................................................................... SELECTING TRACKS 60 ......................................................... DISPLAYING THE CURRENT TRACK STEP 61 .................................................................... RESTARTING A PLAYING TRACK 61 ............................................................................... MUTE AND ROLL MODE 62 Quicksilver 606 CPU User Guide ....................................................................... VIEWING TRACK STEP MUTES 63 .......................................................................................... GLOBAL MUTING 64 .................................................................................................. DRUM ROLL 65 ........................................................................................ ROLL RESOLUTION 66 .............................................................. TRACK WRITE MODE 67 ....................................................................................... SELECTING TRACKS 67 ................................................................................... SELECTING PATTERNS 68 .................................................................. SELECTING THE PATTERN GROUP 68 ......................................................................... CREATING PATTERN CHAINS 69 ......................................................... CHANGING THE CURRENT TRACK STEP 70 ...................................................................................... TRACK STEP MUTES 71 ........................................................................................ FUNCTION MODE 72 ...................................................................... SETTING TRACK STEP REPEATS 72 ...................................................................... SETTING THE LAST TRACK STEP 73 ................................................................................................ CLEAR MODE 74 ........................................................................................ CLEARING TRACKS 74 ................................................................................................ TRACK COPY 75 ................................................................................................ TRACK PASTE 75 ..................................................................................... TRACK SYSEX DUMP 76 ...................................................................... MACHINE STATE SYSEX DUMP 77 ...................................................................... CONFIG MODE 78 .............................................................. MIDI NOTE INPUT DISABLE/ENABLE 79 ......................................................................................... MIDI SYNC INPUT 80 ........................................................... MIDI NOTE OUTPUT DISABLE/ENABLE 81 ...................................................................................... MIDI SYNC OUTPUT 82 ................................................................................. MIDI CONTROL MODE 83 ...................................................................................................... USB MIDI 84 .................................................................................................. MIDI LEARN 85 ......................................................................... SAVE MEMORY TO EEPROM 86 ........................................................................................ CLEAR ALL TRACKS 87 ..................................................................................... CLEAR ALL PATTERNS 88 .................................................................................. MIDI INPUT CHANNEL 89 ............................................................................... MIDI OUTPUT CHANNEL 90 .............................................................................................. LED DIMMING 91 ...................................................................... DISPLAYING THE OS VERSION 92 ... USING THE QUICKSILVER 606 AS A MIDI SOUND MODULE 93 ...................................... UPDATING THE OPERATING SYSTEM 94 ....................................................... MIDI Implementation Chart 95 ......................................... MIDI Control Mode Button Mapping 96 Quicksilver 606 CPU User Guide BACKGROUND The Quicksilver 606 CPU upgrade is closely related to the Quicksilver 303 CPU. The TB-303 and TR-606 share much of the same digital control circuitry, allowing a similar set of features to be added to both machines With the Quicksilver 606 we wanted to introduce some awesome new performance oriented features, at the same time we also added all of the utility functions that make the machine fit into a modern workflow. Although the sounds of the 606 have no edit capability, they serve as the perfect companion to the 303 for a compact electronic music setup. For on the fly performance and composition, the Quicksilver 606 and Quicksilver 303 take this relationship even further Quicksilver 606 CPU 1 User Guide INTRODUCTION Quicksilver 606 is all about taking a good thing and making it better. More expressive, more controllable and perfect for live performance. The original TR-606 is unique among the older analog drum machines because it allowed switching between PATTERN PLAY and PATTERN WRITE modes without stopping the sequencer. This makes the TR-606 a very immediate and easy to use machine. We took this foundation and expanded upon it, allowing everything to be done while the sequencer is running. One of the most exciting features of the Quicksilver 606 is MUTE AND ROLL MODE, this mode is meant to be used as a live “scratchpad” for dynamic variation and performance. Another great new feature is the capability to accent individual instruments. This one feature alone really opens up the possibilities for creating expressive sequences. With full MIDI capabilities, the Quicksilver 606 also becomes a useful drum sequencer for other machines. This allows the same intuitive control over any MIDI drum machine. The Quicksilver 606 focuses on manipulation of INSTRUMENTS and PATTERNS separately, much like the Quicksilver 303 allows independent manipulation of TIME and PITCH. This means that every function can be performed on either a single INSTRUMENT or an entire PATTERN. Most TR-606 users stay in PATTERN mode and never venture into TRACK MODE, but we have also changed the TRACK MODE quite a bit, and tried to make it easier to create interesting sequences of patterns. Everyone should try TRACK MODE at least once to see what they are missing! Quicksilver 606 CPU 2 User Guide DISPLAYING NUMERIC VALUES Because the 606 interface does not have an LCD screen, the 16 step LEDs are used to display numeric values. Using this unary numbering method, any number greater than 16 (such as track step numbering) will use a blinking pattern LED to denote a multiple of 16. For example, to display the value “4”, the step 4 LED illuminates. To display the value “24”, the step 1 LED blinks and the step 8 LED illuminates. Quicksilver 606 CPU 3 User Guide The number "4" represented on the 606 step LEDs. The number "24" represented on the 606 step LEDs. FUNCTION SCALE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DEL INS STEP RESET II I 1 2 3 4 TEMPO TRACK INSTRUMENT SLOW FAST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RUN RUN BATTERY PATTERN CLEAR BAR RESET STOP / NEXT WRITE CENT MODE VOLUME OFF MAX POWER SW WRITE TRACK PLAY PATTERN PLAY WRITE RUN STOP (DP-2) INPUT SYNC TRIGGER OUT HEADPHONE OUTPUT DC 9V 303 TB TR 606 RUN RUN BATTERY PATTERN CLEAR BAR RESET STOP / PATTERN GROUP NEXT WRITE / TAP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LAST STEP 9 0 100 200 D.C. D.S. Drumatix OUTPUT AC ASS B RUM D NARE S RUM D L.H. OM T MBAL CY O.C. I HAT H HT LT 8 CH OH CY HT LT SD BD AC FUNCTION SCALE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DEL INS STEP RESET II I 1 2 3 4 TEMPO TRACK INSTRUMENT SLOW FAST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RUN RUN BATTERY PATTERN CLEAR BAR RESET STOP / NEXT WRITE CENT MODE VOLUME OFF MAX POWER SW WRITE TRACK PLAY PATTERN PLAY WRITE RUN STOP (DP-2) INPUT SYNC TRIGGER OUT HEADPHONE OUTPUT DC 9V 303 TB TR 606 RUN RUN BATTERY PATTERN CLEAR BAR RESET STOP / PATTERN GROUP NEXT WRITE / TAP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 BAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 LAST STEP 9 0 100 200 D.C. D.S. Drumatix OUTPUT AC ASS B RUM D NARE S RUM D L.H. OM T MBAL CY O.C. I HAT H HT LT 8 CH OH CY HT LT SD BD AC DIAGRAM CONVENTIONS Throughout this document, diagrams are used to illustrate the buttons used to perform various actions. To illustrate that a button should be pressed and held, the button will be displayed as RED. To illustrate that a button should be pressed and released (clicked), the button will be displayed as WHITE. Example: When multiple buttons are used to perform an action, the diagram will use a plus sign to show the combination of buttons used. Example: Quicksilver 606 CPU 4 User Guide This shows a button being HELD This shows a button being CLICKED This shows two buttons being HELD at the same time FUNCTION SCALE 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DEL INS STEP RESET II I 1 2 3 4 TEMPO TRACK INSTRUMENT SLOW FAST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 RUN RUN BATTERY PATTERN CLEAR BAR RESET STOP / NEXT uploads/Industriel/ qs606-user-guide-v101a.pdf

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