GRACE VALE BAPTIST CHURCH COMMITTEE ON CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Sunday School DISCIPLESHIP GUIDES for Adults Prepared by: RUSHKEN R. CONSUMO 2022 CHAPTER ONE The Discipleship Starter Pack LESSON 1 Good LIFE: Deal or No Deal? The Conditions Before Following Jesus LESSON 2 Good Listener (Teachable Heart) Before Making Disciples, Become a Disciple First Before Becoming a Disciple, Listen First LESSON 3 Good Investor (Goal Oriented Mindset) LESSON 4 Good Follower (100% Commitment to Jesus) LESSON 5 Good Endurance (Persevering Character) LESSON 1 GOOD LIFE: DEAL OR NO DEAL? The Conditions before Following Jesus Objectives: At the end of the Sunday School class 1. Learners will be able to share their own idea about the good life; 2. They will be able to understand what is self-denial and cross-carrying; and 3. They will be able to know that gaining eternal security is our utmost priority in life. Materials: chalk board, pentel pen, meta-strips, cartolina or manila paper Introduction We all want to live “a good life”. Kung sa tagalog pa “magandang buhay”, mayad ukon manami nga kabuhi. Nagahandum kita sang kabuhi nga masadya kag malipayon, ang di-a baling kanami sa balatyagon nga nagahatagan na sang katumanan ang aton mga handum sa kabuhi. Pero, nahibaluan man naton nga ang aton mga kabuhi indi lang puro mga manami. Kag kon nagasige-sige gani nga indi manami ang nagakalatabo sa aton kabuhi, nagakapaslawan kita, nagakadulaan kita sang paglaom, sang kalipay, sang energy, sang gana. Kaisa ang iban nagakadepressed na ukon grabe ang kasubo tungod indi nila gusto ukon wala sila nanamian sa ila kahimtangan tulad, ang ila gusto nga matabo sa ila kabuhi wala nahimo, wala natuman. Gani, ano gid bala ang manami nga pagkabuhi ukon good life? Abi pamangkuton naton ang aton mga kaugalingon, ano gid bala para sa akon ang isa ka manami nga pagkabuhi? Lain-lain ang aton gusto nga matabo ukon makuha sa kabuhi. Ano bala ang nagasulod sa imo isip kon pagahambalan ang ideya sang isa ka “good life” ukon manami nga kabuhi? Mahapus lang sabton, sugpunan lang naton ang sentence: “Mangin tuman ang akon kalipay kung ako may …” a husband/wife stable job children more time a family the right church friends wealth health a nice house Transition Nagapati kita nga kon maagum naton ini nga mga handum kag mga bagay, ini magadala sa kabuhi nga manami ukon good life. Pero amo lang gid man bala ini tanan ang aton tagaan sang aton bug-os nga atensyon? Himuon naton ang tanan makuha lang ini, bisan ano pa ang baylo ukon kabayaran sini, indi bala? Dayon nasumalang naton si Jesus sa aton dalan ukon pagpanlakaton sa kabuhi. Nagsulod sia sa aton kabuhi kag naghambal, “Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow me.” Ining ginhambal ni Hesus sa Lucas 9:18-27, specifically sa verse 23, natabo kung sa diin madamo na sang ginhimo kag ginpakita si Jesus nga makatilingala nga mga butang sa mga katawhan: nagpang-ayo sang mga nagamasakit… Discussion 1. WHAT IS SELF-DENIAL? 2. IS ACHIEVING OUR PERSONAL DESIRES IN LIFE RIGHT OR WRONG? 3. WHAT DOES JESUS MEAN WHEN HE COMMANDED US “TO CARRY OUR CROSSES”? 4. WHAT FACTORS IN YOUR LIFE PULLS YOU BACK IN CHOOSING TO CARRY YOUR CROSS? Conclusion A good follower is one who fully submits his life to his master and making him his/her the number one priority above everything else. The conditions are laid down by Jesus already, that before you decide to follow him, there are costs – to deny yourself and carry your cross. Aiming or desiring something is not wrong as long as you give more value to the welfare of your soul. In the end, our ultimate goal is not getting what we want in life but securing our faith and salvation. Achieving a good life would make us feel successful and fulfilled, but the really really good life is the life after this life, when we spend eternity with Christ. So, while we still have more time, let us always fix our eyes to Jesus. References: Steve Timmis, I Wish Jesus Hadn’t Said That LESSON 2 GOOD LISTENER Before Making Disciples, Become a Disciple First Before Becoming a Disciple, Listen First Objectives: At the end of the Sunday school class 1. Learners will be able to differentiate the terms Christian, believer and a disciple; 2. They will be able to differentiate hearing from listening; and 3. They will be able to know the importance of having a teachable heart. Materials: chalk board, pentel pen, meta-strips, cartolina or manila paper Review of the Previous Lesson Questions: WHAT ARE THE CONDITIONS JESUS LAID DOWN FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO