DarkYeti’s Doomsday Guide Starting the Season Doomsday Investment Plan Purchase

DarkYeti’s Doomsday Guide Starting the Season Doomsday Investment Plan Purchase the weekly DD Privilege Package ($10 USD). With this package you get: ● A specialty reset that can be used during the week ● 100K composite materials plus 10k composite materials per day ● 1K stone ● 100 serum plus 20 extra serum per day ● +10 territory cap and -10 minutes tile abandon time ● A ticket each day that give 100% honor increase for 30 minutes. ● 50% increased processing speed ● 50% increased march speed to tiles ● 20% increased heal speed at virus centers If you have some money to spend on DD, I can not stress how much an advantage this package gives for the relatively low price. If you can’t purchase it every week, purchase it early so you can get a jump on tiles and processing plants levels (with the composite materials) and then you can purchase it later if you need a specialty reset. Normally specialty resets are $50, but you can get a limited reset that you can use during the investment week for only $10 plus you get all the extra privileges as well. Processing Plants Level processing plants together until level 13 and not go higher until later in the season. Level 13 is a sweet spot in the processing speed of the plants. After level 13 through level 17 you only get +1250 per hour increases in speed, but from level 9-10 you get +1500 per hour and 11-13 you get +2000 per hour increases. Waiting to level up your plants until later in the season may allow you reap additional benefits from the honor gained if you spec into the green tree (explained later). Over 70% of the honor from these structures comes from leveling them to 14-20 and the processing plants have the lowest composite material cost for the honor gained of any structure. If you play this right, you can up your overall DD level by at least 3-4 levels at the end of the season just by upgrading your processing plants. Unlock Guardian & Assault Fortresses At some point between the start of the season and the start of duels you need to unlock your Guardian and Assault Fortresses for AC 2-4. This only needs done once and these structures will remain unlocked for the rest of the season. You will need to spec 24 points in the Blue tree straight down. After this is done you can spec back. Stone Stone is the currency of DD. Everyone should donate daily to alliance technology with both resources and diamonds. Alliance Contribution should be saved mainly for stone in the alliance store as this is the only way to get stone. Target having at least 100K stone at the start of the season if not more. Early Season Focus Immunity Specialty For the first few weeks of DD everyone should focus on leveling up their virus centers as quickly as possible. Stick with the Construction (Blue) Specialty. On the right side of the Construction Specialty is virus immunity. With each 5/5 United Research you complete you get +300 immunity (same as 3 virus center levels). Depending on your overall DD level and the number of times you have available to reset your specialty you will likely want to split your specialty between immunity (right side) and extra processing (left side). In general, if you have the DD investment plan with +50% processing speed, having just one extra processing queue will allow you to mostly keep up with your tile harvests. So for example if your DD level is at least 46 you can spec 10 points on the processing side and 36 points on the immunity side while if your level is at least 57 you can spec 47 points in immunity and 10 points in processing. Tile Mix Although tile availability may be a factor, Target at least 3 to 1 or even 4 to 1 tiles that produce sample to tiles that produce composite materials. So for example if you had 80 tiles total (In State and Cross State) go for at least 60 farm/forest/water tiles and only 20 oil/ore tiles. Later in the season when you get your immunity to 4800 switch to a higher mix of composite materials tiles. Target Immunity Level Ultimately everyone should target to be able to take level 12 tiles even when not specced into immunity (Blue Right Specialty). To get to this level you need: ● Virus 1 - Level 18 ● Virus 2 - Level 11 ● Virus 3 - Level 10 ● Virus 4 - Level 9 This will get your immunity to 4801 with the lowest amount of virus samples required and allow you take level 12 tiles without any poison damage. For the vast majority of alliance members this is all that is needed. Only members that specialize in higher tiles will really need to upgrade their virus centers higher than this. Alliance Member Specialization As the season progresses into duels each member must pick a specialization path. Ideally this should be determined as early in the season as possible. High Tile Specialty (2-3 Bases per Alliance) We only need a small number of bases to be able to take higher level tiles. These players should mainly stay specced into blue immunity and work to be able to capture level 16 tiles in the shortest amount of time possible. In the first half of the season other alliance members should help them path to virus sample producing tiles so that they can maintain their full tile allotments. In general, the bases that get to highest level tiles first will be the ones that stay on the tile specialization path. Destruction Specialty (Majority of Bases) Once you can take level 12 tiles most bases should switch to the destruction specialty (Blue Up). This will allow them to quickly capture occupied tiles with vehicles in just one hit. This is extremely important when pathing to the enemy AC1. At least 19 points will need to be put into destructruction to make it worthwhile. This will allow a max APC of T9 vehicles to have 501 destructive power, just enough to take an occupied tile with a single hit. In addition to this significant advantage, 19 points will also get you the instant recall skill. Instant Recall - for 1000 diamonds you can instantly recall an APC after it has reached its target. With this skill you don’t have to wait for the travel time it would normally take for an APC to return and can immediately recall the APC and send it out again. Again this is extremely useful when pathing to and attacking structure at the enemy AC1. If you are able to go further into destruction you can also get: ● Truce - Allows you to shield one of your honor structures every 8 hours for 10-15 minutes making it unable to be attacked. This is a critical defense capability and can be used to shield and push back paths that make it to structure at our AC1. Ideally we should have players set up in a wall that can activate this skill all at the same time to completely block the enemy for a time. ● Demolition - Allow you to get up to +50 destruction on your APCs for 15 minutes ● Siege Hammer - Allows one APC to get 1-10X its normal destructive power in a single hit. As a secondary spec for destruction bases, consider the Green Spec for extra march speed. This can give up to +45% speed to Territories or Honor Structures. Preference would be towards territories first and structures second. 17 points is required for one and 26 points for both. For example, if you had at least an overall DD level of 47 and can take 12s without needing any extra immunity, spec 21 points in Blue destruction (to get to Truce) and 26 points in Green mach speed. Combat Flag Specialty (2-3 bases per alliance) At the top of the red tree are two very useful skills ● Pioneer Flag - Allows the base to place a flag that reduces to durability of all APC within 5 tiles by up to 50%. This can half the cost of sending All APCs by everyone in the alliance to the area around the flag. ● Raider Flag - Increases destructive power by 10% of all attacks within 5 tiles of the flag. To get both skills requires 47 points. In addition to the flag skills, the Red spec greatly increases the combat power of either vehicles, shooter, or fighters depending on the path taken. With 47 points you get Might +36%, Resistance +18%, +10% damage dealt, and -10% damage received for the paths shown to the diagram. Combat/Destruction Hybrid Specialty Stronger bases should consider a hybrid specialty by putting at least 28 points into Combat specialty to get combat buffs on at least one troop uploads/Ingenierie_Lourd/ darkyeti-x27-s-doomsday-guide-starting-the-season.pdf

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