FOLLOW HIM? Answer: Self-denial and cross-carrying: A good follower is one who submits everything to his master and making him his/her number one priority. WHAT IS FAR GREATER THAN THE GOOD LIFE THAT WE WANT TO HAVE? Answer: In the end, our ultimate goal is not getting what we want in life but securing our faith and salvation. Achieving a good life would make us feel successful and fulfilled, but the really really good life is the life after this life, when we spend eternity with Christ. So, while we still have more time, let us always fix our eyes to Jesus. Introduction Game: Bible Location 1. Mark 1:17 (Mark 1:1-20) 2. Matthew 28:19 (Matthew 28:1-20) 3. Hebrews 5:12 (Hebrews 5:1-14) 4. Luke 8:15 (Luke 8:1-15) Ang pinakauna nga pagtawag ni Cristo sa mga tawo nga iya gintumod kag ginpili nga mangin kabulig niya sa pagpanglab-ot sa mga katawhan sa bug-os nga kalibutan paagi sa pagwali sang Pulong sang Dios isa ka “Call to Discipleship.” Ini aton ginbasa kaina sa Marcos 1:17. Sang nagligad nga dominggo aton natun-an kon ano gid ang ginapangayo sa mga nagdesisyon nga magsunod kay Kristo nga amo ang pagtalikod sa aton kaugalingon kag pagpas-an sang aton krus. Ginapakita sa aton ang mga posible nga baylo ukon bayad kon kita magsunod kay Kristo, kon masarangan gid man bala naton talikdan kag kalimtan ang aton personal nga interes, kag unahon ang pagsunod kay Kristo. Transition WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE TERMS CHRISTIAN, BELIEVER AND A DISCIPLE? The terms Christian and disciple should be synonymous. But according to J. Oswald Sanders, they are not the same. Today, one may be regarded as a Christian even if he demonstrates a few, if any signs of progress in discipleship. Tungod kay baptized ka na ukon myembro sang isa ka Christian church, para sa iban ok na ina nga ma-identify sila as “Christians” pero wala may pagtubo in terms of discipleship. In the New Testament, the word disciple occurred 269 times, Christian only 3 times, and believers 2 times. This surely tells us that the task of the church is not so much to make “Christians” or “believers” but “disciples”. A disciple must, of course, be a believer; but according to Christ’s conditions of discipleship in Luke 14:25-33, and not all believers are disciples. The word disciple means “a learner”, “tumuluon”, “gintuton-an”. Pero ang madalom sini nga kahulogan amo nga “isa ka tumuluon nga nagabaton sang pagtudlo ni Kristo, indi lang sa pagpati sang iya ginahambal kundi makita ini sa pagkabuhi ukon life-style. Matthew 28:19-20 Discussion Scripture Reference A: Hebrews 5:12 Guide Questions: 1. WHAT DO SOME OF US NEED BEFORE WE CAN BECOME TEACHERS OF OTHERS? 2. WHY DO SOME STILL NEED OTHERS TO TEACH THEM THE BASICS OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE BEEN IN THE CHURCH FOR YEARS? “Become a Disciple before Making Disciples” “Mangin Gintuton-an antes Maghimo sang mga Gintuton-an” Scripture Reference B: Luke 8:4-15 Guide Questions: 1. WHAT ARE THE FOUR TYPES OF PEOPLE IN THE PARABLE? a. “footpath” people b. “rocky soil” people c. “thorn patch” people d. “good soil” people 2. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN “HEARING” AND “LISTENING”? a. Hearing is simply the act of perceiving sounds by the ear. b. Listening requires concentration so that your brain processes meaning from words and sentences heard, even gestures and facial expressions from the speaker. Listening leads to learning. There are 4 Types of Listening: 1. Passive one-way, no feedback 2. Competitive receiver only listens to needed information 3. Active two-way, feedback given 4. Reflective receiver interprets speaker’s feelings Conclusion There is no such thing as short-term discipleship. Nga kon matak-an ka na, nabudlayan na kag nalisdan sa pag-alagad, dayon ka magback-out, u-turn, escape or walk out. Ginplastar na sa aton ni Hesus ang mga costs ukon baylo sang pagsunod sa iya nga amo ang mga kabudlayan, kabug-atan, mga cross nga aton pagapas-anon, mga personal nga huyog nga aton talikdan. And when we say yes, we should always remind ourselves that we said yes, “Yes, Lord, I will follow you.” Indi kita mangin kaangay sang iban nga sumulunod ni Kristo sa Juan 6:66… Ang matuodtuod nga gintuton-an ni Kristo amo ang nagakabig sang iya kaugaligon nga kulang pa ang iya nahibaluan gani bukas ang iya paminsaron kag tagipusuon sa pagtuon kag paghibalo pa gid. Sa Mateo 5:3 nagsiling si Jesus… Bulahan ang nagakilala nga ginakulang sila uploads/Industriel/ study-guide 55 .pdf

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